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Everything posted by CSHS1979

  1. John went mirrorless for this trip, but stayed with Canon and an adapter. The expensive lens isn't long, it's just really heavy. Look him up when you board
  2. Lenses? John paid that for one and he never uses it because it's to heavy🤣🤣 It's a ridiculous hobby.
  3. John says shutter speed and iso can be ser on his phone, not sure about rest. Aperture is set depending which of the 4 lenses you select
  4. Danielle had his own show tonight. 20240320_065900.mp4 20240320_070852.mp4 20240320_065958.mp4 20240320_071122.mp4
  5. San Juan, or maybe Guantanamo. Crew on helo can stabilize on the way. Kinda doubt they would have taken someone to Haitian hospital before the current situation 😕
  6. Hope they don't cancel swimming with pugs. Those pugs need to eat.
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