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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. It’s cooled down good and we’re cruising past the Isle of Wight
  2. We’d be waving but it’s a warm 83*F outside..so we’re in the cabin watching the boat traverse the inlet, out to Isle of Wight.
  3. Captain Tim Stringer just came on the speaker and talked for a solid 10 minutes about saillaway haha Honestly never heard a captain say so much..then again, never sailed with a captain who was English-first-language.
  4. No..but we weren’t even close to the first group..our boarding time was 1:30-2..and we came at exactly 2…walked right through the entire process (They checked our passports, we picked up medallions, we tapped in on the ship and they took our security photo)
  5. And just like that! We’re aboard! heading to Alfredo’s for our lunch.
  6. Yup, and I’m a cheap **** the bus was perfectly fine..no matter what you took, that traffic would have screwed you.
  7. Damn traffic sucks! they accounted for it though because they said they’ll have us there at 1; and google maps agrees. this traffic rivals my Bay Area california commute.
  8. holy HELL this bus is a sauna! they’re not allowed to have engines running while in the station (cuz it’s basically indoors) so there’s no AC running and we’re DYING!
  9. whew! what a walk from the Victoria Underground Station, to the Victoria Coach Station! (With two big suitcases in tow!) it’s an absolute madhouse here at Victoria Coach! I seen the “Princess” contracted bus que and it’s PACKED..we’re technically on the same bus (going to Southampton bus station though) and it only cost us 20pounds each (round trip) getting on the bus now
  10. Wakey wakey! we literally passed out last night at 6pm, and slept all the way until 7am this morning! Haha got up and around and grabbed some breakfast from McDonalds across the street…yeah I know what you’re saying..you travel all the way across the world, and get MCDONALDS for breakfast!? YES! Because they have things we don’t! we got a breakfast sandwich on a REGULAR burger bun and it had Egg/Bacon/Sausage/Ham/Cheese WITH the “brown sauce” (tastes like the HP steaksauce) It was good AF! After breakfast we took the Picadilly Line Tube up to Kings Cross; to see “Platform 9.75”. Now we’re back in the room relaxing for a few until we have to leave out of here at 9:30; to head toward Victoria Station, to catch National Express. im attaching a picture of an interesting flavor of crisps that I bought.
  11. Whew! What a day today was! usually I’m a fat slob that MIIIGHT walk 1000 steps in a day…we did 13,000 today!! we literally were GO GO GO. We seen Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abby, Big Ben, Parliament, and The London Eye! We are DEAD tired (and it’s only 5:45pm!) we’re going to try to stay up as late as we can, so we can get a full 8-10 hours of sleep. Our bus leaves out of Victoria Station at 10:30am tommorow, so we need to be up early and ready to go. Heres some pictures from today
  12. Made it to our hotel finally Whew! It’s a warm, humid day here on London! The flight wasn’t bad at all. The food was good (we got a dinner then a breakfast) watched a couple movies and maybe slept an hour, lol Were cooling off in the room for a minute, trying to decide where to eat; then we’ll be off to see sites.
  13. Just got parked at Anza Parking; waiting for airport shuttle..traffic from Central Valley wasn’t too bad; a tidy 2 hours. We were going to use ParkSFO; but they wanted like $250 for 16 days; and Anza was only $150. (And we usually park here anyway)
  14. Yup, will definitely post about it..knock on wood it’s good 🙂
  15. Thanks! nah; they didn’t bother to ship them..we just pick them up at the terminal (last few cruises have been like this)
  16. Ahh that’s not a bad idea..since all those things are close, we could do them, then ride up the river to the Tower Of London, to see the Crown Jewels.
  17. Nice! That’s good to hear; this is our first time on Virgin (and almost first time in anything other than cheapo economy; flew to Hawaii a few years ago in first on Hawaiian Airlines, on a sweetheart of an upgrade deal; then one other time we flew SFO->CLT in domestic first, same type of cheap upgrade offered)
  18. Thanks! Yeah I thought it was funny they were doing this exact cruise a couple weeks before us (we’ve had this cruise booked since last summer)
  19. Thanks for the tip! We’ll definitely give it a go
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