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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. Unfortunately I ordered that food and it said “delivered” but never actually was…I watched The King’s Man (prequel to Kingsmen movies) and re-ordered..I’m fuxking starving and now my sleep cycle is absolutely shot to hell; but that doesn’t really matter because our flight home isn’t freakin until 8pm!! (Not by choice, originally it was at 2pm; but they cancelled that flight entirely and only offer 8pm departure from FLL -> SFO) Hopefully at least THIS time my food comes
  2. So back in the room at 3am! If I didn’t say it earlier; They were turning back a ton of guys in the MDR, because they weren’t wearing pants (first time I’ve EVER seen this actually enforced) played in the casino tonight, literally betting only $5 and getting booze with some other fine gents. lost $200 over the course of about 5 hours.. tommorow is a sea day; so we’re going to sleeeeep the faaack in! Deal or No Deal is at 1:30pm; so that’s all we have to wake up for. The funny thing is; in the MDR they said lobster is “tommorow night”..but when I look on the TV; it says Shrimp & Steak..this will be a new thing if they don’t serve lobster on a cruise in the MDR… got room service ordered up and queing up a movie.
  3. Main course grilled shrimp and seared scallops kris got the “traditional” thanksgiving dinner served in the MDR
  4. lol so THIS is the two hour dinner service that they were speaking of.. been here 30 minutes and only have our soda’s…
  5. I can’t believe the technology on this ship is SO bad..they tout the “Medallion” technology..but it’s **** TERRIBLE and everyone on the ship (employees) are completely technically illiterate. So it’s quite literally blind leading us. makes me laugh (from a software engineer standpoint) that the WALMART of cruising (carnival) has the absolute BEST app.
  6. What the ABSOLUTE **** so the TV in the room is so screwed up.. lobster menu is TOMMOROW night Now I’m literally saying “I put on pants for this!?”
  7. So this is a first! we went to MDR and were denied entry because I had on shorts (nice pair of golf shorts) so we ran back up to the room and I put on the single pair of pants I brought (it was cold AF in SFO when we flew out)
  8. Just sitting down to buffet (for Kris) they did not have the whole-bird; just turkey breast. (And Kris said it’s dry) I grabbed a shrimp cocktail, as that’s what I’d of got as an appetizer in the MDR next anyway. will get the pic from her in a few My observation of Costa Maya is..unfortunately it’s the worlds garbage dump..the beach shores are COVERED in garbage that has washed up. (Sadly) Here’s kris’s first turkey dinner (she said the turkey wasn’t good so we may stop in the other MDR that has the thanksgiving dinner menu vs. lobster)
  9. They absolutely do allow smoking; and some people that sound like they SHOULDNT smoke..do
  10. So we’re back onboard now..time for a well deserved nap! see y’all at dinner
  11. My pleasure. I actually have no idea what “Speed” Soduku is…(I barely know what Soduku is, haha) Where would I find out? The Patter?
  12. Holy *****! Haha so the weather flipped on a dime! huge rain cloud just came over and it’s dumping rain!
  13. No one has to “silently grin and bear it”..they’re not held hostage or indentured servitude are they?? same as me; I wouldn’t scream blue-murder, I’d just find other employment, simple as that. if you can’t find other employment; well, that might be a *you* problem that you should try to fix first
  14. So we just had lunch here at Maya Chan..extremely “meh” (taco buffet with choice or tortillas and meats; but that’s it.) It seems everyone is here for the booze..but what they don’t realize is they’re getting rotgut and/or watered down rotgut. (For $60 believe me; it sure ain’t brand name)
  15. We’re currently ON the Sky..I’ll post the menu tonight (it’s formal night, so one MDR has lobster, the other has the “traditional” thanksgiving dinner)
  16. Hello from Maya Chan, in Sunny Costa Maya Mexico! just off the top; for us; I’ll say Paradise Beach Club was HANDS DOWN better than here (clearer ocean water, a full service menu for whenever you want, and a pool in case you don’t want the ocean) Here at Maya Chan; it’s a taco buffet when they have it ready; and there’s nothing else to eat until then. Also; if you come before noon, expect to be in DIRECT sun until the sun goes high in the sky (this beach and all the chairs/loungers face the morning sun) but on the good part; solid 5Mbps WiFi..so; at least there’s that.
  17. the long story is..so we play table max on cruise lines Heads Up Hold Em game. (Link to description: https://wizardofodds.com/games/heads-up-hold-em/ Now, the sign on the table says $5-$25, so this averages out to $150 per hand, with Ante + Blind + Trips + “play bet” (which is either 3x the ante, 2x the ante, or 1x the ante) HOWEVER, on the pit computer, it shows this game as being $10-$50..and I looked at the other tables and they’re all matching computer-to-signage Now; when the floor supervisor was entering in a new player to the table, I noticed it said our average was $10…literally the lowest possible (since the computer thought it was a $10 game)..this actually works out not TOO bad for a $5 table minimum player (which is honestly still a $25 average, as it’s $5+$5+$5+$10; but you COULD play it at a $20 minimum average if you left out the trips bet..which no one ever does) So I asked the floor two questions… Q:. Why does it show this game as a $10-$50 game in the computer; but the signage on the table clearly shows $5-$25? A: Ohh it’s the computer and it’s something else (he really had no idea, I could tell, so I didn’t push that one any farther) Q: Why does my average say $10; when this entire cruise I have never bet less than green chips everywhere? A: (Hurriedly) Ohh I just changed it to $25 My response: But the problem is, you’ve been here the whole night with me; so why was it $10 all? I mean I honestly know it’s no sweat off my ass because table games don’t give any real “comps” anyway; but the least you could do is rate me correctly..I mean don’t you treat people as you wanted to be treated? Maybe even better? His retort: it’s all in the computers calculation. Don’t worry about it the problem is; these poor “peon” employees (and I’ll call them that, because they have ZERO authority other than to do EXACTLY what they’re told WITHOUT question) have been told by SOMEONE to only rate table players for the absolute minimum possible (ie: to give out the least amount of “comps” or cost the company as least as possible) So, the only way if you want to gamble at all on a cruise ship; is play machines (where they can’t **** up your rating because the machines can’t lie) or play stone cold table minimum and don’t think you’ll get even a nickle worth of “comps” (like a normal US based casino would give to any gambler) IE: the best way to do it; is play $5 in a slot machine (to earn exactly ONE point) then for your next cruise, call the casino department directly and ask for “Casino Rate” (they’ll give it to you, as you’re a “player”) Not holding anything back, I’m down $10,200 to gambling this cruise..when I told my table mates that they’re like “HOLY FUXK! They must give you all sort of free cruises and perks!” Nope! It’s because we play this table game and the casino employees have an “Us” vs. “Them” attitude programmed into them. Ultimately I feel sorry for them; as like I said before..Do unto others…that’s what has gotten me into the position to BE ABLE TO SAY I’m down $10,200 and not be upset (too much) about it.
  18. So, we’re back in the room now getting the usual midnight snack haha. found some interesting (I guess not surprising) info in the casino tonight. TLDR is, don’t play any more than table minimum on cruise line table games, period. Long story in the next post..
  19. For sure 🙂 Were in Princess Live right now waiting for Liars Club to start. After that, it’s 5 Skies in the main showroom; then bedtime as we LOSE an hour tonight and it’s an early thanksgiving getting off to go to Maya Chan. On a side note; I FIGURED the internet would at least let me get to yahoo mail..nope..won’t actually load the site (all the confirmations for our excursions are in our email) luckily I sort of remember where to go; and that they’ll wait 2 hours after the boat docks. (So I think by 10am)
  20. My pleasure! I actually got a picture of the TV to show it to the beverage manager when I get a chance (not that he’ll have a clue why the TV shows it, because the TV is programmed by a kid in a backroom in India) dinner pictures also included minestrone, Cesar’s salad, Veal Scallopini dinner service in an hour in exactly 60 minutes! (Including desert)
  21. So here we are in the MDR (for the first time, lol) at 6:10 (originally reserved for 7:30 each night; but for some reason our sail away was supposed to be 5:30; but ended up not being until 6pm). We were going to the casino from 6-7:30…but when we went down to the casino at 6, it was a ghost town (no employees at all; which means another hour before they open the tables) as we were sailing away, it was the Vista next to us, Not the pride. this WiFi absolutely BLOWS and I pity fuxers who pay for it (other than getting it “included” in the plus package) if you depended on it to work at all, you’d be pure SOL.
  22. View from the balcony as we pull anchor from Belize (that’s the Carnival Pride with us)
  23. We’ll definitely be doing the buffet tommorow night, as my wife likes the (what I call it) “gospel mission” thanksgiving dinner (the plain jane American home cooked staples of basic turkey, stuffing, mashed taters and cranberry sauce) casino gave me a free Sur Mer at 5:30pm for tommorow (thanksgiving)..nice thought (after I’m down $7500, lol) but Kris HATES seafood…and I myself really don’t want a seafood meal on thanksgiving. (But I’m a slob and I don’t ever refuse a free hot meal) So after looking at just how far away we are from Belize (easily a 20 minute tender ride) we decided to skip it. came back to the room to relax until dinner Here’s my ridiculously large calzone from Alfredo’s (ie: if you’re not a certified fat guy like me, this is a meal for two)
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