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Everything posted by xman1111

  1. i use Xe.com money transfer to send money to my US bank account.
  2. i know this wasn't for me but... i was double vaxxed and boosted. I started with a sore throat, then rough voice, chills, a cough, and headache. It was like a mild cold and a mild flu, rolled into one.
  3. i meant we wore our mask way more than anyone we saw and when we ate, we sat way off to the side or outside. I am saying how i felt after avoiding it for these 2 years. Can't say anything these days without someone getting all upset, you'll be ok.
  4. i was on that cruise too with my wife and 2 kids. I tested positive for covid the morning we left the ship. Tested negative today, so about a week, wife got it a couple days after, kids are negative. We wore our masks almost all the time, except for outside. We stayed away from big groups of people and only took masks off to eat inside and i still got it. Everyone else was just acting like everything was normal. I was a little surprised, huge groups of people inside, no masks, no worries. That being said, what a joke, 2+ years of wearing a mask and worrying for a half assed cold/flu for 3 days? I am glad i wasn't sick but a bit underwhelmed after all the fuss for this long. None of us have got Covid over the past 2+ years.
  5. i wouldn't trust just the BC card, i would want and am going to use the Federal card.
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