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Posts posted by CruiseMob

  1. I'm having another problem also. I am following my roll call, and it keeps un-following me. It's so weird, because I check my "new content I follow" and don't see updates for days, so I go look at what I follow, and it's gone. I add it again, and 2 days later (today) it was gone again. 

  2. Thanks everyone. If we pre-purchase and they have a name on it, can only that person use the card? I'm asking because I'm considering letting my teenage daughter keep the card with her, because she is liable to use it more than I. But occasionally I may want a soda. If the card is in her name, will I not be able to use it?

  3. What we did one time, when my son's best friend sailed with us, is he brought a roll-up camping pad and sleeping bag and slept on the floor.  He was getting a free cruise, so no complaints. In your situation, the kids may have to trade off nights on the fold out couch and floor. Alternatively you could sleep on the fold out couch and the kids would have the twin beds. 

  4. Sorry, one more question, is the bag deal a one time deal, or can you do multiple bags throughout the cruise. Trying to see what is the better deal for us. If we can do the bag deal more than once per cruise, it would be 5 bags of laundry to exceed the $7 per day.

  5. Thanks everyone! I actually don't know if I have "no upgrade" on this upcoming cruise. I've done that in the past, but a personal cruise consultant booked these, and I don't know where to see this in the new website. I'll go poke around to see if I can find it. Thanks again. 

  6. I'm considering buying yoga booties and gloves, so I don't need to bring a mat to practice in my stateroom. But I usually use yoga blocks for some poses. Does the fitness center have yoga blocks I could borrow during my cruise for my stateroom?


    Also, any details about classes, is appreciated. 

  7. The shuttle bus service can be bought aboard the cruise, and they are round trip tickets. They drop you off in the same place as the pickup is. It’s really close to the marina, like two blocks into downtown. We found out through one of the announcements that they make, but mom and I just bought the ticket once we got off the ship. I almost sure it was the same price
    D'oh, I now remember reading your post about booking off the ship. ;pThanks for the information and your patience.
  8. I totally agree, Alaska is by far my favorite cruise. That's why we are doing our 6th next year. :D Victoria is so beautiful, your pictures were really lovely. I have a question, you mentioned a shuttle stop to go back to the ship. Where can I get more information about this? Last time we were there they didn't have these, or if they did I wasn't aware of them. By the time I'm ready to head back to the ship, I'm usually tired and my feet hurt, being able to take a shuttle back would be nice.

  9. There are two lots to park in at pier 91. We've used the armory one the last few years and have been very pleased with their service. https://www.seattlecruiseparking.com

    They pick you up at your car if possible and the other lot doesn't usually do that. They respond very quickly by email. They are less expensive. What got my loyalty is that my DH and myself create our own back-to-back to Alaska every other year by doing a week on Princess then walking across the pier and doing a week on HAL. The other lot gives no break on the price for parking but this lot will give me the two week rate and are so nice about it.




    Great information, thanks! I had been looking at them also, and noticed they were less expensive. Great to have recommendation. I could only select this year to book, but I'll contact them and find out when it opens up for next year. Thanks. One more question, is it hard/confusing to find the lot? This is my first time driving to the this port.

  10. Love, love, loving the blog. Especially the pic's on the promenade deck, we booked a Lanai cabin for our cruise and I've been a bit concerned about it, but after seeing the pic's I'm quite excited.


    Great fluke picture! I compared it to the Juneau catalog (they track the whales in the area with it) and didn't see it. Which means it may be a new whale in the area and you can submit your picture to them. When they update the catalog if they include your picture they will include your name as the photographer. The pictures are in order of the amount of white on the fluke, which makes it easier to tell if its a new whale. You can see them at https://www.juneauflukes.org/juneau-catalog.html The picture I submitted a few years back is number 221. :D

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