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Posts posted by AgentMinusOne

  1. Yeah, at the terminal (assuming that it works in the same way at other ports) we can not make room changes. Sometimes people get confused because there’s Guest Services both at the terminal and on the boat. 


    We can, however, edit your spending account/s if you were not able to do it yourself during the Online Check-In. So let’s say you want persons A and C use a Visa and B and D use a Mastercard, we can do that for you even if the guests are staying in different cabins.

  2. Any news about Carnival Imagination’s delay tonight after yesterday’s cancelled embarkation of the Panorama? I signed up for the text alerts, but never got a follow-up text after the initial alert:


    Carnival Imagination 03/08/2020: Great news! The COVID-19 test results came back negative and Carnival Panorama will complete its turnaround tomorrow afternoon. Embarkation for your cruise will now take place from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (PDT). All guests must be on board by 9:30 PM (PDT) and we will sail shortly after. Again, thank you for your patience and cooperation. See you soon!

  3. The check-in health questionnaires have minor changes several times a week, it seems. Right now we are at version 7 of the form; some countries have been moved between question 1 and 3. Also, another change is that you are asked if within the last 20 days, have you [...], instead of last 14 days.


    From what I have understood, you answer positively to question one, your chances for a denied boarding are almost certain. Then again, to my understanding all passport or residence card holders from the "first question" countries are also blocked in the system, and a supervisor has to clear these cabins at check-in so as let anyone through.


    In any case, a medical assessment will be made by ship medical staff who are called down to the terminal.


    I was told that [on West Coast] Friday the 6th was the first day temperatures were taken from all travelers.


    As for people willfully misrepresenting themselves so as not to be denied, sure, the chances are it can happen. That is why I think Carnival has edited the wording on the form to include penalties for any individual found lying [and the chances for that are..?). The first forms IIRC just said that by signing the undersigned understands that any false answer may have a major public health implication. It seems to be that by changing the wording, Carnival are basically covering their own a$$es from lawsuits.


    From a port agent's point of view I would hope the health questionnaires were part of the documents guests need to have printed out in advance. At the moment we are really bogged down by assisting in filling out these forms for every single individual.

  4. 41 minutes ago, cathyz said:

    We were in and around the dome waiting to board from 10 am to 8:30 pm and finally got our luggage about 9 pm.   Some folks wanted their luggage earlier but couldn't get it until the 8:30 decision was made to not embark last night.  Apparently some folks had needed meds in their checked luggage, not a good idea, and others were in shorts and tanks and it was getting cold.

    I kept on hearing luggage trains for maybe a couple of hours last evening inside the dome. What I am thinking it was the two or three head porters/longshoremen driving the luggage trains and trying to get everybody’s checked in bags. All the other porters were already long gone.


    Of course everybody was looking for their luggage but there wasn’t really much to update until they found a place for everybody to pick up their bags. From what I heard from the staff, there were many bags left since quite a few people probably left for hotels without their bags.

  5. Oh yeah, they are already struggling to find enough port services staff to help tomorrow. Manager has sent out e-mails asking for all who can to pick up a shift. There are going to be sooooo many people calling out, subcontracted port services agents don't want deal with this crap from an unappreciative company for a CA minimum wage.


    Apparently Panorama will disembark first, then embark, and later Imagination is touted to come in the afternoon and be out of the port by 9:30 PM. Shuttled guests (Imagination) are already mad about the shuttles to the parking lot. How about tomorrow?

    Tomorrow is a new day, let's see what happens...

    • Like 3
  6. What. A. Day.


    There were still employees at the Long Beach terminal when I left for the evening. People were picking up their luggage that was made available by the head porters, I think. Regular porters had been home for hours by that time.


    Sure, this is a novel situation for Carnival, but what hurts me most is the total lack of any credible information. How are/were we supposed to keep guests content if we do not receive any information? Most people were actually taking things surprisingly well until that dreaded e-mail. The subcontracted port services management had learned something from last fall's Singapore journey cruise departure when people were waiting for hours with out any water. At least they were handing out water bottles this time.


    I understand that coronavirus testing takes hours and hours, but why not call it a day EARLY ENOUGH to allow for people to make arrangements for hotels and such. Not coming out with the news at 7-7:30 PM that oh yeah, we are done for the day, come back tomorrow. I had no access to news while at work, and many guests seemed to know more than I did.


    Understandably people who couldn't get through by phone to Carnival's guest care were wondering about cancellations and refunds and similar questions. What do you tell the guest/s when all you are accustomed to doing is taking care of check-in process and credit card deposits?


    I really feel for anybody who was at the terminal today and has to go through that ordeal tomorrow. Leave your luggage (again) with the porters, go inside, check in, go through same security screening, wait, wait some more...  What about people who don't have a credit card or money for a hotel (that were all fully booked), and can't wait for weeks and weeks to be reimbursed?

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  7. It is all up to your preferences. What time is your plane scheduled to land at LAX?


    If you have enough time for settling in Long Beach, eating a dinner and for a short stroll, staying in Long Beach is definitely to be recommended. Nothing much happening at or around the hotels close to LAX. Then again, if you arrive 8, 9 or even 10 PM, I guess there isn't much of an additional benefit of going to Long Beach first if you will be heading to the cruise terminal first thing Saturday.


    Also note that ride shares such as Uber or Lyft at LAX now pick up from a lot called LAX-IT close to Terminal 1, but there are shuttles running there from every terminal every few minutes.


    There is also an airport shuttle called FlyAway that has different lines serving LA Union Station, Hollywood and Long Beach. If you want to make it cheap, that's only $9 per person one-way, BUT the departures are scheduled only once an hour making it less viable for most people.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

    When I cruised in December, I did the self-assist in the early flight group.  I was off of the ship at 7:45.  Traffic was fine until we got to the airport.  Long lines to check in bags.  Longest pre-check line I have ever been in, but much better than the regular line.  Had to take a shuttle to my terminal.  I was in front of my gate at 9:45 am.

    I am not sure how long it would have taken if I had not done self-assist.


    Good to know that the traffic isn't too bad for early flight self-assist group. I am usually there after 9 AM if I work a Saturday shift, and already by then it's very chaotic. If I am being dropped off, I just tell to leave me at Queen Mary or behind the parking structure to avoid the traffic. The debarkation has lately been going on until 11:30, or even 12:00. By midday on the three and four day cruises on Inspiration and Imagination, the first people have usually already boarded!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 PM should be doable, but do keep in mind that the traffic is very, VERY chaotic at the Long Beach terminal on Saturdays. The debarkation of 4,500-5,000 passengers goes on much longer that with the other, smaller ships, and hence arriving passengers are there same time with the first departing passengers. The loop around the parking structure is often all backed up.


    Are you able to self-assist yourself and your luggage off the ship? If so, you should be fine. Wouldn't risk the 1 PM flight to be honest if debarking late, requiring porter assistance and having to deal with any traffic on 710/405 on the way to LAX. Then again I like to be at airports 1.5-2 h before the departure.

  10. At least when taking the shuttle FROM the terminal to Convention Centre parking lot on Thursdays and Sundays (Imagination), the InterCruises folks who deal with airport and parking shuttles, are basically just ushering everyone to the next bus. I am yet to see anybody asking for a ticket or similar. Of course if people start taking advantage of the arrangement somehow, this could change.


    However, I have not been at the convention centre lot to see how the shuttles from there to the terminal work. If you are going specifically to Aquarium of the Pacific, you could catch the Passport bus and alight on Shoreline Drive behind their parking structure. Please note that the Passport buses no longer stop right outside the Aquarium, which they used to do like a year ago. It IS walkable from the terminal, especially if you are mobile and have got few bags, but since the distance is at least 1.5 miles if not more, I wouldn't suggest it unless it's nice weather and you really feel like walking.


    The parking shuttle drops you off too far from AOTP in order to be useful. Passport takes a detour on the northbound/downtown route, but should run every 15-30 minutes on Sunday mornings. I don't know, though, when the Aquarium opens on Sundays.


    Dropping off at Queen Mary is also doable if there are no events. This weekend for instance they have some kind of a Scottish festival and all the viable walking routes are sealed off.

  11. 4 hours ago, SRF said:


    I have heard that many people take a copy.  As the original is VERY expensive to replace.

    At least on Carnival they will not let you board with a copy, it has to be an original so that seal can be verified.


    Once we had a lady who had driven 2-3 hours to get to the terminal, and she only brought a copy of her naturalization certificate. She had no chance of getting home and back with the original, so she was denied boarding.


  12. They keep on switching the time for opening doors between 10:00 and 10:30 on Saturdays. All other days the terminal opens at 10:30. I would venture to say it is 10:00 for Panorama because we need to get 5k people onboard with 5.5 hours. Not 100% sure as I am usually not working outside at that time.


    Boarding starts with any weddings and site inspections (travel agents), then Diamond and Platinum passengers will board, and after them Faster to the Fun (not available on Panorama until March?) and finally the regular zones starting with A1. Usually this is around 11:15 AM if no issue (like 500 B2B's refusing to disembark the ship) delays the process.


    With the first cruises on Panorama having loads of Diamonds and Platinums on, even the Priority passengers got a zone card such as "Priority C" or "Priority G".


    Rideshare vehicles can pull up to the curb inside the parking structure (221 Windsor Way). This is right next to where you drop off your bags with the porters.


    Appointment windows for checking in start 11:30 on Saturdays and 12:00 on all other days.


    I personally would not want to spend too much time inside the terminal (unless you love arcade gaming machines) since there are no food facilities or even vending machines  inside. Also, the free wi-fi sucks and cell signal is really weak for any other carrier than AT&T. There is decent taco truck outside the parking structure if you can't wait for a lunch on the Lido.


    If you do want to use an ATM, convenience fee at the LB terminal is $3 compared to $6 onboard.

  13. If you do not have mobility issues, I can agree that this is a decent alternative to long lines in and around the parking structure...at least until this loophole gets closed, that is. Also, If there are any big events such as Dark Harbor or Christmas at Queen Mary, you can not get as close as the roads will be blocked.


    There is also a dropping off point behind the parking structure (after right-hand side ticket gates use left lane and turn left instead of continuing straight) that you might be able to use. This, however, isn't useful if the traffic is packed up all the way outside the ticket gates.


    Blue is for the QM side, red for the cruise terminal side of the ticket gates.



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  14. Are you coming from LAX or downtown Los Angeles?

    There is public transportation, but you would have to be adventurous to use it. From terminals at LAX you would first need to get a shuttle to the Green Line Aviation/LAX station, from there the Metro train to Harbor Freeway, and from there Silver Line express bus down to San Pedro. Alight at Harbor Beacon Park Ride Southbound, and walk a few minutes to Pier 92/93.



  15. 10 hours ago, SRF said:


    You left out the possibility that a US citizen was not born in the US.  


    In which case, if they were born to US parents, they would need a copy of their Consular Report of Birth Abroad.  Or, if they started as a non-US citizen, they would need a copy of their Naturalization Certificate.


    Of course, a US passport solves all of these.

    Correct. The Naturalization Certificate, if used, needs to be an original.


    One more, one more!

    • Never trust a call center employee on what documents you need, but instead get the requirements down in writing = correct documents are mentioned on the cruise line web site
  16. 1 hour ago, candigirl41 said:

    How much is the parking per day at the Long Beach port?  I am handicapped so I want to be as close to the ship as possible.





    The parking rate was apparently recently increased to a whopping $23/day 😪


    At the moment, though, while the parking structure is being expanded, Imagination passengers (Thursdays and Sundays) are directed to park at Long Beach Arena/Convention Center parking lot. Parking there is cheaper, but the lot is open to the elements. Passengers are taken to the terminal by shuttles since it is a couple of miles away.


  17. The most important thing: make sure you have got your documents in order. At work I see people every day being turned away because they didn't read the instructions of what proof of citizenship documents to bring or someone such as their travel agent gave them the wrong information. Following examples apply to close-loop cruises on the US West Coast:

    • Real ID is not an enhanced driver's license, you will need a US birth certificate together with an ID to board the ship
    • Passport is the easiest way to prove your citizenship
    • No copies of passports or any other documents will get you on the ship
    • If you are a foreign citizen living in the country, bring your valid green card
    • If you are a foreign citizen visiting the country, bring your passport with visa AND a valid stamp
    • If you check in your luggage with the porters, take out your passport with you to avoid possible hours of delay

    After you have cleared the boring formalities, let the fun commence! 😎

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  18. I sometimes take the Passport bus from/to work. It's fairly reliable, and it's free, but on the way back to downtown it does take a little bit of a detour. Instead of heading on the Queens Way bridge that is the most direct route, Passport North (Passport South is the bus TO Queen Mary) stops at The Reef (Restaurant), Hotel Maya and Residence Inn by Marriott before taking the left side of LA River and on to a bridge over it back toward Long Beach. After that it goes all the way to the other side to Shoreline Village before heading for the hotels/Transit Mall. See https://ridelbt.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/PASSPORT.pdf on Long Beach Transit's web site. Very seldom do they stop the traffic to Queen Mary if there is a big event outside the QM or somewhere else, such as the Long Beach GP or Marathon.


    From Queen Mary it shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to reach downtown Long Beach. Below a map of possible walking routes from the exit doors of the cruise terminal to the Passport stop. Keep in mind, you get out from a different set of doors than where you enter the terminal when embarking.


    Your biggest problem I can think of would be to have to wait for the next bus. On weekday mornings Passport runs only every 30 minutes. As commented earlier, there are no luggage racks on the buses. Sometimes there are transients with their bags onboard taking up the space by the "disability seats", but if you don't mind holding on to your bags while the bus is in motion, Passport has most of the time a plenty of space.


    If these inconveniences are okay, you'll save 7-9 bucks by choosing to take the Passport downtown instead of Uber or Lyft. On some occasions I have had the drive share driver cancel on me as they couldn't find the way to the parking structure (right gate to the cruise terminal, left gate to Queen Mary => if you pick the left gate, you won't be able to get to the parking structure without first exiting the ticket gates).



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