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Posts posted by Izena

  1. My next cruise is scheduled for Same week  baby is due.  Since I’m a worry wart I think I will cancel cruise.   When my granddaughter was born she was immediately transferred to children’s hospital for surgery. I believe in Murphys law - if cancel cruise she will have baby early and he will be healthy.   It’s only the three of us in Houston. 

    Jazzper and. Have been getting in some good walks

  2. Sorry for short start of week.  My iPad is slow to charge (does this periodically could take days then is okay - luckily I have my old iPad)


    It’s a boy  so excited - my granddaughter is putting out list in Amazon with everything to be sent to my house. 

    im disgusted with myself can’t stay motivated. Not moving much - Jazzper has really slowed down , on top of that it’s still to hot and humid for me.   Yesterday bought candy on sale and already ate 1/3 of it-  luckily today is garbage day so junk in trash on street already.  Oh well life goes on.

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  3. I hope everyone has had a good week and scales are in your favor.  I’ve been distracted so didn’t weigh.


    worked on finding someone to replace side fence with gate.   Have sticker shock. (I’ve come terms with price - I’ve pinched Pennie’s all my life so finances weren’t biggest issue.  First person was sending and responding to texts and picture — 3rd person was the best saw picture and wanted to personally meet to discuss needs. - he’s perfect,  immediately saw best to move gate to middle rather than edge price was about same.


    haven’t weighed.  Focusing on blood pressure which is fairly stable.  Walking more /Jazzper has good and mediocre days.  Getting excited about reveal on Sunday and meet the baby daddy. 

  4. Late start today.  I didn’t weigh today —  off diet (any minor change in my health stresses me- this week slight bp increase, a lot of ear crackles ) I have been walking more - avg 2 miles a day.   

    a couple of exciting events in the next few weeks.  Sept 15 my granddaughter is having a gender reveal party (her Dad and I are both excited, she and her significant other just turned 29, not married we don’t care.).  I focusing on the positive and going to joyful.    Early Oct taking a road trip to TN with son and dog. Grandson is a freshman HS, and plays football - plan to see at least a game a year.

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  5. Terri - a lb is easy to address.


    Don  welcome. Having accountability helps.  I started here in 2020 with a goal of 75-100lb loss.  I took it in increments of 10lbs. So I felt accomplishment.(I lost the 100lbs but this past year has been bad for me and put on 50 so I’m back at it).    My recommendation is identify your weakness in food,  set  small goals.  Expect small amts you might be able to do it.   You’d need to lose 2.5 a week which can be tough.  Just stick with it don’t be discouraged  —— we are here for support there is no shaming.

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  6. Jan how old is your grandson?  Awesome his parents didn’t hesitate to get him to hospital.

    isnt getting old fun!!!!!  If it’s not one thing it’s  another.  Currently I’m feeling back to normal - actually took myself all bp meds. Had to restart melatonin otherwise only sleeping  2 hours a night.

  7. Good morning everyone. I hope  everyone has a a good week.  

    Still hot in Tx.  

    well my scales are at it again always taunting me..  Today’s wt is exactly what it was last week.  Been maintaining  calorie intake to 1000 cal a day. Oh well, I’m sticking with my plan.  Everything else is good.

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  8. Dave and Baum. Your info is great.  I actually found a picture showing ACL boat docked with the Hyatt in the background.  I checked the room prices and they are reasonable.   (Usually don’t buy pre package due to the price is $$$$.)   Area reminds me of Seattles River market.  

  9. Good morning every one.  I hope the scales are friendly this morning.   Past year have had BP  issues with it being very high in a,m. (180s/70).   For some reason it is now stable  at 130s/ 56 without meds(I stopped them all).  

    My wt loss this week is  4.1 lbs.  goal is to lose 2 lbs a week.

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  10. Sounds like everyone is doing well.  No large gains.  Get control before it gets out of hand.  Weigh frequently.


    Im taking a meclizine daily to hopefully keep vertigo under control.  

    I can’t handle the heat - only walking 1/4 - 1/2 mile 2x day.   Haven’t gotten into routine of using gym equipment at home on a daily but have been cleaning - shampoo carpet, steam clean tile floors - some time it takes me 4 hours due to stamina.


    I’m excited  to have eating under control.  I’ve broken the square cravings and bingeing.    I rarely feel hungry  - I make myself eat every 4 hours.   Goal is less than 1200 calories.

    (this year has been rough, mentally and physically— having eaten my way to a 50 lb gain)

    Goal to lose abt 2 lbs a week.

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  11. Sorry for late start.  I’ve been working on a dietary routine.  I’m doing better eliminating sweets.   I haven’t weighed yet.  Still struggling with activities ( poor endurance due to not feeling myself and periodic episodes of vertigo / that last for 8 hours.).   Hope everyone is doing well if not cruising.  

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  12. Jan-  that’s a lot of steps.  My sisters and my younger son and myself seem to short circuit electric items and watches.  I went through 4 fitbits in 6 months.  By that time I knew all the typical routes.   I also have an app called pacer on my phone which tracks my distance.


    Just- so sorry to hear about tornado— at least with hurricanes we usually have plenty of time to prepare.   So glad I had a generac generator installed last fall. 
    sorry about the wt gain.

  13. sorry late posting.   Busy comparing  power and natural gas bills — confirming proper usage during July  hurricane.

    im in a better state of mind. Doing better with nutrition and activity. - not ready for scales.  

    Weather is Texas hot and humid. Plus  swarms of mosquitos - spray heavily prior to going out.  Been doing heavy house cleaning while son is in Colorado for a month.  

    Hope everyone is having great cruises.  

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  14. Hopeful not bad after vacation.   

    still not weighing.  Working on getting back to good habits until that happens no sense in weighing. 

    Thanks for starting the week I got my days mixed up.   So glad I have house generator. Since storm we’ve had lots of light rain but the ground is saturated — a good wind will blow over trees already loosened by derecho and hurricane.  Lights go out anywhere from a minute to an hour several times a week.  

    I’ve been on a cleaning binge. Shampooed carpet.  Thoroughly cleaned my son’s room since he’s gone for a month.  

  15. Good morning everyone.   I thought I had posted last week but must have been distracted.  Responses have been slow hope everyone is on a cruise.


    My son (lives with me) left for Colorado this morning and will be gone about a month.  Gives me time to get back on track  -  eliminates the temptations he brought in.  I feel mentally better. Have an exercise plan. Let’s  hope I can get started and stick with the plan . 

    Things finally getting back to normal.   My area was without power for 150 hours . Thank goodness I had home generator installed last fall.  Only problem with any generator is that they are VERY LOUD.  I had no damage from the hurricane.   None of my friends had any serious issues.


    Everyone good luck on  this weeks weigh in.


  16. I feel very blessed.  Able afford generator and have it for this event.  78 hours and counting can’t believe power co.  Could be tomorrow or could be Sunday, or later.  Still rare gas and few stores open with long lines.  I’m not venturing out tooo frustrating.  

    thanks for the prayers and positive support. 

  17. Winds finally stopped around 1pm Monday.  I didn’t sustain any damage.  Lots of trees and branches .   Newer housing section under 10 years old sustained incredible amount of roof damage.   It’s Wednesday generator still running it’s been 54 hours. With all the tree damage it will take awhile - …. Stores slowly opening. A few  

      Gas stations open  lines are long tempers short (people needing gas for portable generators).  Im just staying home.  A friend without power  refused multiple offers  to come stay (she had to leave cats at home). She is beyond exhausted, dehydrated  —- she arrived 2 hours ago and went straight to bed -  her two dogs are staying close to her.  
      We are in an area where damage has been inspected and they will start repairs - hopefully power will restart in the next 24 hours.  

  18. Just checking in.  I live in Houston about 10 miles from IAH.  Generator started about 5:45 this morning.  It’s been raining steadily and wind gusts have picked up - tress are swaying.  Sure by the end many trees will be uprooted (roots are at the surface no deep tap roots - so with heavy rains and winds trees topple over).  

    im still working on my mental health- working on positive attitude. Only taking essential blood pressure meds - hopefully will get back on track soon. 

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