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Posts posted by AndyP7

  1. Wow Bruce -- I sure wish I had known this two weeks ago! Andrea, Bonine is available over the counter so you should have no problem getting it. I'm still feeling symptomatic but getting a bit better each day (or at least that's what I'm telling myself). Thanks for the support.


    Glad to hear Bonine is available OTC and to hear that you're improving with each day.

  2. I recently used the Scop patch for the first time. Ironically, the waters were fairly calm, but I used it "just in case." I returned to land last Sunday, a week ago, and removed the patch. I have had vertigo symptoms ever since. It is terrible. I called my doctor and he said this is not an uncommon side affect. Basically, I am going through withdrawal. I feel dizzy, feel like my brain is in a fog, when I look down a certain way, or when I lay down, the room feels like it is spinning. I have not been able to drive in over a week! I think I notice small improvements, but it's still awful. I did a Google search and learned that many people experience this and there really is nothing to be done. I will never use the patch again. I'll go back to using Bonine and will stop experimenting with new remedies. I had no problems with the patch while I was using it, just after I removed it. Please talk to you doctor extensively before using the patch.


    Thanks for posting your experience. I recently found out that Bonamine (Bonine) is no longer available for sale in Canada. The pharmacist recommended the patch instead. I know everyone reacts differently but I think I won't take chances with the patch and just make sure to pick up Bonine when I'm in the US pre-cruise. Hopefully it's available over the counter...


    Thanks again for the info!



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