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Posts posted by scm

  1. Cursed for being both analytical AND curious, it got me to looking at the broader picture of Seabourn's scheduling methodology. Have to believe the HAL effect is now in full bloom. The move from Miami to Seattle could be part of it -- the Caribbean is no longer in the backyard, so to speak. The old Legend Miami-Puerto Caldera and return for three winter months is gone, probably never to return. Much more AUS, NZ, Java Sea stuff in those winter months now vice Caribbean.


    I had a friend that worked in American Airlines yield management center. They were the pioneers of using data analytics to determine what match of aircraft, city pairs, and day, would yield the highest revenue possible. What fares they could command was a big part of it. For instance, it made no sense to put the biggest planes on US-Hawaii routes because the fares would never be significant. It made more sense to put the bigger a/c on US-Europe where the fares were significantly higher. Same a/c, same operating costs per flight, but more revenue, possibly even with fewer passengers.


    Have to wonder if the same data analytics are driving Seabourn scheduling today?

  2. We've ticked a lot of the boxes, Panama Canal where I agree the transit is great, some of the ports of call not so but there were a few notable exceptions.


    The old Legend itinerary was pretty good. San Juan del Sur -- interesting to go to Nicaragua. Belize private beach day/caviar in the surf was amazing, as they all are. But the highlight for us was beating feet quickly to the downtown Belize City a/p, Cessna Caravan out to Caulker Caye for some of the best snorkeling this side of French Polynesia, conch fritters on the beach, and back that afternoon. And, as you said, the transit is a bucket list item.


    Really sorry to see that itinerary go away with the sale of the triplets.

  3. In the last five years, 1.3 million people have voted with their feet and moved to at least one of these "whoopeee cushion" states, which just happens to be "acquired along the way from France, Spain and Mexico". For the large part, they were fleeing other much more seemingly acceptable states for an unenlightened hell hole, stuffed to the gills with "idiotic politicians and other bigots".


    Maybe they know something that people living 5,000 miles away don't? Maybe they actually used their own experience and didn't rely on the prejudices of a comedian masquerading as a news reporter? Maybe they looked past shallow litmus test positions and were surprised to find that the largest city in the state is led by a lesbian mayor. That the third largest has a lesbian sheriff. That the fourth largest elected its first gay state representative in 1991 -- decades before more "enlightened" states had gay representatives - and has a lesbian rep today. Maybe they were fleeing the persistent housing segregation that plagues our largest cities in the more "enlightened states" -- realizing that a piece of cloth means nothing compared to decades long blockage of "undesirables" by the oh so progressive.


    I'm sorry -- I tried to keep my mouth shut, but the repeated hectoring here just got to be too much.

  4. We've only cruised on the sisters, but have an upcoming Sojourn cruise. Any insights into luggage storage in your suite? Can you still put bags under the bed as you could on the sisters? And finally, if you can, any guesses on the max height? We have collapsable roller duffels, and want to make sure they will fit once emptied.


    Thanks in advance!

  5. Belkin 3-Outlet Mini Travel Swivel Charger Surge Protector with Dual USB Ports. This one is great for the little vanity in the hall. It has two USB charging ports which makes it great for phones and tablets.


    I have one of these and travel with it weekly. Works great, with one caveat - the plugs are so close together that many times you cannot use all three at the same time. Other limitation is that the USB ports are 2.1 mA combined. To fully charge an iPad overnight, it needs 2.1 mA by itself. So you will probably need the square charger in one of the outlets vice the USB port to charge an iPad.


    Also remember that you can plug this into an adapter and into the two hole Euro outlet. It is "voltage neutral".

  6. it says due to weather…….. usually weather affects the airport, not just one airline.


    I love watching people jump up and down and yell at airline staff when they want an alternative flight but the airport is closed….


    So you are guessing. Weather CAN affect only one airline, if the weather was at the originating airport and meant they cancelled the outbound portion, meaning no equipment was available for one flight. Happens all the time where every airline in an airport is operating - weather clear as a bell - except one that has bad weather at one of its hubs.


    And one doesn't have to "jump up and down and yell at airline staff" to not be booked for twenty four hours.

  7. There are some airports where weather completely shuts down all flights (this was the reason for Jet Airways delay) and it can happen for several days.


    Do you know that, or are you guessing?


    I just wouldn't have sanguinely accepted a three hour window - for the very reason this bore out. What would have happened had there been weather in Mumbai? Bad traffic? I would have been in Jet Airways ear from the moment they cancelled my flight telling them to get me moving ASAP, even if it wasn't a direct flight, had a bad layover, etc.

  8. I would have never accepted a rebooked flight that got me to the embarkation port three hours before departure. Jet Airways had alternatives. I just would not have accepted that one, even if I was inconvenienced in doing so - out of the way connections, long layover, whatever. If they couldn't have, I would have looked at other airlines. I just would not have been comfortable cutting it that close. No margin for recovery. Ships sail at the mercy of the weather, including tides. You are owed an explanation, but you also need to own some of the responsibility.


    You say what if your flight departed early? We had just that happen when we got off Paul Gauguin and were flying back to Bora Bora. Air Tahiti rescheduled our 10AM departure for 9. We ate a leisurely breakfast and arrived at the a/p an hour early - to miss the flight. Sat in the terminal until 2:30. They called the tour organizer who didn't call our travel agent. Oh, well.

  9. II'm going way back bt I would always go to Eric De Grays shows and David E Greene. Loved them.


    Discovery Channel has a series "Mighty Cruise Ships". Recent episode was Journey's Singapore to HK trip. Lo and behold -- Cruise Director, Eric De Gray. Still telling some of the same jokes, but as entertaining as ever.

  10. He charged $100 for the van transfer from our hotel to the ship. He speaks English and is a marvelous tour guide as well.


    We are on the 12/7 Legend cruise, arriving the 4th, and staying at the Marriott as well. We booked Danny for a transfer on the 7th, departing around 11. If Danny can get a larger vehicle and carry more, than I am more than happy to share the ride.

  11. I have Verizon and have been told they don't have international service.


    Jane -- you might want to check with Verizon on that -- may be they have added international service since you last inquired. My wife's Verizon phone works fine throughout the Caribbean (though not in Europe). If you are outside N. America, take a look at the Verizon web site and you will see they work on Seabourn ships as well. Might be just access on the ship is OK?




    BTW -- the issue is the technology involved. Verizon (and Sprint) use CDMA, while the rest of the world uses GSM. My business phone, which I travel with, is a quad-band phone to take care of that problem. Probably your phone is CDMA only. Again, the shipboard option doesn't care which.

  12. My DW and I are enthusiastically looking forward to our first trip on Seabourn -- Legend's December 7th sailing from Puerto Caldera to FLL. We have heard such great things about Seabourn, that I am sure we will have a wonderful time.


    If any of you kind "veterans" would care to, we would be most appreciative of a referral coupon. We have made our deposit, and the final payment is due in less than a month. Not complaining, just pointing out that you should have your credit posted fairly quickly.


    Again, thanks in advance -- if it works, great, if not, I am sure we will join the legions of Seabourn evangelists.

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