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Everything posted by Rsrcruise

  1. Marco, I wish! My family isn’t really into vacations— I’m trying to change things around for my kids. I want them to know it’s OK to work hard and play hard!
  2. I’m a Gary Bembridge fan, and he often mentions that it can be helpful to book with a travel agent. I’m not asking for a recommendation for specific travel agents, because I understand that’s not allowed on the board. I am so new to travel, my question is broader! How do you find a travel agent that you can trust? (apart from cold calling random people you find on Google? ). What process did you use? How do you make a decision, particularly with respect to getting the best cruise value? What kinds of things can a travel agent help with? Also do you use a travel agent specialized in cruising for cruises and other travel agents for other travel needs? All I’ve got is Google at the moment so I’d like some ideas about how people eventually found an agent they liked. Also would appreciate it if there’s any considerations if you’re traveling with a family/small children. Thanks in advance and sorry for the broad question!
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