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Posts posted by embarkation75

  1. 34 minutes ago, bucfan2 said:


    Please stop trying to portray your view as being the same as all Christians' views.

    Fair enough but don't try to portray mask wearing avoidance as a Christian principle either as it has ZERO to do with the faith/bible. Call it like it is, a secular choice.

    • Like 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, ChutChut said:

    Store mask policies are neither laws nor regs - they merely are conditions for entering that private business. The worst that can happen is they throw you out (unless you create a disturbance, then law enforcement may be called). Moreover, if you have a disability and are unable to wear a mask, stores are public accommodations and must reasonably accommodate you. Any public accommodation that indicates "no exceptions" is setting itself up for an ADA lawsuit.

    Right but it's not up to patrons to decide they can gleefully violate that policy minus some major disability without consequences. It's not discrimination.

    • Like 1
  3. Wearing a mask is not discrimination. People might not like it which I get, but that is not a descrimanatory act. Nothing in the bible that says that either. Oh the level of ignorance is amazing. Unless you have some major physical disability that prevents you from wearing one (e.g., COPD), businesses have every right to enforce a mask wearing policy on patrons and/or workers even when no laws exist on that policy. Basic stuff here that is being glossed over by some due to arrogance.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, harkinmr said:

    Nope.  Doesn't change anything.  Move to get the policy or regulation changed through lawful means.  Violation of the policy or regulation is not lawful means.  That will get you an invitation to leave or be ejected.  It's pretty simple.

    Amen. Too many people don't have any respect for laws or policies as they think it is their God given right to do whatever they want. Some will say my state doesn't have any policies on things like mask wearing but conveniently omit that several businesses do including retail giants that many just arrogantly violate that companies policy.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, bamaone said:

    Now you lust babbling silly stuff. No correlation at all 

    Whatever as you just spent the last few pages saying it was perfectly acceptable to break laws/policies if you don't like it as otherwise your not "standing up". I'm done with this as I refuse to further debate with somebody that doesn't believe in law and order (or for that matter my Christian faith). Have a good day bamaone.

  6. 8 minutes ago, bamaone said:

    And I do know how you operate. You post it earlier. You think the restrictions are absurd. That's what you typed. But you refuse to stand up for what you believe and you ridicule anyone who does even though you say they are right. 

    You conveniently left off that I refuse to "break laws/policies" even if I don't like them. Go protest or send a letter but your version to violate laws/policy first doesn't mean I or anyone else is refusing to stand up as that's insulting.  

  7. 1 minute ago, bamaone said:

    Actually it's grown to a "we're perspective". 

    And "we" will accept you thanks, gracefully.

    It sure looks like that is your orbit of influence but for one that is not the majority approach and you'll never get my thanks for breaking laws/policies. Given your approach I guess one of my neighbors that broke out the windows on his other neighbors truck because it blocked his view, was justified. Fortunately, he was arrested, spent some time in jail, and is getting kicked out of the neighborhood as arrogant, entitled attitudes rarely win.

  8. 1 minute ago, bamaone said:

    Yes you will. When you figure out you've been had. They all do

    Nope, you are flat-out wrong as you don't know how I operate. Until you move away from your "I'm" perspective, then you'll never see how your approach is perceived in a negative fashion until months/years go by with people largely ignoring those taking that approach. Entitled attitudes rarely win in the big picture.

  9. 2 minutes ago, bamaone said:

    Whatever. You'll thank the ones who took a stand one day

    No, that's where your speaking from an "I'm" perspective again as I (and many others) will NEVER thank people that violate laws/policies by acting like arrogant, entitled brats. Those people should be given citations or even arrested if they push too far.

    • Like 4
  10. 8 minutes ago, bamaone said:

    If people don't take a stand against what even you yourself said is absurd, they may as well enjoy living in  the corral just as sheep do. 

    Ummm, there is a time and place for questioning or debating a policy but when somebody just skips straight to forcing past that law/policy, then most see them as entitled brats. Any momentum they might have had to get the policy changed is lost by their selfish attitude. Specifically, so what you're proposing is to just brute force past a policy but what about the people that only entered a business with the understanding of say mask wearing as a requirement as apparently you don't care about giving them a chance to go elsewhere if the policy is changed? It is blatant selfish behavior as it's all about "me" and apparently screw anything that gets in "my" road but flip the script and now it's all about hauling them to jail. Whatever bud.

    • Like 2
  11. 33 minutes ago, bamaone said:

    What are you even typing? You want to mask up after being vaccinated, go ahead. Nobody has a problem with that. Just get over your problem with those that do not. 

    What? Did you actually read what I posted as that's not what I said? I'd prefer to NOT mask-up now that I'm vaccinated BUT I'm also not some egomaniac that thinks I can violate my office or business policies just because I don't like it. If you choose not to wear a mask on your property or in businesses that don't have a policy, then I support that as I largely don't wear one either in those places since being vaccinated. However, you are actually proving my point that you are speaking in "I'm" instead of "we're". Sadly too many people think it's their constitutional right to violate a business policy just because they don't like the rule. No, people should go elsewhere if they don't like the policy instead of acting like entitled brats that can do whatever, wherever they desire. It's all about freedom supposedly until a businesses freedom to make a policy irritates people, then the 2 year old tantrums begin.

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, bamaone said:

    We're done with restrictions.

    You keep saying "we're" when you really mean "I'm". Suspect similar to many that in your orbit of daily life "we're" seems relevant (probably not much different from what I see daily among some folks). However, not all businesses, state/local/federal ordinances, individuals, etc.. match your orbit of life as saying "we're" infers a level of consistency that flat-out doesn't exist. Listen, I'm fully vaccinated and find it absurd I still have to wear a mask at work and stores but it's not my choice to violate office and private business policy.  So I know that my views on having to mask after vaccination are a "I'm" issue and not a "we're" issue and don't act as though that is the entire orbit of people let alone the entire country as that is making an assumption that is false. Many people on here would be surprised if they moved out of their orbit for a day as they'd be surprised to see less "everybody thinks just like me" moments.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

    The Don't Tread  on Me cult will enjoy reading the updated Carnival ticket contract.


    (b) Carnival has adopted specific COVID-19 Guest Protocols with input from medical, science and public health experts and guidance from international, national, and regional health authorities, including the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health agencies when the Vessel is within that agency’s jurisdiction. Guest acknowledges that these directives may change from time to time and that Carnival’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols may therefore change. GUEST EXPRESSLY AGREES TO COMPLY NOT ONLY WITH THE COVID-19 GUEST PROTOCOLS AS THEY ARE DESCRIBED HEREIN, BUT ALSO AS THEY ARE SET FORTH ON CARNIVAL’S COVID-19 GUEST PROTOCOLS WEBPAGE, AT ALL TIMES INCLUDING PRE-EMBARKATION, WHILE ON BOARD, DURING PORT CALLS AND SHORE EXCURSIONS AND/OR FINAL DISEMBARKATION. In case of any conflict between the COVID-19 Guest Protocols described herein or on Carnival’s website, the website controls and Guest’s agreement to abide by said website constitutes an integral part of this Ticket Contract.



    (c) Guest acknowledges that Carnival’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols may or will include (but are not be limited to): (1) completion of an accurate, truthful and complete health questionnaire in a form and containing any health or travel-related questions as determined by Carnival in its sole discretion based on advice from cognizant government or health authorities or medical experts for each Guest prior to boarding; (2) pre-embarkation and/or periodic testing and temperature checks of each Guest followed by a period of isolation until test results are available; (3) modified capacity rules for activities (including but not limited to restaurants, gyms, and entertainment events on board and for shore excursions) which may limit or eliminate the ability of Guest to participate in particular activities; (4) mandatory use by each Guest (except for children under the age of 2 years) of face masks in most locations outside of the Guest’s stateroom while on board, during embarkation, disembarkation and shore excursions; (5) mandatory physical distancing of Guests outside of their cruise companions (family and/or immediate travel group) at any/all times while on board and during embarkation, disembarkation, and shore excursions; (6) additional restrictions during shore excursions depending on local conditions, including but not limited to denial of disembarkation at destinations unless participating in only Carnival-approved shore excursions and denial of reboarding the vessel for any noncompliance by Guest or members of Guest’s travelling party with COVID-19 Guest Protocols; (7) mandatory hand-sanitizing by Guests upon entry or exit of any public areas; (8) confinement of Guests to staterooms , quarantine or emergency disembarkation of Guest if, in Carnival’s sole discretion, such steps are necessary to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19; (9) the required completion by Guest in a timely manner of any written authorizations or consent forms required for Carnival to carry out its COVID-19 Guest Protocols (including but not limited to medical information, medical privacy, or personal data privacy consent forms), and; (10) other policies and procedures deemed by Carnival in its sole discretion to be necessary to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19.

    I honestly don't see many of these type of individuals making it past the cruise terminal. Similar to DeSantis, they'd rather fall on their own sword than actually comply with these rules. See it all of the time at stores requiring masks and many either want to force their way in or argue about their rights in a private business. 

    • Like 3
  14. 1 minute ago, kleibo said:

    Can we talk sensibly for a minute 


    Can someone tell me the science behind why it is OK to sit by a pool at a hotel without a mask and why you can't on a cruise ship.  Both being socially distant.


    Can someone tell me the science behind eating an extended meal in a restaurant with no mask and why you can't on a cruise ship.


    Where is the data?

    Who said that was OK? Last I knew businesses made that decision regardless of whatever risk.

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  15. 5 minutes ago, BoozinCroozin said:

    No, never said covid was a hoax. If you think that so be it. I know it is real. I know it has been blown out of proportion for an agenda. I have had covid. My seasonal allergies were 100x worse than covid. 


    If you believe in the science, show what proof the powers that be have to back that science. Some of the best researchers in the industry have proven that science wrong on every turn. I will trust MIT's complete research on social distance far over no science from the CDC. I will even use the CDC's mask mandates against them. The flip-flopped 6-10x on masks. If it was backed by science, they would not have had to change their stance on masks at all. 

    Everybody fits somewhere in the spectrum of CC posters as you proudly fit into a #6 CC poster type. We are, who we are whether we see it or not.

  16. What I've learned about CC posters on this Carnival Cruise board in the last month...


    1: Most but not all long for cruising again


    2: Those falling outside of the previous group are either hacked off at the cruiselines for holding their money or are deathly afraid to leave their house again


    3: Close to 25% will cruise no matter what the restrictions and have little problem cruising with unvaccinated as long as they are adequately tested


    4: Nearly 15% want vaccinated only cruising but believe there should be no restrictions 


    5: Another 15% say everyone is vaccinated or they're not cruising


    6: 20% want ZERO restrictions on resumption of cruising and generally feel cruising should have never stopped as they frequently quote stats to say covid is a hoax.


    7: Most of the previous folks also admit to having essentially covid parties in the last year and somehow believe mask wearing is against their faith (from the good book of non-maskism)


    8: 15% want the CDC punished for overreach by creating laws/lawsuits that overreach the other direction yet claim it's different!?!?


    9: 5% think Bill Gates is implanting microchips in vaccines and are generally angry that they can't wonder off the ship at Cozumel and get sloppy drunk right now


    10: 5% don't know this is a cruise board but just love to scream about politics and hatred for socialism

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    • Haha 2
  17. 1 hour ago, BoozinCroozin said:

    You obviously have absolutely no clue do you?


    This is a win-win situation for the cruise lines regardless of the outcome. If FL and Alaska win, then the CSO is gone. Cruise lines can start as soon as the ports can be staffed and their ships to ports. If the CDC wins, then the cruise lines can continue on their merry way with the mid-July agenda. 


    In the end, the only outcome I would love to see is the CDC put in its place and investigated. They made decisions without data nor facts on publicly traded companies. If any one person profited or prevented loss in the CDC because of those decisions, it is a crime.

    LOL!  Whatever Boozin as I guess if believing in fairy tales keeps you happy then go for it!

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