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Very Sherry

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Everything posted by Very Sherry

  1. Medjet's regular membership is up to 90 days. They have Expat180 and Expat365 for extended trips out-of-country, you'd just need to upgrade.
  2. Billc23 is correct here: Medjet will move you to a hospital at home even if the local hospital that has stabilized you IS capable of continuing to treat you. Medjet decisions are not based on the hospital being unable to treat you ("medical necessity"). That's where it differs from travel insurance medevac, which gets you to the nearest "capable" hospital, but will not move you home unless you can prove that it's "medically necessary" (good luck with that). You choose the hospital in your home country, which does not necessarily have to be in your hometown. Carefree is correct here: "You don't have control over when Medjet dispatches a team". They do it as soon as possible, but that depends on you reaching stability for being transported (the jets are mobile ICU's but not surgery capable...). A bed needs to be pre-secured at the receiving hospital (ie they will not just dump you off at an ER entrance), and the closest available crew reaching your destination needs to be located, and get to you. Also correct here: Medjet doesn't cover hospital bills, only the cost of getting you moved home. Insurance usually does require you pay up front then file for reimbursement. Medjet does not ~ if you are a member, and transported, you pay nothing out-of-pocket and won't see a bill afterwards. They pay all transport costs (ground transfers, crew, aircraft, fuel, crew visas & clearances, etc.) themselves. RE: EA +, I'd double check their international medevac language for "medical necessity" clauses. You get what you pay for... Hope this helps!!
  3. Oh... yeah, the diamond thing. I have MedJet for my mom too (82) and went thru MedJet's process for her. I didn't know the other didn't require the doctor's form. But I just went and looked and read GR can deny service based on preexisting conditions. I think I'd rather go thru the MedJet hopps upfront and know before she went if something was going to be a problem / not covered so am sticking with MJ.
  4. MedJet's "MedJet Horizon" membership does the same thing. There's an article in FORBES by a writer who was evacuated during Covid because he was a member. So that's the one I got...seems like all the travel writers have it, so figured it was the best one.
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