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Posts posted by southwestie

  1. The wave is a great idea. We will trial the idea on the January 2008 tandem crossing, although I'm not promising it as a gay event or I couldn't be there.


    I have the idea of taking one of these walkie talkie things along for the crossing so we can have the chance of inter ship communication too.


    I think this could become an iconic event on tandem crossings (for the last three at least). Bring your video camera!


    ok but I hold the copyright lol


    call it

    robs transatlanic wave

  2. :) hi



    Yes we are every lol, what you do:) robin & I have together for the past 31 years (yes you get less for murder) (UK).


    we were one the 1st in the uk to get married last year as well, we did the TA last July and we never go to FOD meeting far too busy exploring the ship.

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