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At Sea At Peace

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Everything posted by At Sea At Peace

  1. Thanks. It looks like the construction (that someone posted in the main thread hadn't appeared to really be in force yet) and that only Carnival would be shut out (other ships through June using port) helped make Norfolk doable. If so, hope they make a return early enough for Legend passengers to account for the extra disembarkation time, logistics and transportation to the Baltimore Port (or direct to airports, etc.). Still love to hear from anyone onboard as all of this evolves and how it is handled and works out. Thanks.
  2. Looks like Legend is right on course for Bimini. Hope to hear from CC members on board with any information as they get it. Thanks.
  3. Official White Statement ~ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/03/26/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-collapse-of-the-francis-scott-key-bridge/ MARCH 26, 2024 Remarks by President Biden on the Collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge 12:46 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Hello, folks. Sorry to keep you waiting. I was waiting to talk to the last member of the delegation in the region. Good afternoon. Before I leave for North Carolina, which I’m going to do in a few minutes, I want to speak briefly about the terrible incident and accident that happened in Baltimore this morning. At about 1:30, a container ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which I’ve been over many, many times commuting from the state of Delaware either on a train or by car. I’ve been to Baltimore Harbor many times. And the bridge collapsed, sending several people and vehicles into the water — into the river. And multiple U.S. Coast Guard units, which are stationed very nearby, thank God, were immediately deployed, along with local emergency personnel. And the Coast Guard is leading the response at the port, where representatives from the Federal Highway Administration, the FBI, the Department of Transportation, the Army Corps of Engineers, as well as Maryland officials and Baltimore Police and Fire — they’re all working together to coordinate an emergency response. Officials at the scene estimate eight people were unaccounted for still — not still, were unaccounted for. That number might change. Two have been rescued — one without injury, one in critical condition. And the search-and-rescue operation is continuing for all those remaining as we speak. I spoke with Governor Moore this morning as well as the Mayor of Baltimore, the County Executive, United two — both United States senators and the congressman. And my Secretary of Transportation is on the scene. I told them we’re going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency, and I mean all the federal resources. And we’re going to rebuild that port together. Everything so far indicates that this was a terrible accident. At this time, we have no other indication — no other reason to believe there was any intentional act here. Personnel on board the ship were able to alert the Maryland Department of Transportation that they had lost control of their vessel, as you all know and have reported. As a result, local authorities were able to close the bridge to traffic before the bridge was struck, which undoubtedly saved lives. And our prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible accident and all the families, especially those waiting for the news of their loved one right now. I know every minute in that circumstance feels like a lifetime. You just don’t know. It’s just terrible. We’re incredibly grateful for the brave rescuers who immediately rushed to the scene. And to the people of Baltimore, I want to say: We’re with you. We’re going to stay with you as long as takes. And like the governor said, you’re Maryland tough, you’re Baltimore strong, and we’re going to get through this together. And I promise: We’re not leaving. Here’s what’s happening now. The search-and-rescue operation is our top priority. Ship traffic in the Port of Baltimore has been suspended until further notice. And we’ll need to clear that channel before the ship traffic can resume. The Army Corps of Engineers is on the spot and is going to help lead this effort to clear the channel. The Port of Baltimore is one of the nation’s largest shipping hubs. And I’ve been there a number of times as a senator and as a vice president. It handled a record amount of cargo last year. It’s also the top port in America for both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. Around 850,000 vehicles go through that port every single year, and we’re going to get it up and running again as soon as possible. Fifteen thousand jobs depend on that port. And we’re going to do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers. The bridge is also critical to — for travel, not just for Baltimore but for the Northeast Corridor. Over 30,000 vehicles cross the Francis Scott Key Bridge on a daily basis. It’s virtually th- — well, it’s one of the most important elements for the economy in the Northeast and the quality of life. My Transportation Secretary is there now. As I told Governor Moore, I’ve directed my team to move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as hu- — humanly possible. And we’re going to work hand in hand with the support of Maryland — to support Maryland, whatever they ask for. And we’re going to work with our partners in Congress to make sure the state gets the support it needs. It’s my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and I expect to — the Congress to support my effort. This is going to take some time. And the people of Baltimore can count on us, though, to stick with them at every step of the way until the port is reopened and the bridge is rebuilt. You know, we’re not leaving until this job gets done — not leaving until then. So, I just want to say God bless everybody who — everyone harmed this morning and their families. And may God bless the first responders, who — many of whom risking their lives. And I’m going to — the reason I’m not going to take a lot of questions — there’s remaining issues that are open that we got to determine what’s going to happen in terms of — of the rescue mission and the like. But I’ll — I’m —
  4. Also, agree on the 2025 versus the 2024. So, we remembered what the Celebrity agent said about 2024, that they 'clear the 2024 deck' over Memoria Day weekend and the first of June. First time we've ever heard of such, but we'll check our B2B in December on Ascent again then.
  5. Thanks, I forgot the Brooklyn Terminal. From what I just quickly read, it has ONE berth? And that is what Carnival uses?
  6. Awesome. We still can believe we upgraded from an E2 (partial obstruction overhead bridge) to a Prime Concierge and saved about $3,400 on the combined ASCENT B2B 15N FLL-Rome and 11N Rome-Greek Isles etc. next spring. 26N for just over $11K including fees, etc.
  7. Just opening up a portal for anyone on Legend right now that is a CC member and can relay information as soon as it becomes available to them on the ship. Thank you.
  8. I'm thinking so - at least for Legend for this Sunday. Piers 88, 90 and 92 appear to be double sided (up to 6 ships; however the website states FIVE 1,000 foot long berths for cruise vessels) and the schedule for this Sunday is only RCCL Anthem, MSC Meraviglia and Norwegian Getaway. Carnival also has to ramp up to restart for the April 5th Venezia, so, it just looks like the right choice.
  9. It's the long awaited reconstruction of the terminal, however, only Carnival will be totally shut out during the construction per previous reports. https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/norfolk/norfolk-cruise-terminal-to-close-for-renovations-in-2024/#:~:text=The city approved %2412 million,be bustling with construction crews Princess (5), TUI (3) and Crystal (1) are still on (for a very limited schedule) ~
  10. Here's a link to the Cruise ship Port of Baltimore schedules by year and month. https://www.cruisetimetables.com/baltimore-maryland-cruise-ship-schedule.html Here's 2024 - then screenshots though early July. https://www.cruisetimetables.com/baltimore-maryland-cruise-ship-schedule-2024.html
  11. Combining your thoughts, with which we agree, the filet is available every night (a favorite for one of us, especially if a fish themed night, that's OK for me), and as you note, and as we've posted for years, if you give them notice you can have almost anything they have, or can get. On cruises I like to focus on some things that, well, aren't big in our kitchen. 🤫 So, I look for lamb, in all cuts, whenever we cruise. I'll ask the chef, or M'd at the first meet, for one example, what lamb is available so I may pre-request after we look at the menus for the week (or a couple of days ahead of time). With Italian dishes, I also like a spicy marinara with a touch of diced tomatoes intact and even some diced anchovies. That I don't have to ask for ahead of time, they can handle that 'on the fly.'
  12. Thanks so much.🦞 🥩 We're back in MSC on Seascape B2B 3/30 in a week. After reading "so many the YC has deteriorate" comments since the pandemic, based on what you're posting it certainly doesn't appear so. Good to see. Also the stateroom sweets, fruits, cheeses and alcohol. On servings like the surf and turf you shared, we befuddle the server in asking for two plates so we can just split on; beef for one and lobster for the other. We have not been in the Retreat yet, however the lobster we had on Ascent in BLU recently was about 1/2 the size (or a little less) than your YC photo and, although we hail from New England (originally and now just the summers and close to Maine), not bad compared to a Maine lobster.
  13. As a follow up, we're aware of THREE methods that are being utilized to circumvent possessing a Yacht Club stateroom to enjoy the benefits (one pool and deck, bar (tough with a non-YC card, and grill, lounge and even, though to a lesser extent we'd imagine, restaurant) ~ 1. Interlopers "drafting in" at the main entrance or the available outdoor access points behind others, actual Yacht Club stateroom guests, that have used their card, wristband or whatever to get in. 2. Participating Yacht Club guests "assisting" non-YC friends and family in accessing via one of the above points. 3. Participating Yacht Club guests "exchanging cards, etc." with non-YC friends and family (even if they themselves don't leave the UC) who then use the cards if asked. Any other known or possible methods? Suggestion to MSC - If this is indeed still taking place, the first head to be held accountable is the YC Manager. Guard against such, check randomly at venues, etc. post signage*** and actually warn YC guests (a 'reminder letter in the stateroom upon boarding regarding the above), including, with regard to 2 and 3 above, the same consequences as for the unauthorized. Suggestion to MSC - Post a *** notice on the access points with a clear warning and the potential consequences.
  14. Not to worry, there will an additional 2 'monitors' in the YC on Seascape 3/30 for B2B, one of which who has 'no problem' identifying and reporting such to staff. 😉 Not just the interlopers, but anyone planning to 'invite' such...
  15. Seriously, we tried over and over on the website logged into our account, on the website logged into our reservation number, on the APP, nothing. Called MSC and the agent emailed me the eDoc with everything (including 4 luggage tags - - 😉 - - odd, we know how to print a page using 4 copies) while on the phone to confirm we got it. As an aside, although the MSC agent was great, it sounded like she was functioning in a junior high school cafeteria in the background. There were times we could barely hear her, and it was 'not' all phone call chatter in the background either.
  16. Well, the reservation representative said that "they" could do the stateroom class and location change but couldn't do the free upgrade adjustment, AND, the Captains Club representative said "they" couldn't the stateroom class and location change but could do the free upgrade adjustment. Just following orders. 😯
  17. Well, for added input that we learned (yikes we been on so many cruise, fee stupid), re-pricing our current stateroom class was of small value 'but we saw the prices of the other classes' significantly different. So, we either went from an FWD, E2 to Aqua (selected cabin) or to Midship Concierge (for big savings)? Seriously, strange. What we did was ~ 1. Went online and selected the same cruise. Found the much better Class that we wanted B2B stateroom, looked at the current price (changes daily we're told) and compared the price quote to what we had already booked for the lower Class. 2. Then we put a HOLD on the quote. 3. Then we had both our existing bookings and our holds in front of us and called the main number and selected for assistance for "current booking" asked to make a change to the room, and they made the change via pulling up the data via reservation #'s. A couple of minutes. 4. We haven't yet, but we'll now call Captains Club for the one-class upgrade credit for each of the B2Bs. 👍
  18. Yep, you're right, I know, but IMO the pricing was dropped (i.e., "and the lower prices").
  19. Thanks. The Celebrity customer service was impressed. She said she usually only sees such changes when compared to the best prices of Black Friday and Memorial Day weekend / 1st of June. I will say that the 4/20/25 Fort Lauderdale to Rome "filled up fast" over the weekend under the 2nd passenger 75% off promo "and the lower prices." I wonder it TA's get a 'heads up?' We plan on visiting a couple of the regions on the west coast of Italy at the end of the 2nd cruise to enjoy 2-3 days immersed versus off-the-ship-and-back. We find AIR back from various source airports to the US a bit of mess! Looked at the 'return by cruise option' and not much there at that time of year going against the seasonal flow.
  20. So, to continue, we looked at our B2B 12/1 and 12/8 on the Ascent. Low and behold, we were able to change our similar E2 Deck 8 Veranda FWD for a 'right behind Prime Aqua Class' (regular Aqua Class) location of our choice for < $200? 😜 In total. 💸 Really weird, but very happy. 😉
  21. I have no idea what went on over the weekend, but we regularly check on prices just to see if there has been any significant movement. For our 4/20/25 Fort Lauderdale to Rome 15N we were able to change from an E2 Deck 8 Veranda very close to under the bridge FWD (with what we believe would be a partial obstruction notation) to a C1 Concierge Deck 11 Midship for less! Then, we changed our same stateroom E2 Deck 8 Veranda Rome-Greece-Turkey subsequent 11N, to the same C1 Concierge also for less! No idea what's up, haven't even gone to the Captains Club yet to the one-level stateroom credit. A $3,400 savings to move up quite bit? Checked today for the same approach to try the Aqua Class. Big change from yesterday, little availability and very much more that the deal we struck. So, 'fluctuations"
  22. 😅😂 It's a good thing the ship experience is not run by the IT department. They should have never gotten rid of the "upload photo" option IMO. 🌊 🛳️ The online 'take photo' appears to continue be 'offline!' The APP, when finally accessed (see below) has one contorting ones face and eyes like we're in the 5th grade. The online data already entered doesn't transfer the APP if you can't 'sign in on your account on the APP' and you have to "sign in with your confirmation number." THE RE-ENTER EVERYTHING.
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