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Posts posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. 5 hours ago, justhappy said:

    I also don’t worry about how other people spend their mone

    Good for you!  I don't either.  But, if they ask how they should spend their money, I'll generally toss my two cents in. 

    5 hours ago, justhappy said:

    Some people like to prepay items that are vacation related so when they travel they don’t have a big bill afterwards. I was taught growing up that wants should never be financed.

    So accruing charges while on board and paying them at the end is "financing them?"  How so. I don't pay any interest.  If I can't afford the bill at the end (I can), I won't cruise.

  2. 37 minutes ago, DorothyB said:

    No, but how hard is it to get that refunded if he cancels the cruise.

    I don't know.  But he said:

    1 hour ago, grouchomarx said:

    want to book some extras to make sure I secure them before they sell out.

    I asked a question.  You seem to be trying to ask or answer a different question.


    I guess it's great for the rest of us when some of you want to loan money interest free to NCL.  Helps the debt situation.  Helps keep my fares low.  Not exactly sure what you're getting out of it.

  3. 1 hour ago, complawyer said:

    hey chief. maybe i misspoke. im by nature a grump, teetering on curmudgeon, on a cruise ship only in terms of associating with other people. that being said, im thoroughly happy and contented on board any cruise ship (especially if ive booked a suite ha ha).


    it's just i really dont try to strike up conversations with others on board, and try to avoid it if possible. however, on our last cruise, we met a couple in our hotel in rio, that was taking the same day tour as my wife and i. we saw them again at check in at the pier, and a few times onboard. casually, i mentioned that instead of shore excursions we usually hire a taxi, they thought that was a splendid ide, so we invited them along, we also saw them in a few of the restaurants where we were eating, so we invited them to join us. exception to t he rule, as im usually not that sociable.

    Yeah.  That's what I thought.  You're a fun person hiding behind a grumpy persona.  😎


    My prescription:  stop looking for ways to "kill time."  Focus more on enjoying the time God gives you.  That's what I do.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  4. True story.  I thought I had the lyrics correct, but did my homework with about five minutes of precious on board internet prior to disembark.  On the bus, on the way to the lumberjacks and while waiting after getting off the bus, I quietly sang at a low level "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...."  Was hoping to get a crowd movement going.  It didn't work.😒


    Will I try it again next time?  Heck yes!!! 🥳


    These people just don't start drinking early enough.  Or, has the world just lost it?😒

  5. 27 minutes ago, Candy Apple 12 said:

    I haven’t been on a Disney cruise since 2015 because my kids have outgrown it and I’m not much of a Disney fan, but if DCL quality is the same as it was on the many cruises I took with them, Disney is the model of what NCL should strive for.

    I really wasn't talking about food....🤣

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