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Posts posted by Mikamarii

  1. 5 minutes ago, joejoe 59 said:

    We just came back from Fiji. We just had to show we had  insurance cover they don't check through it.


    Thats good, all we have is a travel card with important numbers/policy numbers.  It always just makes me wonder why there are these strict policies they don't really have a way of enforcing.


    And thank you MMDownunder for your reply as well.


    We have no port stops in Fiji but I imagine other islands will be look to apply similar restrictions as they re-open as well. Our final payment for our transpacific is due in about 3 weeks. 

  2. 14 hours ago, MMDown Under said:

    Includes a valid medical travel insurance policy with international coverage of Covid-19"

    I wonder how they determine this?

    My travel insurance through my employer covers Covid 19. It doesn't say in the policy that it does, it just does. It is not listed as an exclusion. Just like it doesn't say i'm specifically covered for Norovirus, tetanus, or a staph infection. We got an email last summer from the company saying that their travel policies cover Covid.


  3. 22 hours ago, kasmca said:


    We have collision and comprehensive insurance for car rentals covered by our credit card as well, but not 3rd party liability, so when renting a car, we opt to pay for that from the car rental.  It is typically not recommended to use your own personal car insurance coverage on vacation as your rates will go up if you file a personal claim on it.

    I’ve never worked in insurance but have had friends who have so this is heresay and to be taken with a grain of salt. 

    technically you are supposed to report all risk factors to your insurance company (speeding tickets, collisions, impaired driving, etc) as you are insured based on your driving record not just filed claims. Insurance is insurance. I don’t trust them and they will always try to find ways to not pay so they can apparently void your policy if you’ve lied about your risk factor. It’s one reason why when you sign up they’ll ask ‘any collisions, etc’ as your rates will be higher even if you’ve never been with that company and filed a claim with them before. 

    personally, we rely on our own coverage. Insurance is hard enough to deal with and I don’t want to have to deal with a car company to get claims covered especially when they are out of province our out of country if I don’t have to. Plus,  I pay a yearly rate for coverage and don’t want to pay the same amount for a weeks worth of coverage.


    last, Alberta is all private insurance so it may very well be different province to province. 

    just food for thought for those considering their options. 

  4. Has anyone ever purchased the Diver Alert Network (DAN) travel insurance. I’ve looked in to it but it’s tough to see all the fine print without purchasing a membership first. It is geared towards scuba divers but they do offer non-diver related insurance and I don’t believe you have to be scuba certified to join. Their family membership is 100$ year and they have a Canada specific travel insurance plan for 125$ (Cdn I believe) year which includes your spouse and dependants if you have a family membership. 

    the diver insurance covers up to 500k per incident per person and the travel insurance I believe is abt 30k per person per incident. So it’s not the highest amount but for 225ish a year it seems pretty decent for a full years worth of travel insurance for your family. I do believe it’s for under 65 though. 

    when we got certified the training center raved about the DANs policies. 

    im not sure what blue cross charges for a full year as my wife’s policy is 5million for 60 days. Mine was only 30 days so we called to top up for an upcoming 53day trip and it was about 200 for the extra days for the 4 of us. That’s when we found out hers was 60 days! 

  5. 42 minutes ago, springaussie said:

    I assume the next to get changed will be the Trans Pacific’s. Or the cruise could wait until last minute. 

    A few of them are stopping in the South Pacific. Probably be replaced with Auckland, Wellington or Picton. 

    We are on the TP on ovation leaving Oct 09. 

    We already stop in Wellington, Picton, and Napier. I’m hoping they keep the pacific islands as it was a major draw in us choosing this cruise. Time will tell I guess just wish we knew what was going on. I’m not opposed to more stops in NZ but would love to see the pacific islands as I doubt we will ever be back this way. 

  6. We applied for Nexus for the first time in March 2020. Got conditionally approved within a month or so and booked our interviews for April. Cancelled the week before when Covid started the shut downs. We’ve tried booking interviews three times and each cancelled within a couple weeks of our appointment. I think our last interview was for November before they shut down completely. 

    we were originally given one year to have the interview done. That changed to two years. Our two year date was April 09 and I thought we were going to get a message on our application being removed and we’d have to reapply. Nothing yet. They’ve even removed the “you must complete the interview with 720 days” message. Still says conditionally approved!


    Our closest enrolment center is Sweetgrass Montana which is about 7hrs away so not making that drive (especially with gas at 2$/L). 


  7. We’ve used arrivecan twice in the app. Once coming back from Mexico, once coming back from vegas. Both times received an email and QR code was available in the app. Like others, took a screenshot just in case. 

    in both cases no one asked to look at it at any point.  I’d like to think that the info reconciles with the flight manifest and is registered somewhere but who knows but not a single person asks to see our code. 

    Also, you can re do it any time in that 72hrs and they just issue a new receipt. The first time I filled it out I said no to being able to quarantine away from someone who works in a high risk setting (I work in a high risk setting, I can’t quarantine away from myself and figured I was taking it to literally) and got a code that I googled and learned I’d probably face issues at the border. So deleted it and re did it and was good to go. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, Bubbeh said:

    As far as I'm aware all vehicles registered in Australia have compulsory third party personal insurance.  It a payment made during the registration process. 


    Now, I'm not sure exactly if driving on an International Licence affects the owner / driver or third party property in terms of rental vehicles but I'll give you my two cents worth anyway.  Whenever we've hired a vehicle in Australia (NSW / Vic / SA /Tas) we've always used a known company (Avis / Budget etc) and all their vehicles are already comprehensively insured.  What you're not covered for is the Excess, which you may know as the Deductible.  This can be a very significant cost, usually in the thousands.   Our VISA card gives complimentary cover for the rental car Excess provided the entire rental cost is paid via the card.  It may be well worth checking with your CC provider to see if they also offer complimentary cover for this.

    Perfect thank you. This is what I'm gathering from the research but the terms and definitions are a little different than what we use so was a tad confusing. 


    My cc says it covers the excess or deductible when insurance is mandatory or included in the rebtal cost. When we rent vehicles here there is no insurance at all for the driver and entirely up to us to ensure we have our own coverage or we pay out of pocket for everything. 


    I did check when we first started planning and we don't need an international drivers permit as our license Is in English so we are good for something like 3-6 months to be there on our own license. 


    Thanks for all the input and assistance. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Docker123 said:

    A lot of travel insurance includes rental car liabilities. Best to check that policy, or see if there is extra coverage you can purchase.


    I double checked this just now and we aren't covered for rental car liabilities. Our travel medical insurance is through our employer and quite awesome (5 million per person per incident for up to 60 days out of country) 

  10. 1 hour ago, Aus Traveller said:

    No. You would not be covered by our Third Party Insurance. In Australia vehicle owners pay a compulsory Third Party premium with their car registration. You mention that your credit card travel insurance doesn't cover you for the third party. I suggest you have a look at You would have to take out insurance with the rental company.

    This is what I was able to find on one car rental site 


    In Australia as long as the rental vehicle is registered; the Green Slip (CTP - Compulsory Third Party Insurance) covers all injuries including death caused to other road users such as drivers, passengers of other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, motor cyclists and pillion passengers if you are at fault in a motor vehicle accident. CTP does not cover damage to property or other vehicles. The CTP provides unlimited indemnity to the insured party and ensures those who are injured have access to funds for services including all reasonable medical costs, treatment and rehabilitation. There is no fixed coverage limit per policy.




    the only option I was given when booking a vehicle was collision/damage waiver. Looks like this is covered through my credit card so I'm covered though. So it looks like I'm covered for third party just not property damage to other vehicles. But I wasn't given that option to book. Only insurance I was offered was covering  the rental vehicle at 30$ day which seems awfully pricy but I'm covered for that anyway. If I'm given the option when I pick up the vehicle for 3rd party damage and injury I'll get it. Just not sure if it's available 🤷‍♂️

  11. 13 minutes ago, Chiliburn said:

    We have a compulsory third person insurance included in the vehicle registration.

    I would recommend you get CDW insurance.

    Great thank you so much. That’s what I figured but is very different on how we have insurance here as our Province is all privatized. 

    we do have collision damage covered through our credit card so I’ll read up on how they compare. 

  12. As we move closer to our Australia adventure so many questions are starting to pop up! Most of them covid related but I'll save those for August/September as so much is changing in that realm. 


    As part of our upcoming trip we will be renting a car for 10 days then 5 days with a cruise in between. Both rentals will be while we are in Brisbane. My questions are about Insurance and liability for the rental vehicle. My personal vehicle insurance only covers us in any vehicle in North America so none of the coverage we have will apply overseas.


    I do have collision/damage insurance through our credit card so that covers us for damage to our rental vehicle but not a 3rd party. We also have full travel medical insurance so that covers us for our own Injury. 


    When booking I wasn't given an option for 3rd party liability (if someone else gets hurt in a collision or their vehicle gets damaged) I've been trying to read up on that and it looks like it's an automatic coverage with no limit if the vehicle is registered in Australia. 


    So my main question is, if I get in a collision is the damage to another's vehicle and (God forbid) any injury to anyone else covered through the rental agency?





  13. 17 hours ago, Aus Traveller said:

    It's good you have a few ports in NZ. People here on this forum will give you ideas on what to do in each port so you can maximise your time there.

    Great thanks!


    There are very few excursions available on our RC cruise planner right now (none for Wellington).

    We booked a Winery tour in Picton through RC and a full day LOTR tour in Wellington through a private vender.

    We are hoping to do some Scuba Diving in Moorea and Pepeete but nothing available through RC. I thought the Pacific islands were still closed to Cruise Ships but just read an article that the Norweigen Spirit left Papeete a couple days ago and marinetraffic shows it near French Polynesia so that is a good sign!

  14. 1 hour ago, Aus Traveller said:

    Trans-Pacific cruises often call into Auckland, but the may not visit anywhere else in NZ such as Fiordland National Park, Tauranga (for Rotorua), Wellington, and the South Island cities, Dunedin and Lyttleton (for Christchurch). You would be able to say you had been to New Zealand, but you would have seen very little.🙂

    Our cruise is planned to go to Napier, Picton, and Wellington. We were hoping to home base it in Auckland for the extra time and visit that area (planned to see most of the northern island) but there's so much planning for this trip that we just couldn't wait to see how it played out and wanted to get things booked. Instead we are spending 25 days in Australia and decided one day we will return and spend the whole time in NZ and explore then!

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  15. 13 hours ago, onlyslightlymad said:

    I think the maritime border date reopening may be announced tomorrow.  Watch this space.





    we originally had 11 days planned in NZ as part of our larger South pacific journey but opted to cancel as there just weren't enough updates about what was going to happen and things like flights were non-refundable. At least it looks like we will be able to visit the NZ ports as part of the TP cruise. 

  16. We are coming to Australia on a Transpacific cruise on October as part of a 52 day vacation in Australia. If it is one thing we've learned over the last couple years is that time can easily be taken away from you. Our kids are 10 and 8 and will soon hit the age where they want nothing to do with us! Time is precious and should be spent doing the things you love with the people you love. Risk is risk and is different to everyone. 

    • Like 2
  17. 42 minutes ago, Cbtours said:

    Gosh is this for real? Heard nothing at all about it. I know the early days people were talking that hydrohexie ones? So is it similar?

    We've had this available here for a few months. I think the key with this pill is that you take it as soon as symptoms start (or infection detected) and it keeps the symptoms from coming more serious. It isn't something you can take as a preventative measure like daily vitamin or anything. I don't know how widely available it is (or expensive) so it won't be given to everybody who gets sick....just those at higher risk of serious outcomes.  

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, vegemeter said:

    S**t, it has less cases than my local supermarket 

    Were about 8-10 weeks removed from all restrictions being lifted. We were given dire warnings about what would happen. Our provincial govt only does weekly reporting so now it’s not in the front of everyone’s mind anymore. We have 20k people for hockey games, concerts….restaurants are fully open and our hospitalization rates have gone down. I think at our peak we were around 50k cases a day country wide and we warned that we would be at 500k a day and thousands of deaths per day in our province alone. That didn't happen. At our peak only 0.001% of our population was in ICU and our govt admitted that 1/2 wasn’t for Covid as a primary factor. 

    precautions need to be taken in certain settings and risk has to be assumed for everyone who chooses certain activities. Eventually the focus will fade and the panic subside. It took about 4 weeks.  That’s where we are now and it’s nice. 

    • Like 3
  19. 1 hour ago, Aus Traveller said:

    My guess is that they will watch and see what happens with the ships starting to cruise in Australia. NZ might open in time for the summer season. There wouldn't be much point in opening earlier, but I hope the announcement comes in time for the cruiselines to plan their summer itineraries.

    Every time someone says they hope they will be open by summer I keep thinking….but summer is only 1 month away they need to figure it out now!! Then remember your summer is different haha. 

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  20. Our October 2022 transpacific with RCI had a change of one port (cancelled bora bora and moved to an overnight on moorea) and we were given the option of cancel with full refund or $100 OBC per stateroom. That was only for one port so I imagine if a complete itinerary change they'd also offer you a chance for a full refund. May be dependent on the cruise line too.

    • Like 1
  21. We rented a car to go to wdw from Port Canaveral after a cruise. 


    It's pretty simple to get or drop off a car at wdw. 


    Florida has toll roads (New to us as we don't have them in Canada). Each rental vehicle should have an automatic scan system on the license plate that gives a flat rate per day. It automatically kicks in when you go through an express lane and they bill you after your return the car (I think you can prepay as well). If you don't go through one you don't pay. 


    I believe there are ways to get there without using toll roads if you want to save some money but for the most part they are only 1$ or so. 


    Something to think about when planning your route but if you forget and drive through the express lane you are good as the vehicles are set up for that and you won't be dinged with a big ticket. 

    • Thanks 1
  22. 2 hours ago, LittleFish1976 said:


    I could get on a ship somewhere I guess that wouldn't require passengers and crew to be tested prior to boarding but would I want to? Hell, no. Why not take all the simple and sensible precautions we can to minimise the spread of covid?


    Why not? Im sure you go to a variety of settings everyday where people have not provided a neg test. Why is a cruise line any different?


    Testing does very little to stop the spread of this virus given its incubation and infectious time. Testing tells the professionals how prevalent it is and what you have so Dr's  know how to treat it. The RATs are unreliable anyway. 


    Cruise ships have had success in NA America not because of pre cruise Testing but because of the excellent air filtration and staffs dedication to cleaning 24/7. There are some that have had outbreaks but that was true before of disease before the pandemic. We all know cruise ships are much safer than the media or non cruises suggest and that's largely because the staff is so dedicated to cleaning. 


    Our province dropped all restrictions about 6 weeks ago and the world didn't implode like the opposing political party predicted. The best thing we've done is stop the daily reporting of daily numbers. 


    Wash your hands and get vaccinated. That's what will get us out of this. For pasty canadians it also includes extra vitamin D as we don't get the same amount of sun light. 

  23. 1 hour ago, NSWP said:

    I would say 3.  Govt says 3 is the required number of Covid 19 vaccs, my digital certificate says that anyway. 

    I think this is what concerns me most about the latest Covid rules being implemented. Everywhere is different and inconsistent. In Canada, only 2 are needed.
    As a front line worker I was eligible for my doses early on in 2021. I did what my govt asked and had a mixed dose as I took the first one available. There was a short period of time where professionals across the globe said that mixed doses don’t qualify as fully vaxed so I was required to get a third. That was last September. Now some places are saying if your last dose was more than 270 days you require then you need a booster. So for me that would be a 4th dose but, as of now,  I don’t meet the eligibility  requirements for a 4th dose so if that doesn’t change by summer I’ll be ineligible to travel this fall. 

    it’d make more sense if all vaccinations were required and everyone had equal access to them. 

  24. We have a cruise planned in November ....I'm sure rules will change by then but as they stand now


    I don't need a test to enter Australia, to visit any city, or facility but I do need a test to get on a cruise in Australia which will take me to same places?


    I could fly or drive to Cairns and not need a test but if I take a ship I need a test?


    I could organize a private excursion with any company on land to the great barrier reef and don't need a test but if I'm on a ship I need to choose from a select few companies and have already provided a negative test? Seems reasonable


    In NA cruise ships were able to verify that their numbers were vastly fewer than anywhere on land that had no restrictions. These rules seem to be based on feeling and not 'science'

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  25. We are on the Queensland Cruise on the Coral Princess departing Nov 10 as well.  

    We are doing the pontoon GBR trip in both Port Douglas and Airlie Beach. One We are doing with our kids and the other just wife and I so we can scuba dive. 

    In Cairns we are doing fitzroy Island. 

    We thought about doing one day to just explore but coming all this way we figured we would spend all 3 days at the reef. 

    We will be spending 10 days pre cruise on the gold coast and 5 days post cruise at the sunshine coast. 

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