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Everything posted by Belgica2022

  1. So... my wife just tested positive on an official Antigen/LFT test and is required to isolate for 5 days. She's currently asymptomatic. This has happened about a week before we're due to embark on our first cruise with MSC. Naturally we're now completely unsure what to do and reading through the MSC website has simply left us more confused. It doesn't help that it's not clear which information is outdated and which is recent. We're embarking from Hamburg so expected to do the COVID Antigen test within 48 hours of travel. Considering the timeframe of likely infection we would expect her to test negative by that point (but of course no guarantee). However, we're not sure how to interpret how MSC will handle this, especially having read through the Health form. Basically she can answer no to all of the questions on the form (relating to the 14 days before the cruise) apart from this one: For those who speak German "Wurden Sie positiv auf COVID-19 getestet oder waren Sie in Quarantäne in Zusammenhang mit einer COVID-19 Infektion?" = "Have you tested positive or were you in Quarantine in relation to a C-19 infection?" What's not clear is if MSC use this to inform a risk-assessment - so assuming testing negative, no symptoms, no temperature etc - she would be allowed to board, OR anyone with a positive test in the past 14 days will be struck-off.. Basically, are we already pre-destined to be denied boarding now, or is there still a chance? I plan to call MSC tomorrow but just wondered if anyone had experience of this type of situation. Sorry - hope all above is clear- it's been a stressful evening. 😐 Thanks very much in advance!
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