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Lil Chrissie

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Everything posted by Lil Chrissie

  1. Well I hope whoever was taken off the ship receives the care they need and makes a speedy recovery! I hope @cruzin4us is well. Maybe she lost her phone or something like that. IDK. Appreciate the additional reviews and pics of food! Those cookies are making me hungry!
  2. What happen to Cruzin4us? No posts for the last couple of days. I was so excited to read her reviews every day!
  3. Beef Wellington looks delicious. OMG that poor asparagus..........looks like its been through the ringer.
  4. Thank you for your posts! I enjoy reading them everyday. I will be on the Ruby in two weeks. Looking forward to seeing Alaska again. Yay! Do you ever visit the buffet? Wondering how the food quality and choices available are.
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