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Everything posted by A.C.H

  1. At least you can get the extra cover under the new policy, unlike the current one once Nationwide cottoned on to the fact that Ambassador wasn't a member of CLIA. I suppose if your wealthy enough to afford to go on more than one cruise per year then paying per cruise for extra cover should be a mere trifle...
  2. https://www.nationwide.co.uk/current-accounts/flexplus/travel-insurance-changes/
  3. Re Nationwide change of Travel Insurance Underwriter. Good news! The restriction applying to obtaining extra cruise Cover for missed ports etc being applied only to CLIA members does not appear in the new Nationwide Travel Insurance policy document due to be underwritten by Aviva! 😊👌
  4. You will be fine, the info on the website states all bookings made prior to 01st September will remain as they are.
  5. Ambassador has been sending out an email about its increased charges for buying drinks onboard, drinks packages and gratuities- https://www.ambassadorcruiseline.com/on-board-experience/ambassador-drinks-packages/?fbclid=IwAR2ZQuN3RunEYFfnwUa1wI0kjkaDFZRTB3PkSPkb7wBaZHEZgc8UdHsBVT4
  6. Apparent on a recent sailing the CEO stated that Ambassador will not be joining CLIA and there is no benefit in doing so. Other companies like Hurtigruten and Viking are not members so they must also have reasons for not wanting to join.
  7. Nationwide will give you basic cruise cover but won't allow the optional missed ports and cabin confinement upgrade.
  8. Actually, up to 3 weeks ago some people calling Nationwide to renew their travel insurance were still being told Nationwide wouldn't give cruise cover to Ambassador cruise passengers. The message hopefully has now got through to the call centre.
  9. If you read my post you will see its now official confirmation that Nationwide will not be changing the wording to their travel insurance policy document leading to the bizarre and baffling situation where they are willing to give cruise cover to non-CLIA cruise companies but not the optional cover for missed ports etc, because as we know CLIA members never cancel port visits or cause passengers to be confined to their cabins....
  10. Last week I put in an official complaint to Nationwide about the restrictive definition of a Cruise on page 12 of the Nationwide Travel Insurance policy document. On Thursday I received a telephone call from a representative of UK Travel Insurance, the Underwriters, who have explained the situation. As of now Nationwide are not going to change the definition in the policy document. However, they will provide basic cruise cover under the policy but will no longer offer the optional extended cover that includes things like missed ports and cabin confinement to companies who are not Cruise Line International Association members. This is the official line from Nationwide.
  11. You need to check your Nationwide Policy Documentstion or phone Nationwide to get the number.
  12. It's still very unclear if UK Travel Insurance, the Underwriters, will cover Ambassador cruises. Evidence from Social Media suggests that Nationwide will cover basic cruise cover but not the optional extras such as missed ports etc. You really need to contact the underwriters for clarification.
  13. Insurance companies rely on the small print to wriggle out of paying up, I know because I've been stung like this!
  14. There may be some good news on the horizon. The underwriters have confirmed to a person who was looking to renew their Nationwide travel insurance policy that they are going to rewrite the offending clause.
  15. All Cruises are classes as Trips as per the Definition explanation- 'Definitions The definitions below apply to all of our terms and conditions including: • This policy booklet. • Any upgrades to your cover. • Any endorsements to your cover. All defined words show as bold wherever they appear.' 'Cruise A pre-booked trip of at least 48 hours organised by a Cruise Lines International Association member on a boat or ship with a documented schedule including at least one port stop.' 'Trip A journey that begins and ends at your home during the period of insurance that is: • Outside the UK. • Within the UK, where you are staying in pre-booked commercially operated accommodation for two or more consecutive nights.' The above is taken directly from the Policy document itself, with the sections in bold as they appear. So, the Policy tells you to look at the words in bold and then at further defined wording. So it should be obvious that a Cruise is defined as a Trip which is further explained under the Trip section of the Definitions. This is how UK Insurance took the above to mean.
  16. Nationwide defines a trip as- 'Trip A journey that begins and ends at your home during the period of insurance that is: • Outside the UK. • Within the UK, where you are staying in pre-booked commercially operated accommodation for two or more consecutive nights.' Therefore a Cruise is a Trip as their definition of a Trip states.
  17. But the definition of a Cruise calls it a 'Trip'- 'Cruise A pre-booked trip of at least 48 hours organised by a Cruise Lines International Association member on a boat or ship with a documented schedule including at least one port stop.'
  18. Not correct, the offending section is on page 12 of the Nationwide Travel Insurance Policy document under 'Definitions'- 'Definitions The definitions below apply to all of our terms and conditions including: • This policy booklet. • Any upgrades to your cover. • Any endorsements to your cover. All defned words show as bold wherever they appear. Account holder The person or people named on the Nationwide FlexPlus current account. Anticipated event Any event that you knew would happen or could reasonably have expected to happen at the time you became an insured person, the date when you booked your trip or when buying an upgrade, whichever is later. Appointed representative The preferred law frm, solicitor, or other suitably qualifed person appointed by us to represent you under Legal Costs. Business equipment Electrical equipment including computers, business books, stationery and offce equipment that you use for business purposes and is owned by you or is your legal responsibility. This does not include mobile phones and tablets. Business samples Any business stock that you own or that you are legally responsible for. Close relative Your partner and your: • Parent, parent-in-law, step-parent or legal guardian. • Child, child-in-law, step-child or foster child. • Sibling, sibling-in-law, half-sibling or step-sibling. • Grandparent or grandchild. Colleague A person in the UK who works for the same company as you and if they were away from work for one or more complete working days at the same time as you, would prevent the effective continuation of that business. Conditions of carriage Your rights and responsibilities when you buy a ticket to travel with a transport operator. Details can usually be found on the company’s website. Consumable item Items that are designed to be used up including tobacco products, scents and perfumes, cosmetics, skin care products, food and drink. Court Court, tribunal or other suitable authority. Cruise A pre-booked trip of at least 48 hours organised by a Cruise Lines International Association member on a boat or ship with a documented schedule including at least one port stop....' As you can see both cruise cover and upgrades to cruise cover are covered by how Nationwide defines a cruise.
  19. It's a bizarre situation as CLIA have no regulatory powers, its just a trade association. UK Insurance are baffled as Nationwide is the only company they underwrite for that has this clause in its policy. I suspect Nationwide will be amending that clause in due course.
  20. I have just had a call from very helpful person at UK Insurance who has confirmed that all currently Nationwide Travel Insurance policy holders will be covered, they are waiving the CLIA restriction. However, the person did say when your policy is up for renewal you must check to see if there are any changes to the CLIA stipulation, this hasn't been resolved as of yet.
  21. A recent query on social media has revealed that those who have Travel Insurance as part of their Nationwide account package are not covered to travel with Ambassador. It appears that the definition of a cruise on page 12 in the Nationwide Travel Insurance policy document states the cruise must be with a member of the Cruise Lines International Association, which Ambassador currently is not a member of. UK Insurance, the Underwriters of the policy were unaware of this themselves until this week and are due to make a decision on whether they will cover Ambassador or not.
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