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Red Leicester

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Posts posted by Red Leicester

  1. Self disembarked from Iona in November.  It's the default now it would appear, you don't have to register.  We also got a disembarkation time of 09:20 should I have needed assistance.  I was home, 111 miles away, by 08:45.  If you can do, and we are lucky we can,  it it is much much easier.

  2. 3 hours ago, pete14 said:

    I am currently on Aurora and have booked the internet for the whole cruise for one device. Access can only be from one device at a time (obviously) but if you try to log on from a different device, it asks whether you want to disconnect the device logged on. If so, it disconnects the other device so you can log on. 

    Ditto Iona.  Access from one device at a time but you can log off Device A and log onto Device B.  Or logon to Device B and boot Device A off.  We had two phones and a laptop that we connected one at a  time.

    I'll add Iona's wifi was very good, could stream and download no problem though did go for the pricier option.  Can't remember it going down either.

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  3. I take a selection of small books and a Kindle.  To be honest a Kindle can carry an entire library.  Try and get the one that can be read in any light too.

    It would also be great if Iona passengers were spoken about with politeness, comments around whether or not we can read are not helpful even when in jest, it just adds to the "them and us" feel and doesn't make us feel welcome.

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  4. On Iona a couple of weeks back I annoyed many many people on Deck 6 by asking for "two normal teas please" and being told to skip the entire queue as it just required some boiling H2O and a bag.  I reckon if I was waiting it was a 20 minute wait.  Compounding by never knowing whether to queue at the counter or wait to be served.  But... that was a sea day and the worst, by a long way, I encountered.


    I have long been an advocate for two queues in places that serve drinks, one for coffee and maybe hoy choc and one for everything else.  I have walked out of many at stations to make the train where I have just wanted a bottle of something or a tea, or food but been stuck whilst they make individual cups and do all the banging of stuff.  I was in Greggs once and someone bought a sausage roll and six coffees.  That was a long wait.  I must get the CEOs email address for these places...


  5. 23 hours ago, Red Leicester said:

    @TigerB - ta me duck for the offer to use the photos. Are you happy for me to take all your accessible bus ones or just those from that post?  I’m sure some find them useful. 

    The shuttle in Lisbon went a long way to go not very far.  I walked between ship and the centre stop in half the time.  I only went on the shuttle as I erm… wanted to in all honesty.  My second trip from ship to town I walked there and back. 

    It’s not just Mrs RL that requests regular cat updates.  The joys of messages and networks means we get updates too.  He makes a guest appearance on my shuttle bus map. 

    The tram 10 in Valencia looks a go-er too from the shuttle drop off to the centre-ish.  May require a change onto the metro too. IMG_4272.thumb.jpeg.ba64463d3530ac9b62953f7448189484.jpeg

    My map is now updated with TigerB's photos.  Ta muchly.

    Click here

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  6. @TigerB - ta me duck for the offer to use the photos. Are you happy for me to take all your accessible bus ones or just those from that post?  I’m sure some find them useful. 

    The shuttle in Lisbon went a long way to go not very far.  I walked between ship and the centre stop in half the time.  I only went on the shuttle as I erm… wanted to in all honesty.  My second trip from ship to town I walked there and back. 

    It’s not just Mrs RL that requests regular cat updates.  The joys of messages and networks means we get updates too.  He makes a guest appearance on my shuttle bus map. 

    The tram 10 in Valencia looks a go-er too from the shuttle drop off to the centre-ish.  May require a change onto the metro too. IMG_4272.thumb.jpeg.ba64463d3530ac9b62953f7448189484.jpeg

    • Like 5
  7. Ditto with Admiral.  Upload booking confirmation with itinerary and I scanned the missed port letter from P&O.  Used Admirals online form, quite intuitive.  72 hours later I had a call.  No contesting it from them as no alternative port offered. I couldn't fault it really.  I just hope this doesn't mean my quote next years jumps as I made a claim.

  8. Did my first one following missing Alicante on Iona a couple of weeks ago.  

    Claim submitted on Monday, call today with the offer, should have it within 10 days. Amazes me how companies can take payment within hours and it leaves my account but takes days the other way.  Ho-hum. 

  9. Beach House is bookable, you don't always have to in advance but an hour or two before. If you really want to go then I'd advise booking just in case.

    Olive Grove seemed really popular in 2021 and we struggled to get in.  The last two weeks I got in twice with no problems at all.  It wasn't full on either visit.  I did get a "tut" from the host for rocking up seven minutes early on the first visit.


    Quays is good quality and turn up and eat.


    Keel & Cow I did for the first time, joined a virtual queue and was at a table within five mins.  If the steaks are still from Onley Grounds then this is ironically my nearest farm shop to home.  We had the 32oz tomahawk and it was amazing.


    Not done any of the others so can't comment.


    2 formal nights on my 14 nighter, one on day three, one on the penultimate sea night.  Plenty did dress up and plenty didn't.  You won't be out of place doing either.  As I keep saying my food doesn't taste any different because some are in black tie and I'm not.  You are obviously limited to areas if not in black tie but to be honest not that many.

    • Like 1
  10. I’m 45 and not one person I know in my generation or those younger play bridge.  I’m sure they are out there somewhere. 

    Dancing is probably a little more popular thanks to Strictly.  

    But board games and RPGs are increasingly popular.  More change afoot methinks with these changes in what is offered. 

  11. You should try speaking and getting to know some of us new clientele, we might not speak proper and know all the unwritten etiquette but we're not three bad.  You might actually quite like us given a chance.  Well not me, I'm not normal and thoroughly unsociable.  But others could become your new best buddy.


    Think of it like a training course at work with the inevitable "Over the next two weeks speak to at least three people you don't know..."

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  12. We took Carcassonne to play, needed one of the larger tables for that.  Did a couple of escape room games but they are one time play.  As I said in a previous thread we left a couple of the one time play but replayable by others in the library on Iona.  It was good to see a family making use of it.  

    A sea day gives you the time to actually play one properly, just a shame they are bulky.

    • Like 2
  13. We were all new to everything.  A lot of inefficiency is created due to "it's always done that way so it can't be changed". 

    Iona is starting that change I believe, tapping into the family market.  I know a lot of people who are now cruising who never have before and that's because a lot of the more maybe traditional aspects are relaxing.  It's bad news for some but opens up new experiences for others.


    In forty years time I fully expect to be in the "it's always done that way, don't change it" category but companies will be tapping into the next forty years worth of coin.

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  14. If it's unwritten then how is someone to know?  That creates a clique and they can cause ructions.  If someone won't let you in on the camaraderie, and being honest some give off that vibe by how they talk at me, then how are you supposed to join in?  There has to be a compromise from both sides.


    Change happens, it has to happen at times.  It's not all bad. 

    (I didn't mean to post twice!)

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  15. People watching is fascinating.  I try and walk the stairs as much as possible and give up my space but sometimes I need the lift, Mrs RL does too. 


    Listening to conversations is fascinating too.  What people expect for the price you pay is interesting.  For the price I paid on Iona my expectations were met and there was thus no stress or disappointment.  If I'd paid twice as much I'd have expected much better, but I knew what I was walking into.

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  16. 16 minutes ago, 9265359 said:


    Of course it is rude and unacceptable to jump the queue.


    However I would suggest that issues with the lifts are deeply exacerbated by not filling the lifts with the number of people they can comfortably accommodate.


    Too often have I had to stand there with my foot in the door asking people to move back to let others in because there is clearly space for half a dozen more people in the lift.


    This could be post-p fallout and the changes in behaviour.  If you are in a shop and just need space to browse a cough and sneeze works wonders.

    Also despite the fact it says "63 people can fit in this lift" the reality is somewhat different and it's overengineered.  Reassuring in a way.  And yes I know it doesn't say "63...".

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  17. I was on the same cruise the last couple of weeks, second time on Iona having done others.  A few points from me:


    1 - Lift etiquette is lacking on all ships I've been on.  We're mid-forties and not all disabilities are visible.  There were some very rude queue jumpers who presumed we didn't need the lift, barged in and took our spaces.  I struggle with depth perception so to others there appears nowt wrong, stairs can become very precarious especially with a rolling ship and where edges aren't clearly distinguishable for me.  Front or rear lifts were quiet generally.


    2 - I'm no foodie but the food seemed okay to me, always fresh and their butter chicken one night was very spicy, that took me by surprise, tasty though.  One odd day where the choice was veal and I think squid...  I opted for the Quays that day.   The hot vegetarian offering in Horizon seemed to not vary much for a few days.  Beach House lava steak now comes with prawns, this was my go to but I'm allergic to prawns...  Fajitas were a good back up.  My food didn't taste any different on celebration night in the buffet as some were in black tie and I wasn't!  Didn't do either of the formal nights, didn't bother taking a suit or anything like that.


    3 - I had absolutely no complaints or issues at all.  Never struggled for a seat anywhere, never had bad service, never spotted any trouble though is you listen to rumours there was some.  It was the busiest sailing we'd done too.  Had one internet package between us which worked really well.  Never lost signal and could stream YouTube easily.  


    4 - The cabin stewards work hard.  Very hard.  I take the bed linen off on my last morning, this really helps them.  A lot were working clearing tables in Horizon of an evening.  On the crew exercise day he didn't clean our room before 12:30, phoned to apologise and asked if we needed anything.  We didn't, I can imagine some people wouldn't have liked that.  Cabin was huge!  Longest I've had.  Quiet too.  Plenty of sockets and USBs.  Didn't spot the lack of sockets in the bathroom but I wet shave so wasn't looking.


    5 - bugbears for me... people saving tables in Horizon.  I know and get why people do it but it's frustrating and only adds to the problem of it being busy.  A lot of children on board but what comes of a) going on Iona; and b) half the cruise going over half term.  That said some counties now have two weeks in autumn and less over the summer.  I knew families would dominate the pools and hot tubs so didn't bother with swimming togs.  I also saw a load of people at reception cancelling meals and that.  Good on them for cancelling rather than no show but why book on the off chance?  I had a late boarding time this time, and when I boarded and set myself up by 16:00 I could already book places.  I don't think this is fair.  By all means be able to book one of anything and maybe with loyalty add an extra but don't have people block booking when others don't get a look in, this means people don't get the full experience and can put them off coming back.  I have commented on this in other threads.  A lot of people want that last day Epicurean, I didn't stand a chance.  


    6 - We took some board games to play, a couple were one-time play ones but could be replayed by someone else, I left them in the library on a shelf and was pleased to see a mum and son had picked them up and were playing them.


    7 - Horizon was available electronically on My Holiday.  Maybe save some paper and give passengers an e-only option if they so wish.


    8 - by the end a cold was going round, I dodged it but the chatter on the shuttle in Lisbon (between the coughing) was around the air con being to blame.  It didn't feel like it was the other thing.  Had this on Arcadia and Britannia as well.


    9 - Entertainment... we keep ourselves to ourselves and I can be a small fish in a big pond on Iona.  Two weeks to switch off.  I have neve done the dancing, talks, shows, quizzes or parties.  I read, play games, browse online, ship spot, drink, eat, wander around.  Entertainment staff were a lot less cringy than previous, Britannia last year was just awful.  Infinity pool at the back was out for maintenance for the two weeks, just unlucky I guess.  Didn't cause too many issues.  It was relaxing.  


    I find Iona is very marmite, you either love it or hate it.  I watched a YouTube video on another cruise line but their summary is quite apt.  If you are new to cruising then people love it.  If you are seasoned I find people generally don't like the change.  That's fine.  Different ships appeal to different people.  P&O are changing and Iona is appealing to a broader and new market for them in the longer term. For us it's not the ship that drives my holiday, it's the ports. For others it will be the ship.  Will I be disappointed if formal nights went in a decade or two?  Personally... no.  Would I want P&O to become a full on party ship?  No.  Iona is a halfway house in that respect.

    A lot of people I spoke with were on the first cruise and thoroughly loved it and had booked a second, that's a good thing surely.  Others go looking for issues, wind themselves up over the smallest things (dust on top of one wardrobe door, I mean who goes looking) and then vow never to cruise with P&O again.  And then rebook...



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