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Red Leicester

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Posts posted by Red Leicester

  1. I found the evening of port days to be the most casual casual.  Probably understandably, especially if it's a late-ish back on board time.

    It's probably done the rounds enough before I joined this but to me not sure what I wear matters as long as it maintains decency.  That's a definition in itself.  Ripped jeans... decent?  It might not look good but is it really offensive?  What I wear or don't wear doesn't change who I am.  I don't wear a tie to work any more, does this make me work less hard? No.


    I believe times are changing and we may well see less of the formality as the demographics change.  Slowly, very slowly, I've spotted that it's becoming more relaxed.  Doesn't mean standards should slip though, don't get me wrong.  It's a tightrope.

    • Like 2
  2. 31 minutes ago, pete14 said:

    I presume the dark blue jeans were not noticeably jeans and did not have holes in the knees and slashes on the legs as seems to be essential for some people these days, prepared to pay extra for the ‘mutilation’ of their clothes.

    Correct, they weren't anything like that.  Can't get away with that fashion trend sadly!

  3. First time poster and commenter on such things...


    On Britannia a couple of weeks back I didn't take my suit as I'm not one for dressing up really.  I took either (very) dark blue jeans or smarter trousers and casual shirts / polos with a pair of smart black Skechers.  Never had any problem or issue, bar the odd look of disgust from my fellow passengers.  Only the Crow's Nest, Sindhu, Epicurean and main dining rooms were out of bounds.  Possibly theatres and shows too, almost certain they would have been.  I was expecting more to be honest including bars in the Atrium.


    Although the dress code isn't for me and I dodge it I respect those who want to follow it and wouldn't even dream of venturing into somewhere that is out of bounds.  It's my choice not to do it so I live with the restrictions.  I have seen people asked to leave establishments onboard.

    I would add there were more on my last cruise who didn't dress up and the proportion seemed to be higher.  But I'm talking the vast vast vast majority still go formal.  Something like 85% formal / 15% not.


    Away from formal nights the dark blue jeans and polo sufficed, no problems.  Never saw anyone in breach with shorts etc.

    • Like 3
  4. 9 hours ago, wowzz said:

    Can't imagine wanting to get off that early !  

    Cup of tea in the cabin, then breakfast in the buffet,  and stroll to the car 8:30 or so. Nice and leisurely,  and then stop at Tesco Newbury for morning coffee. No rush.

    The reason is Mrs RL wanting to get home to see the cat and release her folks to go home from cat-sitting!

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, FangedRose said:

    Always had a card, either under the door, in the pigeon hole, or left in cabin. It is also advertised in The Horizon, and mentioned in the shipwide broadcasts. Waiters tell us after dinner, and the host at the Theatre Show announces it. It is also on the info channel of the TV.


    Difficult to miss really.

    Never missed it, mentioned everywhere as you say.  We had something in the door and announcements etc.  Just the last change coming home was never mentioned full stop.  No cards, not in the captain's final announcement, not in Horizon...

  6. 2 hours ago, majortom10 said:

    They are not stored there for the duration of your cruise. What happens to all the other cars using CPS whilst your away. The car park where you pick your car up is not big enough for that number of cruises. They are stored in secure compound and then returned to that car park ready for your disembarkation.

    Thanks for telling me, yes it makes sense.  And it explains the meccano multi-story car parks floating around the area, some of those could be imports too I guess.  I wonder what the modal split is on a typical cruise of car / coach / train / other arrivals.  That said the mileage on my wheels didn't go up so it hasn't gone far.  I didn't deliberately note it other than celebrating ticking over to a round figure

  7. We're not arguing.  My disembarkation window was 07:30 - 07:45, they let us off as soon as everything was secured, CPS were open at 06:55, pretty much right away from there, greens all the way.  Easy, smooth.


    Granted we're lucky we can take ourselves off, but those windows for disembarking yourself are "generous".  I don't know what happens if I'm still aboard at 07:46.

  8. Used CPS on all four cruises, usually get it as part of the booking vice less onboard credit if the maths works out.  Drop car off, I always take my bags over, it's not far.  As someone said above the Porters are there for those that need them.  We travel light, one case each and one small electrical items and charger case goes into the hole and then hand luggage only.  Done hand keys over to being on the ship in 14 mins.


    Likewise on disembarking, took ourselves off Britannia, had a disembarkation window of 07:30 - 07:45 and was north of Newbury on the A34 at 07:45.  Really smooth.


    Had one car clean and wash, that was excellent.  Also as someone pointed out above we had a terminal change on the way home once, car moved for me.

    Personally can't fault them.  Like anything you will find cracks if you go looking.  They may not be cheap but service is excellent.

    • Like 2
  9. I just wonder whether the two ways of doing it are causing the "no seats" problem.  I've only really ever struggled once or twice in the buffet and that was on Iona and when only 2/3 full.


    Back to the original poster...  I have done both adults only ships and family ships, I don't have children so would actively avoid but would say outside of school holidays I have never noticed children really.  One family on an Iona cruise who hogged a hot tub but just the one and there were others.  I don't fancy doing a large ship in August.



  10. 9 hours ago, Sarah1974 said:

    when my friend and I cruise and use the buffet we get a table, one of us goes and gets their food, and then the other

    This is genuine curiosity and not criticism... why?


    I have never thought any of the buffets as small.  On B222 Britannia we found the more mid ship serving area as always open for brekkie, dinner and tea but the aft serving area was only half open for brekkie and thus always quiet, never at dinner (or lunch if you prefer) which meant the seats down the aft were empty. and handed over the Beach House at tea (or dinner if you prefer).  Again tables portside and aft were plentiful.  A very small section portside and aft was cordoned off for crew, a few tables.

  11. 21 hours ago, dgs1956 said:

    We've been on Britannia a number of times and have always finished up with a terrible cough and so have many people others, so I fully expect that to happen again. We've also come across Norovirus on various ships. In our experience there are plenty of people that completely ignore all hygiene precautions and many don't use hand gel or wash hands prior to dining unless there is a member of staff. 

    Interesting you say that I each morning my mouth was really dry waking up and then I have developed a (non-COVID) cough since disembarking from Britannia on Sunday.  I put it down to the aircon.  Hasn't happened on other ships.

  12. You say you grab a table and then go up separately to the buffet?  Is this part of the problem?  Mrs RL and me always went to get food first and then look for somewhere to sit.  A couple of times on Iona we had issues due to no seats but plenty of people having tables but no food.  We never had to wait more than a minute or two but ate together.  If everyone got food and then grabbed a table would the issue improve?  I don't know.  And I guess it depends on individual practicalities too.  I get some need to secure somewhere first.


    Re drinks, the 15 drinks is a maximum per day, you don't have to hit that.  I had the non-alcohol package and on average hit the £20 spend each day.    I paid as I went on alcohol as I didn't find I'd hit the additional £20.  Again this comes down to individual choice.


    Getting drinks could be slow on my last cruise.  I found approaching the bar sorted that though and waiters pounced.  As I read elsewhere the staff are probably hit by COVID too so might be thinned out in places.


    I think comparing to Butlins is a little harsh.  Tastes change and demographics change so businesses have to adapt.  This is my view but I have observed a small minority of what I would class as the traditional cruiser to be quite rude, talk at staff and look down at me with disapproving looks and tuts when I wear jeans, walk into a lift or have a seat by a window etc. Does it mean I'm not worthy of being aboard? No as 95% of cruisers are absolutely lovely.

    • Like 5
  13. 6 hours ago, zap99 said:

    Got through check in fairly promptly and then sat in the shed for the best part of an hour before we could get through security and onto the ship. Britannia looks spic and span. Sindhu not open tonight, but managed to book beach house for later in the week. That's 2 formal nights avoided, but will probably do the other 2.

    Having just got off B222 i dodged all four formal nights.  Didn't even take my suit this time.  I was surprised how few places were barred to non-black tie.  Enjoy the Beach House

    • Like 3
  14. I do wonder whether it is cruise specific depending on cases on board as the cruise goes further. We dock in Southampton tomorrow and i suspect those coming on board may not be required to wear masks at the start and see how it goes.  


    Pure speculation mind.  We've had to wear masks for a few days, no real hardship for a superb holiday we've had.

    • Like 2
  15. 12 minutes ago, Funboy said:


    In general the first couple of days yes they were but as usual time goes by and a few are now not wearing them. On our only on-shore visit on a shuttle bus a passenger stood up and told everyone to wear a mask and a number of people immediately put them on. In the Atrium you do not have to wear them whilst drinking but a good number of people were sat around talkin with no masks on but they were not drinking.

    I have found mask compliance to be near 100% since the announcement.  People appear to be forgetting them, I've been guilty of that, human nature, it is not intentional.


    I'm in the Atrium and spent most of my time here and found compliance to be exemplary with no issues.  The rules previously used to be if you were sat down you didn't have to mask up.  If you were moving about you did and that is what people are doing.   

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  16. 47 minutes ago, PamelaElle said:

    I’m on Britannia too. Like you, we brought masks with us, I’m the one person still wearing one in Sainsburys! 😆


    It’s been a brilliant cruise and we’ve loved it. 😊

    Yes it has been a good one, smooth sailing too albeit I slept through last nights rough weather.  Food has been a bit meh for me but can't fault anything else, not even mask wearing being brought in has made any of it feel bad.


    I am glad you enjoyed it too.

  17. 13 minutes ago, PamelaElle said:

    I’m on board as well and this is my take too. Practically everybody wearing them when walking around. 

    Sorry I should have been clearer.  I'm on Britannia.  Masks compliance walking around is near 100%.  If you don't have any your cabin steward or reception can supply some.  We weren't told before hand we may be required to don them en route but common sense says it wouldn't be a surprise.  Like anywhere if I'm asked / told to comply then I will.


    Given it's a moving beast and we weren't sure what the score was in each country we visited, especially as I like riding the public transport in various locations (busmans holiday), then I packed some anyway.  Even back home in the UK I carry one round in my bag even though I've not worn one since the mandate was withdrawn. 

    • Like 4
  18. 2 hours ago, yoj13 said:

    May I ask if, in your opinion, you feel passengers are complying with the mandatory instructions please?

    In my opinion... yes.  Masks went on pretty much after the announcement was made.  I was genuinely surprised at the take up.  You see the odd person but that appears to be forgetting rather than rebellion.

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  19. I went for the basic package this time, having had streaming before, basic suited my needs this time.  As pointed out above you can upgrade at £x which reduces each day.  Our 14 days basic was £130 I think and bought on board with on board money.


    Though interestingly with two days to go I cannot seem to be able to upgrade to streaming now should I want to.


    The other thing I have found is our cruise got extended by 24 hours last year due to Storm Arwyn but the wifi didn't extend with it and we had to pay for one more day.

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