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Everything posted by ParisHilton

  1. What is it about the infinity pool that makes you feel it should be child free?
  2. I've just realised , we are getting about 10% more for our money compared to this time last year. Norway still expensive. But sometimes floating exchange rates are good 🙂
  3. I think the skylift is the only reasonable way to get to the sledging on the cruise. Which looks like one of the things that would most entertain my children. It's rather pricey though,and I fear I'd be too scared of it . I'm not great with heights!
  4. I love a bit of 'free' credit. Any tips on best to get some? I've started by emailing P&O to express disappointment at the change of itinery.
  5. Would you mind keeping an eye out to see if there are any bingo games children can join in?
  6. Same email for Aug 12th. (Anyone else here on that). I wonder how many changes they can make without it being a misleading ad, or not delivering the service agred. Or is it just "the wrong type of water" sort of excuse we've got used to here in ol blighty.
  7. Young at heart people? Geocaching is still quite a thing I think. Bit of harmless fun?
  8. I was just following on from your suggestion that if you went for the package, you'd drink more than normal to ensure you got value for money and then be nagging your wife to use up hers. I was then suggesting that once you'd used your allowance for the day, she'd be donating you her allowance...... Obviously nobody would ever abuse the rules in this way. Which I assume is why they make all cabin occupants have the same package.
  9. I was wondering this. I think my wife would like a few ballroom beginner lessons and I'd give it a go. It seems a great opportunity to try. I'd like to think we are the younger generation to a degree. I could understand them choosing to ditch it if the space were being used for something else, eg regular silent disco, but it doesn't appear to be *. I wonder if just the 'image' of ballroom dancing on a cruise ship is counter to the one they are trying to put out there. Do most people have the fancy frocks and , well whatever it is that level of formal dress for men is called on this kind of ship? That said, the image is surely a lot younger thanks to the celebs on strictly. Anyone know if there's bingo that kids can play, love a game of bingo, especially if the caller has an interesting set of phrases to accompany the numbers. Last time we played it was 10-Teresa's den. How times have changed ... * I am patenting the concept of a mash up of silent disco with ballroom dancing, where the ballroomers have to tango around those pogoing to Nirvana or whatever.
  10. Are you saying your wife doesn't like the same drinks you do? Surely it's effectively a joint allowance......
  11. Do you know what the 'realistic' minimum bet for a blackjack hand is? I know casinos advertise low minimum bets, and then you can't find tables with them. I enjoy the chat that can go on around a black jack table. Not quite as frenetic as roulette or craps. £100 a hand, I assume someone that can afford to lose a lot of case. Not a bad way to launder money I suppose 🙂
  12. Oh, those were the days. And who remembers the Titanic when she first set sail..... Incidentally, I think there's a museum dedicated to the Titanic in Southampton that's well worth a visit. if you have time to kill. Not 100% sure. I do know, wherever it is, the chuckle brothers were in panto nearby and I didn't go. Gutted I missed my chance to see them. Comedy legends.
  13. I think you are like me, rather than waste effort when there something you don't like, go and find something you do. I don't really want to mix with people on my holidays, so having a huge ship with thousands of people to hide amongst is perfect.
  14. Say what you like about Norway, but the flag's a big plus. I think I deserve a spot on stage.
  15. I've heard some wheels in Vegas now have "000" !!! Btw have you tried duelling pianos? Sounds right up your street. Did you try the onboard gin distillery. Shame work is going to get in the way of your posting. I love a good moan, some of the funniest things I've ever read are well thought through rants. It is good to see the balance. There do seem to be some very unhappy posters. Perhaps they just want the ships to themselves 🙂
  16. It's a battle I'm already gearing up to. I've been IF for a few weeks now and it'll be 3 months of working on my weight\blood sugars and getting fit when we sail. So while everyone else tucks in , I'll be super conscious of what I eat. Alcohol (cocktails) could well be my downfall. With that in mind, to avoid peer pressure, I may hide in the Casino. Speaking of which, does anyone know which rules they use, and therefore the optimal strategy?
  17. Thanks once again. Great summary. Plenty have said to book the olive grove as it goes super fast. Which we will do, but probably just the once. As you say , we have to cater to all tastes so the Quays\Buffet may be more appropriate. It definitely seems to be horses for courses, and there is plenty of choice to please most demands.
  18. How would you rate MDR? Pizza hut , Pizza express, local italian? Have to factor in who little you've paid for it for a fair comparison obviously.
  19. that's insane. You're looking at £80 a night (for a room for 2 to 4 admittedly) in a prem inn! I suspect off peak they are looking to break even at best and to make money during peak season.
  20. From a family perspective, and I get the impression Iona is targetting families (could well be wrong), compare to say a week at centerparcs + food + activities. Also an all inclusive week at say a waterpark in Portugal. I've never done all inclusive. Although I like my food, I always feel like I'm paying for other peoples' ability to eat to excess. Though I suspect I'd catch up when it comes to booze. It seems like the non-speciality food is 'unlimited' on Iona (and most cruises). Which as people will naturally take advantage and eat "because I've paid for it" would seem a pretty good deal. Given that we'd not get change from £50 from a meal out at say pizza express, it does seem good value at the moment. --Also-- really looking to hear about the talks. I'm sure I saw one mentioned elsewhere about the Norweigian spy efforts during ww2. I think you mentioned Agatha Christie , I'm curious to understand the Norway link if nothing else. It's pretty boring I know, but I love talks by random people that I know very little about. Oh, did you do any quizes? was it tables, or males vs females , or this half of the pub vs that. I've seen mixed reviews on that. And.... is there kids bingo? Love a bit of bingo. Again , if not I'll start my own bingo club!
  21. Oh, bit of a direction change. We seemed to be getting fairly regular posts throughout your journey. Do you have special wi-fi access, or is it not as bad as pretty much everyone seems to say? (bad being , awful\unavailable\might as well join the queue for the refund now). Oh, and I think I'll need to book a councillor for when my girls find out there's no wifi.
  22. A pager, even if the pager is an app, does seem to be the best option. Especially if you could be paged for availability in multiple restaurants, though I guess it could take 15mins to get from one end to t'other...... On the other hand, I guess if you 'know' you've got a 30 minute wait, you know it's worth going to the bar, as opposed to a 10 min wait you might spend taking in the views.
  23. Makes sense that it's tables, not people. Partly because it looks less daunting. Partly because unless there's a particularly large party ahead of you, then seating one person takes the same time as seating a table? And I assume large parties are almost in a separate queue for large tables. oh, are the ducks frowned upon?
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