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Posts posted by summercruisin'

  1. After the safety drill, all of our bags soon arrived (yay!) and I unpacked. We had a little trouble with finding enough drawer space, since there were only three available drawers, and I like to keep our bathing suits in a drawer and use the closet shelves for shoes and dirty clothes; but it worked out. In every other way, I felt like we had plenty of space. We easily stored our luggage under the beds. We had robes and life vests stored in one section of the closet. That closet had a bar high up, so it was fine for dresses and such. The middle closet had two bars, one high up and one lower, so it worked for shirts and shorts / pants. The third (from the door) had shelves. I did think to bring extra hangers for myself (especially those clip-style hangers for shorts and skirts...Carnival didn't have those in our closet!), and it was a good thing. I know I can ask for extra hangers, but I don't mind packing my own.


    After unpacking, we decided to explore a bit, all while watching the clock since I had heard that we would approach the Skyway Bridge around 6. DS was nervous about going under it but eager to watch nonetheless. Here are pics we took around the ship...


    on our way!



    Each deck appears to have different color scheme. Ours (the Verandah deck) was green, and I was glad. The red deck (deck 5) was too overwhelming, and the yellow one (6 I think) just wasn't as great as the green!


    the chapel



    the library





    the enchanted forest - nice, peaceful walkway! We didn't get here nearly enough!




    the porthole windows in the enchanted forest



  2. whew! Photobucket and I were really struggling there for a while, but I think we are friends again! Then I took a break for dinner, and let me tell you, it was nowhere near as good as last week's meals! But I'm back. So, where was I.....oh yeah, just arriving!


    We dropped off our bags, checked out our space, looked over the goodies left in the room, and then headed to the Lido deck for lunch! Now, I have a serious love for Carnival's caesar salad (real anchovies! YUM!) as well as their bagel with smoked salmon, so that is always my first meal choice! And it didn't disappoint!




    I also got a drink of the day to make this whole vacation thing official!




    Before getting my own meal, I picked up pizza for DS and DD. She didn't like it, but DS did. This is odd, since DS is usually my really picky eater (with his sensory issues, he limits himself to literally about 7 meals). DD will usually eat just about anything, but she didn't touch the pizza all week after this try. This was just the first of several odd occurences to come, and I'm allowing myself to believe that cruising may actually be good therapy for autistic kids (I'm completely ignoring the fact that our last cruise was very much overshadowed by DS's many adjustment challenges).


    DH went to the buffet, but I don't remember what he ate...probably a really big messy salad (his typical choice at any buffet)!


    After that, DS and I went to guest services because I had contacted them in advance about his Aspergers. I had only asked for two accomodations - one I was assured of in advance: a table just for us four at dinner (to avoid bothering any other diners if he had a meltdown, which is more likely in any situation where things that appeal to his senses are enhanced, like meals in busy dining rooms) and an alternate safety drill (same thing...having to stand in the heat lined up with strangers who may brush up against him, listening to hard-to-hear yet magnified and possibly distorted verbal instructions while smelling everyone's smells is more than he can take). After a very short wait, we spoke with someone who clearly didn't know what Aspergers is or what I was trying to say about verifying and getting instructions on the alternate safety drill. But, she soon went in an office in the back and apparently asked someone else, came out with a list of people with special needs, pointed out DS's name and instructed me to stay in the cabin with DS and DD. She said one adult had to appear at the drill for our cabin and could relay instructions to us afterwards :o. DH agreed to go (okay, I didn't give him a choice. I MAY have even told him that she said the father had to go....can't remember thanks to that DOTD...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!). DH went to the drill and, honestly, it was a good thing that DS didn't have to go, because just as the drill started, the rain and thunder did as well. Since, DS's biggest anxiety is storms, he would have been a complete mess standing out on that deck. At home he hides and only comes out to check the weather radar on the computer, a coping mechanism he has used (and understood) since he was 4.


    Anyway....after the drill, we stood out on our balcony to watch sailaway and take some pictures...


    goodbye, terminal 2


  3. Joining in! I'm sailing on the Legend in 6 DAYS:D I also have a peanut allergy so I hope you write a little bit about your experiences with this on the ship?


    I can't tell you a lot, because I'd hate to give bad (especially dangerous) advice to anyone. Plus, we believe my DD is outgrowing her allergy (thank God!!! We are going for a tolerance test this week after her bloodwork came back with a very very low reaction this time :)). However, we do still behave as if she is allergic until we know for sure, of course. The only thing we were told to avoid was the cookies (and, of course, M&Ms and other candies known to be made on the same equipment). She ate everything else she wanted (although she stuck to ice cream for deserts per our wishes) and had no reaction at all. When we went on a cruise two years ago, she was still highly reactive. We asked about everything she ate and kept an epipen on us. We had no problems then either :).

  4. I didn't really watch the time once we got out of the shuttle bus, but I remember thinking it was going to take forever to get through security. The line was obviously very long. However, it moved really quickly. I'm fairly certain it took less than 30 minutes to get onboard. As soon as we stepped into the atrium, we were greeted by all kinds of helpful Carnival people (many of whom were wearing bright red t-shirts that said "just ask" - that was convenient). The rooms were already open, so we went straight to ours to put our carry-ons away. We had an extended balcony room on the Verandah deck (room # 7189). I booked early saver and ended up getting upgraded from a regular balcony room to this one AND got over $300 in onboard credit (from price drops) by the time we sailed.




    I had ordered the birthday decorations for DS well in advance, and they were in place. My sister ordered him some soda coupons as a birthday treat. DS can count on his two hands the number of sodas he gets in a year (and DD can count on ONE hand the number she has had ever), so this was a real treat for him. He felt some kind of grown being able to walk up to the bar and order a soda on his own. :p There was a note for him indicating that he would get his coupons at dinner that night (and he did). We also had our pins, our free drink coupons, and several information papers waiting for us.


    Maybe it was just me (and the fact that the kids are growing...DH too :rolleyes:), but this room seemed a little smaller than some of the others I've been in, especially once it was set up for four of us to sleep.




    Anyway, it was fine for us. The bathroom was tiny but had plenty of shelf space.




    The free goodies included shampoo and conditioner, tiny packets of toothpaste, and emergen-C packets.



  5. On Sunday morning, we got up and got going pretty early. After a few stops for breakfast and last minute supplies, we made the easy drive from Orlando to Tampa. We passed this about halfway there...




    and thanked God we weren't on THAT tour! We arrived in Tampa around 11.




    and soon got a close-up look at the Legend (our first time sailing on her).




    We used Capital Parking in Tampa instead of parking at the port. We felt like it was a good decision...about $4 a day instead of $15, plus we used a coupon code to get one day free. The fenced-in lot was a little tough to find, but it was in a nice neighborhood and close to the ship. The shuttle driver was there waiting for us, and he loaded us up quickly. It took maybe 5 minutes at the most for him to get us in line for security and check in. I took pictures of the lot, but I haven't put them on photobucket yet. I'll add them after uploading (PB isn't working for me right this minute!)

  6. Okay....here we go!


    First, the players :)


    I'm the mom, and I am 41derful. DH is a little older (not much). We are high school sweethearts and live in eastern NC. I am a high school English teacher, and I love to cook (every night). DH is a stressed-out, overworked retail manager. This was cruise #9 for me; #8 for DH.


    Our DS and DD travelled with us (as they usually do).


    DS turned 11 on the cruise and has Aspergers as well as many of the challenges that accompany that (anxiety, depression, sensory integration issues, adhd, etc). This was his 4th cruise.


    DD is 5 and is a firecracker. She is allergic to peanuts and delightfully oh-so-quick to smile. This was her 3rd cruise.


    Before our cruise, we drove to Orlando a few days early to relax and do a few free Disney things :rolleyes:. We also went to Medieval Times. As we always do when we go to the Orlando area, we rented a house with a private pool, and that was really nice.

  7. We just got off the Legend yesterday, and I'm ready to begin a lengthy and detailed review :D. I took over 1300 photos (who does that????? :rolleyes:). I'll share a bunch, but I won't torture you with all of them! I do plan to negate some of the complaints I've seen lately :D

    If you want the short version, see the bulleted recap below. If you want to savor every moment with me, I'd advise skipping the spoiler and going straight on to post two...



    the short version

    • embarkation was easy. Capital Parking was convenient and inexpensive.
    • ship is easy to navigate, very red, full of urns, ideal size to handle the flow of people (imho). We spent very little time waiting in lines. The ship does stink after day 6. All over.
    • we did not miss the giant tv; we did miss the live music.
    • we really enjoyed the cooking demonstration as well as the wine pairing. These will be can't-miss activities from now on.
    • dinner was fabulous. No cold meals ever. Always fantastic service (except bar service was a little slow).
    • Chef's table was beyond fabulous (even with the "new" menu), and the chef met us in the dining room several times during the week to do whatever we asked (special deserts two nights, particular fruit for the kids, and he even paged the magician for DS's birthday)
    • deli and buffets were very good.
    • the gold/platinum/diamond party was actually really nice. The one free drink each during lunch was enjoyed.
    • shows were just okay. same goes for the cruise director.
    • we loved what we planned for port days (every single day). No complaints about any of the ports (Cozumel, Belize, Roatan, Grand Cayman)
    • debarkation was a little tough but not unbearable.
    • any questions? ask or scroll through the longer review...

  8. A beautiful beach . . . .

    A new friend for the day . . . .

    what could be better?????




    My son played all day with this little boy on the beach in Tortola - his mom was working on the beach renting chairs. What I loved the most about this day . . . they had a fantastic time playing in the water together and they couldn't speak a word of the same language. He even had lunch with us!!


    Love all the pictures - please keep them coming!!!!


    I LOVE this! What great kids! Thanks for sharing! Like a lot of cruisers, I always enjoy getting to know people, especially kids, from the different areas I visit. Here are two cuties from Costa Maya...they were so impressed that I could get their picture to show up on my camera screen. I just thought they were gorgeous! Again, your pic is fantastic!


  9. First, thanks to the OP for the great thread, and a million thanks to all who have shared such great pictures! wow...that's all...just wow.

    One of my favorites (I, like others, have several) Grand Cayman, Miracle, June of 2006 (date on pic is incorrect). Got woken up by anchor and was really ticked, until I walked out on my balcony to see this sunrise...


  10. Thanks for sharing that story! I'm relieved for you that your very special and absolutely irreplaceable baby bear was found. I can imagine the anxiety you felt while waiting for them to look for him, as I have an almost 7 year old little boy who still sleeps with his "Mikey Monkey". My little boy couldn't wait to get his baby sister her own Mikey, and she loves hers already too. It's always so sweet and calming when I see my two little ones all snuggled up with their Mikey Monkeys at night. *sigh*

    Thank God for a happy ending! *sniffling too!*

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