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    Princess, Virgin
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50+ Club

50+ Club (4/20)

  1. I thought the beef dish at the Test Kitchen was tender and juicy.
  2. You can always ask. I am quite particular and they were able to accommodate most of the time. A few dishes were a bit more pre-prepared, but overall, they were really cool!
  3. No. You should probably get a travel agent (first mate) in the future, as it doesn’t cost anything to get one and they can handle the calls for you.
  4. Repeat of what some others mentioned already: - net - boxing ring - record store (I get it’s a virgin theme but didn’t see anyone there) - does anyone really use the private karaoke? - the cabanas are too expensive and I heard there was black dust that would fall around there. also, sometimes the bathroom is too far away. I think for razzle dazzle, it was just a men’s bathroom outside and the women’s bathroom was on the other side. I used the swing because I didn’t have a hammock. I wish they put hammocks there instead.
  5. It’s kind of cliché (I know others that have done it) and not that funny if you really think about it. oh well, to each their own.
  6. Not tattoo related but love your username. It’s my fav kind of cheese. The only place that has it on the ship is the Ship Show. It was really tasty and I went back for the show again (this time alone) just to get 2 orders of the salad and skipped the entree. Also not related but on that second time going to the ship show, I ended up meeting my now fiancé. So my love for Burrata found me a husband.
  7. You can do status match after booking, and it will apply, as long as it’s a few weeks prior.
  8. this is to correct their last survey wording where they said “$200 on your NEXT voyage”, which most interpreted as their upcoming cruise that was already booked. Putting a booking date after April 15 makes it clear that it can’t applied to bookings made before then. plus, bar tab might be going away completely soon, so this extra $50 might be for those new bookings that don’t include any bar tab.
  9. Totally agree! I went back to the ship show again just to have the vegetable salad and ordered 2 burrata salads instead of the entree. Then I went for dinner at the test kitchen.
  10. Do you still get notifications for shows you are interested in? hopefully they also do a headcount of people in line so there aren’t more people in line than there are spaces available.
  11. I stayed in a solo insider for 2 weeks and personally loved it, but I’m into cozy cavernous spaces. its not really $1540 more if you have an MNVV from a TA or just buying someone’s off Facebook. There are plenty available. You would get $300 off and $600 loot, that can be converted to cash relatively easily at the casino (bet on every number including 0 in roulette and you only lose like $30 or so. When you factor that in. It’s less than $700 more than the solo insider. To me, that still wasn’t really worth it as a solo sailor. You might just spend about 7 hours on your balcony and that would be $100 an hour you would be paying for sitting there instead of one of the many other places to sit outdoors. I’m also a smaller person so a small room wasn’t a big deal to me. A larger person might feel more cramped.
  12. It’s a pretty good offer, especially for those who don’t already have DBE and MNVV, and really like Champaign.
  13. wow, I thought it would be Q4 2024, which is already a 1 year delay from the original date.
  14. Have you gotten this to work? I tried to book on my own using my US TA’s link and could not change it to CAD.
  15. I’ve seen reports that people from the Brilliant Lady cancellation who chose one of the 3 cancelled itineraries can choose any new itinerary and keep their add-on loot, and are not restricted to the 3 replacement cruises.
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