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50+ Club (4/20)

  1. Thank u so much Moriah ! So glad u enjoyed!
  2. Hi cruiser0007. I will upload photos of one days schedule so u can look at the music and or other options to do from the ship. I did not seek out the Lincoln stage music so I can’t comment on it. I also did not see ‘billboard”. I saw bb king group several times…excellent band, very compelling & had the dance floor rocking’. Same thing w/ the rolling stone band…top notch pro musicians…the room was fired up, dance floor full, everyone lovin it. I don’t know if all the music venues were open every night or not.
  3. Thank you AFN for verifying what I observed. I appreciate that. I feel an obligation to let readers know about these things, but for some reason ( maybe employees of cruise industry) some people want to blame passenger. Someone told me it was “on me” for not “asking” for 2 x day cleaning. As if I should know that when no one informed me that this is the “new rule”, asking for service they charged you for. Thank u so much, we all need to look out for other passengers 🙂🙂
  4. Thank you for great info. I’ll be doing that cruise later this year so I will read everything a little at a time. thank you!
  5. Good job krooz nut washing your hands LOL…..so u were that handsome guy washing up LOL….just kidding …never had chance to meet u….next time.. the guys cleaning cabin were nice but didn’t ask about 2nd cleaning but were always walking in my cabin when I es in bed. Lol. Whatever…things happen. The first day I was out very late & told them don’t worry about cabin I’m easy so they prob thought never worry bout cabin.. I mean it was all ok I was busier trying to straighten out my credits etc that they claimed to know nothing about etc etc , took days for them. but maybe others reading this will know ask right away if u want more service & don’t say ‘I’m easy’. LOL. THAKS & glad u enjoyed cruise!
  6. Actually despite all, I personally did have a good cruise, which I mainly base on all the interesting & fun people I meet in my travels. My comments are informational only. True that illness can come from anywhere but I base my assessment mainly on 2 facts: 1, I saw unsafe practices on the ship, and 2nd fact: I live in an international city in south florida with people from all over the world, in a community full of “snowbirds” from all over the world, so I always am in contact with foreigners, travelers etc. & I stay healthy. I appreciate your comments…..stay safe too.
  7. I got off Statendam on sat 3-25 so I will add my comments to those above: Although some things not good, important to remember all the hardships in the world today. So I say these things not as complaint but just to inform others who want to prepare etc Vitamin water: I was in spa veranda cabin on panorama deck. I was promised vitamin water along with other amenities to upgrade to that cabin, but amenities did not happen. I asked about vitamin water & was told they no longer have any Vit water. All I got was 2 small cans of water. Food I’m sorry to say the quality has diminished. Some things were still good, but I agree with another review on this site that said the food is slowly being lowered to the standard of carnival. Every menu at every meal contains selections that u must pay extra for as well as items not charged extra for. Some of my fave items have disappeared. Lobster as many prob know is now only available at extra charge. Ports: were as expected but had to wait till about 2pm to board tender in grand cayman due to the ticket system & who knows what. Then had to be back on board by about 430 I think. It was ok w/me, I don’t care so much about the ports, but seemed to be ridiculous to the crowds of people everywhere waiting for their ticket number to be called. Cabin: as everyone prob knows, only 1 a day cleaning, so no turn down, so not used to seeing the cabin unclean from 1 morning till next day. I was told in the spa cabin I would have a choice of 1 or 2 times a day but never happened. Was given 2 tiny chocolate squares the whole trip. Worst part: I got very sick day before cruise was over. have seen 2 doctors since returning, still sick a week later, still taking meds, even though I made it thru the entire epidemic w/o ever getting sick, not a cold or anything for 4 years. Illness no surprise, cause a lot of coughing by passengers & crew. Only saw 1 person wash hands at lido buffet. Also at lido they still leave the napkin-wrapped silverware on all the tables even if not used by the current guests who constantly touch it to move it out of the way, til next guest uses it. And of course they still have at least half the food items on buffet self serve with spoons, tongues, set on a container that stays there for the duration of buffet, unchanged when empty food container is replaced with more food. So the spoon sits out for hours at a time with everyone touching it. I say just be cautious so u can enjoy your cruise. Next time I will wear mask & be careful where & what I consume. thanks
  8. Road To Santa Fe “MY MIRACLE OF THE MIRACULOUS STAIRCASE” Do you believe in miracles? Does travel hold the key to opening and relieving our weary eyes from the dull numbing effect our routine everyday lives have on them? When the noise of our normal lives is shut out, do we then gain the ability to truly see the real meaning and beauty of life; the miracles right in front of us, waiting to be discovered? What are the times that were very eye-opening and unexpected during these moments? One of the most intense ones for me, was in my early years on a road trip with my Mom, Grandma and little brother, driving cross country from Michigan to New Mexico. On the open plains, looking at the untouched land, thinking how it looks the same as it did probably 100 years ago, I stared out the window of that old blue Cadillac for hours, envisioning cowboys and outlaws riding horses across the land, wondering how the rest of the world changed, yet this place was the same as it looked on those TV Westerns. How had the world changed in some places and not others? How had it come about between that existence and the current state of growth in cities and the accompanying modern lifestyle? Where did the cities come from, what was the evolution? How did it come about that cities were built and who built them anyway, and why, while this land was still in a natural old condition? At that time, it was a mystery to me. There were so many blanks to be filled in the timeline of that last 100 years or so from the mid 19th century to the mid to late 20th century. My mind was working up an appetite for knowledge, adventure and the wonders that life would hold as I ventured out to discover the answers to those questions. The next thing on the trip that took me by surprise was seeing an Indian , dressed in blue jeans, wearing a cowboy hat, standing by his pick-up truck. Being that he was the first real Indian that I and my little brother had ever seen, we talked to him and were mesmerized in his presence. I felt it was an exciting and wonderfully mysterious experience, as up to that point I had only thought of Indians riding horses and shooting bows and arrows while wearing feathers. Everything I had seen on tv and the movies! Wow, were Indians actual real people just like us? I hope I mentioned I was only a young teenager at the time. As can be imagined by my impressions of these events, I had very little experience outside my own little world, little family, little neighborhoods, towns and cities in the Midwest where i had grown up and never wandered far away from. Needless to say, the internet was years away from being invented, so unless a person had personal knowledge or something was taught in school, or had been seen on TV, or read about in a book, it was virtually an unknown, especially to a child. My mind was a blank slate, immature, undeveloped, small, sheltered, and limited in its experience, outlook, and understanding of life, while at the same time I stood at the precipice of adulthood, ready and eager to fill my head and heart with everything there was to know about the world. My innocent naïveté wasn’t to last for long as the next and most outstanding memorable event came to fruition on that trip. After arriving in Albuquerque and staying a few days with family we had come to see, we all set out on a road trip through the mountains to Santa Fe. We had been told there was a church there with a staircase that was said to be miraculous, since it had no visible means of a structure supporting the stairs. Hmmm, a staircase.....something that transported you from one place to another in a miraculous way......the stage was set for my hungry mind....my imagination ran wild, not knowing what to expect. The adults were discussing it in a wonderous and serious fashion that I had never seen them do before. All I knew about miracles was the movie I had seen of the Lady of Lourdes appearing to the children in....was it in Fatima, in France? I didn’t know but I was a believer, and my mind was open and waiting for such an event. We were hitting the road to Santa Fe, but I was to experience my own miracle before ever reaching it. The journey took us on a small two-lane road winding through narrow passages in the mountain ranges of New Mexico. We had packed a picnic basket and by afternoon we saw a picnic table on the side of the road and stopped to eat. When the picnic was over, as I was bored and wanted to move on, and everyone was not done, I told them I was going to start walking and they could pick me up when they finished eating. They had their little “discussion” as to the wisdom of a teenager wandering off alone in the middle of nowhere, but as I started walking away, they finally said “be careful” as they waved goodbye. I started thoughtlessly ambling along the road, and when I had gone maybe a mile or so, suddenly, completely unexpectedly, like a bolt of lightening out of the blue, a strange feeling enveloped me. I suddenly had a heightened sense of awareness in all five senses in my body and I felt like everything was in slow motion, as if time was slowing down, then standing still, as though it was on pause. My body had stopped moving; my eyes slowly took in my surroundings, and I saw an endless vast array of mountains and hills, dark and light, near and far, tall and small, clouds, sky, trees, distant misty fog, like I was looking at a vision of God, with not a soul or city or person in sight for tens if not hundreds of miles. Accompanied by utter stillness and silence, I felt like I was the only person on earth, and I was never so aware of everything at once and to such an intense degree. I was unable to move. I had never to that point, nor ever since, seen such a vast expanse of land with no people. I turned around and the scenery behind me was much the same. I had gone around several curves, and I could no longer see where I had come from, where the other people were, and I was overcome with a feeling of complete and utter terror gripping me, while overwhelmingly fascinating me, and tranquilizing me with peace, as I felt as one with God. I felt as though I had been swallowed up by the earth. Growing up in a large family, this was the first time in my life that I was ever completely alone in the world with not even another human being anywhere that I could see, or that I could perceive to be near. It was a completely unknown experience that I had never had in my life; at once, terrifying, yet simultaneously presenting me with heretofore unasked questions about the meaning of life, self, nature and the universe, and the sense of aloneness, yet oneness spiritually, that is the true essence of the human experience. We come into the world alone and leave the world alone. It was as if I had left the earth and instantly landed on another planet, in another world, and had left everything I knew behind me. Surely it was a glimpse of what life would be like when I left my family and entered adult life, and what finally heaven is like when we do actually leave the earth. Completely overwhelmed, frozen, unable to think, speak or to take another step, my mind swirled with strangely mysterious thoughts, that seemed to come from a spiritual entity much larger, stronger, and intelligent than I was. Questions with no answers for what seemed like eternity, prodding me to search throughout life and time for understanding of the vision and thoughts set before me. Time stood still. For better or worse, I was never to be the same again. Finally, a dot appeared on the horizon & I saw my family’s car approaching in the distance, I watched incredulously as I had fully expected (probably from growing up watching the twilight zone), that I might never see them again. When they picked me up, I was very silent and never breathed a word of my experience, but was lost in my thoughts of what life is all about, the meaning of it and the world and the universe, God, the earth, nature, people, family, self, connections, loneliness, togetherness, relationships, happiness, sadness, fear, joy, all the while my family cackling about what seemed liked mindless nonsense around me. No one said anything to me as they were lost in their own conversations. Little did they realize that I had just experienced an out-of-body life and mind altering event, that no drug, not even LSD could compare to. It instantly formed my young blank canvas of a mind, with the unforgettable impression that I was alone, yet one with nature and God, that I had just been shown a miraculous vision of life, in all it’s unexplainable glory, that the true nature of life is a personal and lonely experience, an enigma, changeable at any moment, to be given or taken away at nature’s will, and that it is necessary to develop coping mechanisms, an inner unshakeable strength, independence and sense of oneness with God, and to never give up, always having faith that the right outcome will occur with time, patience, perseverance and strength. It was undoubtedly a four-year higher education in the space of one hour, mountain time. A true miracle! As frightening as it had been, and the idea that it posed more questions than answers, I developed a lust for travel, for seeing and experiencing new and varied ways of living, for trying to know and understand the unknown, for desiring to analyze what perhaps can’t or shouldn’t be analyzed. In my adult years, that lust sent me to many corners of the earth, each one never disappointing in it’s mind-opening ability. In my youth, for many years, whenever I dined out with family, I always started walking home till they picked me up. Much to their annoyance, I was always searching for a small adventure that perhaps might this time hold the answers to those unforgettable enigmatic questions posed by the universe on that long-ago lonely mountain road on the way to Santa Fe.
  9. I am going to send u a story, if this forum allows a long response. It is a story I wrote as an adult about a true event that happened to me as a young teenager…the event shaped my life in so many ways…Whether one ends up solo unexpectedly or planned, your eyes & your mind will see things in a whole new way, if u are open, and willing to see….I hope you all enjoy! I will copy the story into the following post…
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