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Posts posted by ceeceeDee

  1. 11 hours ago, Ozwoody said:

    Hi ceecee


    Thought  someone would have had a copy of a drink menu for you by now.

    So for lack of a better answer when we were on the Encounter last November, all the basic cocktails I think were around $16.




    Thanks, John.

  2. 1 hour ago, bazzaw said:

    Don't forget that you can watch the fabulous movie TANNA on SBS on demand. This ranks as one of my favourite movies of all time. How anybody could produce and direct such a big movie using only native tribal people who mostly had never even see an movie themselves is beyond me !! 🙂 https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/movie/tanna/1751931459619    The Vanuatuan version of Romeo and Juliet.

    Yes, that movie is mentioned in the book set on Tanna

  3. 1 hour ago, Ozwoody said:


    Ahm, I for one would not enjoy being on the latest mega ship, the shear thought of being on a ship that has 8000 pax, all there for a water park/amusement park, does not interest me.

    Why would you go on a cruise, if all you want is a water world/dream world, is beyond me.


    I'm not saying that people should not, just saying one size does not fit all.

    Viva the old Sun Class!!! and yes small ships = more ports.

    Couldn't agree more, John. Been there, done that mega ship-wise and absolutely prefer the smaller ships. I'm really not interested in a floating fun park.

    • Like 3
  4. 21 hours ago, Ozwoody said:

    Here's a tip, when your on a driving holiday, been driving several hours a day, don't respond to a question on CC.


    Checked into motel last week, checked my e-mail, seen a question, oh yes just been looking up that, wiz of a reply with attached doc's. Felt that was good that I had just researched it, and was able to help.

    Went back today see if i had helped today.

    THEN noticed the question had nothing to do with the port I thought it was about.


    I Think I Need A Cruise

    I'm sure it was an informative post anyway, John.🙂

  5. Cruise wharf would be great.


    Just slightly off topic............. If anyone likes murder mysteries, Matt Francis (Australian author) has written two books so far in the series Murder in the Pacific set in Vanuatu featuring police sergeant George Long (half Chinese, half Ni Vanuatu). The first, Ifira Point is set in Vila and the second, Mt Yasur, is set on Tanna. They're a light, engaging read with plenty of local colour and insights into local customs. I'm impatiently waiting for Matt to produce the third book.

    • Like 1
  6. In our experience, your steward will leave a form in your cabin the night before where you fill in which canapes you would like and at what time (usually evening slots) and they are delivered to your cabin around your chosen time. On our cruise it was from the second night. Don't panic if you happen not to be in your room at the appointed time, the canapes will be left in your room.

    Just ask your steward about it when you board the ship and you can confirm the foregoing.

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, jota said:

    When our room was allocated it was an MA so we get to experience the BBC perks , can’t wait 

    Please come back after your cruise and let us know what you thought of the MA mini suite (a couple of photos of the cabin would be appreciated if you can manage it!). I hope you thoroughly enjoy your cruise.

  8. 8 minutes ago, arxcards said:

    As companies, they are very different. Yes, the CEO of CMV bailed and played phoenix for Ambassador. CMV had virtually no assets, so when they lost cash flow with covid, it all fell over quickly. CMV wasn't much more than a cruise wholesaler. 

    The money and ship owners for Ambassador bear little connection with CMV, and carried no obligation to CMV passengers - not even morally.


    Given that the ex Pacific Dawn was headed for Alang, it is great to see she is still sailing.

    I was really happy when I read that Dawnie wasn't going to be scrapped. Of course, she will be eventually, but for now it's great she's still viable.

  9. 17 hours ago, arxcards said:

    Another shortie with a Premier package, and a passenger that has a bit of steam to get rid of. Coral Princess is nothing new, but we know what to expect and that is the best part.


    We have flown to Brisbane today. Flying out of Newcastle Airport is dead easy, but the Virgin priority line was longer than the general one. Turns out we were sharing our flight with Matchbox Twenty. It has been a Long Day. 😉


    We came in over Moreton Bay, which gives a nice view of BICT from the port side of the plane. P&O UK's Arcadia in residence.




    $38 cab fare from the airport to Alcyone. We have scored a minor upgrade to an exec room, but the added desk area isn't of much benefit for our single nigjt.


    A few hours to relax then out to catch up with some cruise friends at Northshore eat street.

    Had a blonde moment when I saw the photo of Arcadia at BICT. Wait, what? In Brisbane? Then I checked her itinerary - WC. Duh........................🙄

  10. 9 minutes ago, JVes said:

    I have three choices, and the first two are unacceptable.
    Die. (Unacceptable.)
    Become so apathetic and lethargic that I have to get dumped into a nursing home or equivalent. (Also unacceptable.)
    FIGHT LIKE HELL and GET AS HEALTHY AS I CAN. (Very acceptable.)


    So yeah. Option 3.
    And I hope everyone reading this chooses option 3 if/when they get faced with these three choices. And help loved ones to choose, too. Make sure they choose it for themselves, so it sticks.

    John, I am very happy to see that you do have good health. Treat it as the gift it is, and make sure to enjoy it. Take your friends and family to a park and play frisbee with them. Fly kites. Climb mountains and enjoy the view. Go to the beach, and wade in the surf. Swim in the surf if you have skilled lifeguards patrolling. Hunt for shells. Get a stick and water shoes and explore the rockpools, gently poke things with the stick to see if they're an animal or a plant.
    And think of me when you do these things. Just for one or two tosses of the frisbee!

    What you can do to help people like me:
    Notice if someone's wheelchair is stuck in paving. Ask if they need the help, and get them free.*
    (IMPORTANT NOTE: always ask before moving a wheelchair.)
    Hold a door.
    Speak to the disabled person, too often someone will speak to the person helping them. ("Do you think she'd like this?" "Why don't you ask her!")

    * A real incident. The wheelchair was stuck in cobblestones on the edge of the road, and in the four or five minutes it took Bestie to reach her, noone - noone! - helped her. Bestie, of course, did. Got her past the cobbles and onto smooth pavement.

    One of the most memorable times someone helped us: Bestie and I were struggling to manage one person in a wheelchair (me), one pushing (Bestie), me loaded with carryon bags in my lap, and I was trying to manage a pair of suitcases in front of us, like pushing two prams at once.
    An apparently able-bodied person saw us, saw that we were aiming for a lift, took about two steps to his left and pushed the lift call button, and was on his way before we could even say a proper thank you.
    I've never forgotten that kindness.

    Totally get what you're saying JVes and always try to assist when I can (even if it's just getting out of the way 😀). However, one time I saw a blind person obviously struggling to get on a train. I tried to assist and got abused by that person for my trouble. I first asked if I could assist, so it's not like I came out of nowhere and startled them but boy did I get an earful. Left me feeling quite shaken.

  11. 1 hour ago, Blackduck59 said:

    My wife is jealous of the hammock. One of the things she wants todo when we are in the tropics next year. Hopefully we can find a shady hammock with bar service so she can relax with a book and sip a fruity drink.

    I'm with you OzKiwi, I'm not enamoured of that bed design at all. That low unit looks like a trip hazard to me, especially if you are getting out of bed for a bathroom visit. And it doesn't look as if it would be absolutely seamless getting out of the other side either. And I definitely prefer the traditional night stand with drawers and a bedside lamp. I also wonder how long that low unit is going to last as I can see that people will probably stand on it to get into bed (however inadvisable that is).

  12. 9 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    The only thing that P&O has for loyalty  is getting you some status on Princess.

    Yes, I only found that out when I signed up for Princess promotional emails a while back. P&O certainly don't share that information so I was a bit gobsmacked when I logged into my Princess account and saw all my previous P&O cruises listed.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Jean C said:

    Me too, even when I'm happy with my cabin selection I still check every day, especially fares and deals before the deposit forfeit date, then get straight on to my (useless) PVP.  Have saved thousands that way, even a hundy or so is better in my pocket than theirs.  Glad @cruiser3775 got themselves a good cabin 🛳 🍹 

    Yep, did the same for our next cruise and ended up saving $1080 for the exact same cabin as we originally booked. Pays to be vigilant.

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