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Everything posted by SoloAlaska

  1. My cousin offered to make me a birthday cake but I requested instead that she make mini cupcakes so they are built in portion control. Turns out it’s less work for her and better for me. We decided on a nautical theme for my love of cruising.
  2. It seems I have no plans for thanksgiving this year which isn’t such a bad thing as I’m trying to loose weight. My birthday is 2 days after so I’ll see all my family and friends for dinner next week. October is really busy with 3 birthdays in the family plus thanksgiving and Halloween and a big business trip at the end of the month. Ok so this might be a little TMI but as we loose weight our bodies change more than just slimming down. Our skin can struggle to return to its original shape but a slow weight loss, hydration, and moisturizing can help that. My big change that happened suddenly was my breast. The loss of fat not only has made them smaller but has also caused a change in shape. I expected that but when it happened I noticed a lump which was now easier to feel. A few years ago I underwent regular ultrasounds so I know there are some non cancerous issues but just to make sure this is still the same I will be returning for another ultrasound next week. Weight loss presents us with so many unexpected challenges. These can easily throw us off with emotional or unhealthy eating habits returning. I’m going to just work on not letting it stress me out and take extra good care of myself over the next 2 weeks as I await results. The lesson here is be kind to yourself and practise self care especially in challenging times. So with that extra stress this week I managed to still loose even though it was only 0.2lb which I take as a win.
  3. NCL you can order diapers and wipes to be delivered to your cabin.
  4. Can’t wait for NCL to add star link to smaller ships.
  5. I think this also comes down to common sense no matter where you are. If your buying a coffee let’s say it’s preferable to use a 20 at most but if your going paying for a nice lunch the break out the 50.
  6. I think this also comes down to common sense no matter where you are. If your buying a coffee let’s say it’s preferable to use a 20 at most but if your going paying for a nice lunch the break out the 50.
  7. one note is I believe Cunard has a max weight of 44lb per piece of luggage. The number isn’t limited however. Cunard is on my bucket list. I’m thinking of doing a very long trip in 2026 which would include NCL, Cunard, and backcountry camping. I know it’s a very odd mix. Hardest part is how to pack for all 3 including camping gear.
  8. I find walking the ship top to bottom on the first or second day really helps me orient myself throughout the cruise. Also if you like finding quiet corners this is how you locate them from the beginning. If a floor includes only staterooms then I don’t bother with that deck though.
  9. I’m new to NCL and I knew most of this. Still learning though and this thread has been incredibly helpful on how to get even more out of CN.
  10. I would calculate a base amount based on these potential needs plus add in any potential shopping you may want to do. Not everyone accepts credit cards and if there’s a problem while you travel the cash will be nice to have on hand. 15-20 euros per person per port for shuttles and small tips. 10-20% of cost of shore excursions in tips € for coffee/snacks/water/lunch etc € entry fees for museums etc you might visit I always carry more than a days worth into port just in case but having the math for overall does help. So as a solo traveler who doesn’t take big excursions or eat big meals during the day I plan on bringing €40 per day plus a few hundred for shopping for my European ports but will also have my credit and debit card if needed. On a given day I would carry €200 with a selection of small bills for the first 40 and the remaining in medium size bills. I never carry large bills since some places don’t accept them but if your buying more expensive items then the larger bills make sense.
  11. You can find deals where there is little or no single supplement. I sometimes will cruise with someone but honestly rather have the room to myself and not have to share. It’s a different vibe when cruising solo and I prefer it that way. my long term goal is cruising for 3-4 months a year and I would occasionally maybe have someone join me for a segment but that’s it. I’m not sharing my bedroom for more than a week especially since I’d be working as I cruise.
  12. Thinking about a b2b, s2s, broken etc for 2026 to Australia and NZ. It would include a transpacific crossing as well. Hope to be gone for about 2-3 months and include some time camping in NZ and AUS.
  13. Finally got my scale working again and I lost 1.8lb this week. I’m 1/3 of the way to my ideal weight. I’ve never lost this much before and always yo-yo loosing 15 or so lb before putting it back on. This group has really helped me stay on track and I look forward to Thursday weigh ins. holidays are just over a week away here but everything in moderation
  14. That’s what I was told by a friend who is staff. They use to have midnight buffets for staff of the food that didn’t sell that night but that no longer happens. She said there is a lot less food waste since the change. also confirmed by someone who went on the galley tour 2 weeks ago.
  15. I much rather pay on my drinks than on the original value of the package. Also how would you calculate based on when at sea vs in port, what if a port is missed then would you receive a refund on the vat? paying vat sucks especially when it’s new and a rule change but the contracts do include provisions that make it ok to happen.
  16. I need to start eating more again. My meds make it easy to just not eat but my body needs nutrients to power it. Last week I gave myself food poisoning 🤦🏼‍♀️ which was a first but not fun. Im seeing my doctor Monday about my weight loss. It’s been 3 months since I started and my life has completely changed. No more knee or hip pain just going up the stairs. Even my gate has started to change as my thighs start slimming down. The one thing that is driving me nuts is that no one seems to notice how much I’ve lost. Im not sure if it’s just because it’s impolite now to comment on those things but I wish someone would comment on how much I’ve lost. In 3.5 months I’ve lost almost 30lb while still enjoying life and not feeling deprived. my scales battery died so I couldn’t weigh this morning. I’ll weigh myself tonight and tomorrow morning to see what this weeks progress has been.
  17. That’s part of what I meant by the “quality has gone down”. My problem is with the menu and it’s execution instead of number of options.
  18. Yes they do and it’s also available late night which is nice. Sometimes they have stir fry or ramen in the evenings.
  19. Last year my assigned table was alone against a wall on the 5th and I hated it. Solo cruising I didn’t want to feel like I was put in a corner especially since waiting between courses can be quite long in the MDR. The high back chairs also help with privacy, feels like a cone of silence.
  20. The smaller menu makes sense especially since celebrity cooks to order each ticket. Not sure when the change happened of prepping dishes ahead of a service to made to order but if having less options makes a speedier service I have no problem with it. Now my problem is the quality has gone done, presentation has gone down, and service is still slow. The menu being smaller is not new news but having cruised a year apart on the same ship I can say the changes go beyond the smaller menu.
  21. Since you haven’t gotten a response here you may want to ask on the carnival board. I don’t cruise Carnival so I am of no help sorry.
  22. If your on the same TA as me will have to make sure the bar crawl is on a day that doesn’t have VAT.
  23. The behind the ear patches are no longer available in Canada which is why I tried Emeterm. Sorry to hear it didn’t work for you, I hope you find your solution soon.
  24. I was worried about the seas on my upcoming TA so I got myself an Emeterm bracelet and tested in on my Alaskan cruise a few weeks ago. Worked like a charm and yes I get monitor sickness and sea sick.
  25. I wish I had the schedule right now where I could do that TA to Europe and then back. It’s a great deal if you like lots of sea days.
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