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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. I don't care. It's not positions we tip in the real world. When you tip the laundry staff at the next hotel you stay at, we will talk. When you find a job washing sheets for a hotel that also pays tips, we will talk. Till then I live in this world. Not everyone gets a tip because there employer's are too cheap.
  2. Huh??? There are tipped positions and non tipped positions. That's the way all positions are advertised. That is the reality. Do you hear yourself when you say something like that???
  3. Not most. And sure doesn't include the cleaning crew etc. Not a fare comparison to the insane amount that get tipped from cruise line tipping pools.
  4. Not if you don't want them to be by removing automatic gratuities.
  5. Tips are in addition to pay. When working in a tipped position. Not a non tipped position.
  6. Your playing word games. Tips are tips. Pay is pay. The percentage they receive from each is not the issue with anyone in this conversation.
  7. And I'm sure they factor for the percentage that remove the automatic gratuities. And based on what I've read on the other thread about to tip extra or not to. It seems more people are getting ready to join the removing club. Cruise lines (hotels/restaurants at sea) get away with dumping there financial responsibility to "behind the scenes" employees on the customer's. It's a scam I refuse to participate in. Paying those employees is what our cruise fare is for. Not 100% profits. They are not tipped positions. I'll tip my waiter. You pay your laundry staff out of profits. That's how I feel about it.
  8. I'm no longer sure what we have been arguing about? I don't see tipping as paying, it's tipping, but who cares. I thought you believed it was our moral responsibility to consider "behind the scenes" people before removing automatic gratuities and that we hurt them by doing so? That somehow that responsibility of subsidizing those workers salaries falls on us? Maybe you don't feel that way and I misunderstood?
  9. I'll give you this one. I don't think the base salary is so great. That's only an assumption. But people take the jobs because it's still a lot more than in their own country.
  10. Hahaha. You literally ran out of comebacks. It's your job to tip something for good service. Tipping for good service is not paying anyone. It's not your job to pre tip for possible good service or to tip people who don't serve you.
  11. The "not my job to pay them" is about the "behind the scenes" people. Nobody here has said they don't believe in not tipping servers for good service. It's tipping those you do not see (and automatic gratuities tipping for possible bad service from actual servers) that is in question.
  12. Because tipping "servers" is about the quality of their services.
  13. Ah you said it "servers" in land based restaurants. You tip servers. You don't tip "behind the scenes" employees. That's the employer's job.
  14. Let me just say I don't say these things in hopes of anyone tipping less and certainly not tipping at all. Everyone should do what works best for them.
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