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Everything posted by Cruise_Ewe

  1. Not from this specific Iceland cruise but was on Sky Princess last week to Norway/Denmark (fantastic week for our first cruise) and this is some of what was going on during a sea day.
  2. Thanks for the updates and pictures, nice to see whats going on! Looking forward to next week now. I get everyone has different ideas on 'compensation' but surely 20% is very generous considering it as nothing to do with Princess that the issues (weather) occured. Whilst it must be extremely frustrating not getting somewhere you had planned you are still on a luxury cruise ship with basically unlimited food and drink, I have seen some comments on twitter such as "never going with Princess again" but I seriously question that logic when any cruise line would do the same thing, guess its a case of can't please everyone all the time and some people wouldn't be happy with 100% back. Glad you personally still had a good time!
  3. Thanks, doesn't sound awful considering the conditions. Hope you have a good rest of trip back to Southampton.
  4. I hope so! I know Copenhagen and Oslo days look great although varying quite a lot each time we look, at one point Oslo was showing 30 C on the Thursday 😃 (currently showing 23 C and light rain but other days look good) Hope the wind/smoothness matches! Very excited about the cruise in general! see you next week!
  5. Hi, Have been keeping an eye on Sky Princess this week as we are going on it Saturday for next weeks cruise! (Our first cruise) Thats a shame about the missed ports this week, how rough does it feel on a boat like Princess in the conditions currently around Iceland (looks pretty grim) as myself and partner getting a tad nervous now! Although I assume Norway/Denmark isnt quite as extreme as iceland normally.
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