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Posts posted by granmarl

  1. 3 hours ago, mopedmom1 said:


    In 1987, the summer before I met Ralph, I ran away from my turmoiled life, to restore myself amongst Alaska's beauty. Running away to Alaska the summer of Ralph's passing makes it feel full circle. I look forward to many hours on the beach, staring out at the inlet, reflecting on our 32 years together. A time to heal.


    My open ended flight is booked. If my mother has anything to say about it, I may never come home! Lol

    Sounds like the perfect place to heal.


    • Like 11
  2. 2 hours ago, mopedmom1 said:


    Aww thanks. I think of you often as well.


    In my grief addled state of mind I think of someone else frequently as well but can't remember who.  She lost her husband about a year ago.  Would love to have her "name" if anyone remembers, or if she is here.

    Yes, I believe someone said my name, I too have thought of you often. I try and keep up here but even for me its 13 months the grief comes in waves and sometimes I just shut down.  For you 11 weeks Sunday is still so raw for you and I'm sure so many triggers and especially what's going on in the world now just sometimes just seems to magnify things. We just have to remember to put one foot in front of the other and breathe........... I know now so many widows of friends I have and some of their stories 2 years on a sofa, 2 years of denial ending up in the ER thinking they were having a heart attack, 2 years in the bottle and pills but they all came out the other side, stronger. We'll never forget the life we had and even though some are still painful  memories but we lived and so did they........... Will be thinking of you Sunday and especially the 1st (for you and your daughter on Fathers Day) My husbands year of passing happened to be on Mother's Day but family was there for me........ Take care, Marlene

    • Like 12
  3. 23 minutes ago, jbhcw said:

    Got to go to the back door...and see Frank today...I was thrilled...he does know who I am...but I can see he is settled in where he is...and I am kind of just someone who brings him...snacks...Pepsi...watermelon...cantaloupe...etc...the aide who takes care of him most of the time is an angel...I love her... she is so good with him...

    Oh my gosh, it also shows what a special person you are......... hugs and blessings to you and Frank.

    • Like 7
  4. 16 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    That's much better... Actual oxygen...




    I so agree with you, I walk my bike trail 3 miles every day. I wear a bandana but its not on my face. I respect people that do wear a mask and do the 6 feet distance but i need to breathe in the fresh air in and out. I'm sorry but how do you recycle your air that you breathe (I now it's probably just me). I  do wear the mask when I do go to the grocery store but the minute I get in the car, its off......

    • Like 6
  5. 1 hour ago, sid_9169 said:

    Well, crap... My weekend was going okay, until just now... I think I killed the paper shredder over at my part time job. I was trying to get rid of some of the twenty plus years of bills and such, when I overloaded it. I finally got it un-jammed, and of course, went right back to shredding. Well, now it won't go at all, in either direction. I still have about a million pages to go, but now I've got bigger problems. I've been taking a little to work every day, but it's only put a dent in it... Hopefully I can get this thing going soon......

    Sid, I have done that many times......It just gets overheated......... it will come back on.........Usually scares the s**t out of me becuase I have my back to the shredder and its starts and I almost fall out of my seat. LOL


    • Like 6
  6. 41 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

    You just said that because she likes you....LOL!!!  😜

    Perception is that it came across as disrespectful and we all know perception is reality. JMHO

    All is good Tribe members. 😊

    And so many are just on edge anymore. All it takes is one little word or two and its a runaway train.  Not that I am saying here......😘 and Sid you really have me thinking about that air fryer, now that I am one is looks perfect.

    • Like 4
  7. 21 minutes ago, Slainte57 said:


    My thoughts exactly

    I know I haven't posted much, been in a lousy mood or trying to ward off depression but I have always enjoyed everyone's post. So double ouch.

    • Like 12
  8. 1 hour ago, fyree39 said:


    1 hour ago, fyree39 said:

    Oh, yes. City of Hope is sadly well known on my husband's side of the family. 😞

    We know it well, my late husband was a patient there since the early 70's. It was very convenient that we lived in the same city.

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  9. 1 hour ago, fyree39 said:

    Do you mind saying what town you're in? I'm curious how far away this one was felt. 

    I'm about 150 miles from you in a city called Duarte where "City of Hope" is located.  We are more on rock and we are nestled right behind the foothills and Mountains so fortunately we have not felt the big ones but Mother nature does keep us aware.....

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, fyree39 said:

    All is well here. We're getting used to this!


    If you're wondering, it was a loud one and lasted maybe 20 seconds. DH and I were heading toward the dining room table for cover when it finally slowed way down. Aftershocks like this are expected for the next couple of years. Oh, goody.


    Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 7.25.45 PM.png

    Good to hear. I heard it, was in my bedroom and thought a tangelo (have a tree next to my bedroom) hit the roof.

    • Like 1
  11. 36 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    8:53pm... Atlanta police fire tear gas, and send the protesters home... Like I said, they aren't taking any s#!+ tonight...

    Los Angels has an 8:00 pm curfew, its only 6:30 pm and things are getting pretty ugly. My son is a Sargent with the sheriffs and granddaughter husband is deputy with sheriff's department. I'm praying they are not called in. That is not their area but if they're called they will have to go. There are some bad apples as we have seen but my boys I  am very proud of and they serve to protect and keep people safe.

    • Like 8
  12. 49 minutes ago, blarko said:

    @OHCruisin do I remember correctly that you have a niece getting married soon? Any word on whether or not that’s going to happen? My niece has her wedding planned for October but we are basically in a holding pattern right now. My sister still wants to have her bridal shower in July as planned but I think it’s way too soon to even think about that.

    My son was suppose to get married married May 15th, they rescheduled for August 14th, I am still holding my breath. My grandson will miss his high school graduation. There will be a car drive by graduation celebration on June 13th. I have my signs already but its so much not the same.

    • Like 4
  13. 4 hours ago, fyree39 said:

    Liam passed away this morning. He was 65 and leaves behind a wife and two adult boys. C19 claims another victim.


    I am so very sorry,  prayers to his family and give them strength in the coming times to come.



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  14. 11 minutes ago, fyree39 said:

    Catholic or Protestant, I need some prayers. My brother's best friend in Ireland, Liam, has been on a ventilator for this past 3 weeks due to COVID. Two days ago it was looking better, but last night things took another turn. This morning his doctors will try a couple more medicines and after that it's only up to God. I would ask the Tribe to pray hard for our brother Liam, that God will allow Liam to hug his wife and children, lift a pint and fish the seas once again.

    Prayers being sent to Liam and his family. Give him the strength to recover. 🙏🙏

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  15. 51 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    I just now got the email from Virgin Voyages about the cancellation... It hurts all over again...

    I'm really sorry........ it's like pouring salt in the wound again.......

    • Like 4
  16. 11 minutes ago, mopedmom1 said:

    Okay, I grabbed my pool noodle and am ready to jump into the face.....water. Just waiting for someone to JOIN me. 😁

    Now will there be one of those rubber ducky's with the beverage  (wine, beer) holder in the pool?........ I'll jump in.......I've already put my name on here as my introduction, so I shouldn't be too hard to fine........ Hint..... Marlene

    • Like 5
  17. 16 minutes ago, luvcruzing said:

    All the best to you on making it through the year of “firsts.” 💔 Wishing you happier days ahead. 

    It took a village...... i will never forget the love of my life but he left me with a lifetime of memories and don't know where life will take me but I  know he will be pushing me forward.a

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