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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Just got word tonight that Avalon Envision cannot make it to Budapest due to low water, and that we will be bused from Bratislava to Budapest on Monday. We were so close to being able to go all the way by water to Budapest. Avalon is comping a lot of previously additional excursions as compensation for the change in schedule.
  2. We are getting on the Envision on the 8th in Vilshofen. We hopefully will float it all the way to you in Budapest on the 17th.
  3. Thanks for all of the helpful, interesting, and hopeful information about the water levels from Vilshofen to Budapest so far. I will keep watching the thread, and will report on our findings once we board.
  4. We go on our first river cruise the beginning of October. I may be misreading the prior posts, but most seem to deal with the Danube north of Vilshaufen. We are embarking from Vilshaufen and going to Budapest. Does anybody know what the water levels are in that stretch? If prior posts deal with this section of the river, sorry but I'm not familiar with the Danube and this part of Europe. As I said, it is our first river cruise. Thanks for any information.
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