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Everything posted by PatSp

  1. Their 'customer service reps' (at least the online chat ones) are not doing their employers any favors by passing on false info that puts the company in a bad light.
  2. In the interest of fairness, today I logged into the Navigator app and now more than 24 hours later, I can book dining and use my credits. Apparently, i cant use all 4 credits in the Pinnacle. But at least i can use them. The person I was on the chat with gave me bad info. Not sure why.
  3. Wrong. They are open now for an August cruise. I went in and made reservations and used my credit card. They charged my card instead of using my credits. When I did a chat to find out why thats when I was told I couldn't use my credits for another 2 or 3 months. So i registered my complaint and asked to cancel my dinner reservations charged on my credit cards. I have the emails with my dinner reservation cancelation to prove it. Reservations are open NOW if you want to pay.
  4. Today i tried to book Pinnacle dining using our HIA credits with no luck so i thought that if i entered my credit card info, the reservation would go through without a charge. Guess what? It didn't so i initiated an online chat. She said reservations using the credits won't openup for another few months! I can't believe it. You purchase the add on package and basically get treated like a second class citizen. There may not be any desirable reservations left by the time we are allowed to book. Totally unfair.
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