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Posts posted by SueseaQ

  1. I'm finally back after having my Dad in the hospital and computer troubles fixed ... I' m back!

    Thank God Dad is doing better.

    The computer problems, very frustrating. I could read, but everytime I tried to post my computer would disconnect.

    Marge, the hip actually was damaged from being on prednisone as a teen - long story. I'm sure all the dancing at Disco 40 and running up and down the ships stair cases certainly didn't help. We never took the elevators, because we felt we had to do everything we could to burn up all those calories we enjoyed, so we took the stairs...

    Miss JD, what can I say.... I'm very upset that I can't go next fall, unless I win Lotto or something.....ohhhhh......I really wish you all could come on Caribbean Princess with me in July.....I just have to get to meet you all!!!! If worse comes to worse, I'll just have to meet you all at the peir the day you leave......hmmmmm...kind of deja vu-ish don't ya think??

    Another idea came to my mind. Maybe we could meet in Atlantic City or something like that, some weekend......maybe as a pre or post cruise get together, so those of us who can't make the cruise could still meet and spend some time with you all....just a thought.

    I'm very happy to be able to "talk" to you all again :):)

    Buona Sera, Sorelle di Home Lines!!!!

  2. HI "sisters" I so wish I could go on this cruise next fall, but if it wasn't enough stating a new job, having a cruise booked for next summer, I recently found out I'll have to have some surgery in December :mad:!

    Talking about knees.....hmmmmmm....just thought of a new reason as to why I had to have that hip replaced 11 yrs ago.....:eek::cool::p:D:o!!!!!!

  3. Hi Nonnie, you are right we SURVIVED just like the song. Little wonder it was such a hit.

    I wish I could go on the Oct cruise :(. To tell you the truth if I hadn't made plans for my July cruise with my neighbor, I would cancel it and go on the Oct. cruise in a heart beat, but my neighbor is a teacher and she really wouldn't be able to take vacation in Oct. The other problem might be getting another week off from a job that I'm still pretty new at. Well IF I ever win the lotto, I"ll be there......:rolleyes:.

    If you get a good turn out, maybe you'll have a get together after the cruise, and hopefully I'll be able to make that :)!

  4. Back in 1987, I was six months pregnant and was convinced we'd never have another nice vacation once our baby was born, so we took a cruise. I love looking at those photos of me big as a whale and my husband dressed up for Italian night wearing the clothes the ship loaned us. He looked just like a waiter. (Of course, when he wore a tux onboard more recent cruises, it had the same effect!)


    The most embarrassing memory I have, and hopefully funny to you folks, is that I thought we were supposed to order from each section of the menu, which meant an appetizzer, a soup, a fish course, a meat course, a pasta course, etc. Our tablemates must have been groaning as the meal probably stretched on forever! They were very polite, however, and probably attributed my immense "hunger" to the pregnancy! I still remember the baked Alaska procession (I think it was that cruise!).



    Welcome aboard Mary_228, You need not be embarrased! We always ordered like that, and I wasn't pregnant...LOL. Anyway, the waiters on that ship just loved to feed you! I'm sure the fact that you were pregnant would have given them all the more reason to make sure you ate enough for two (or maybe even three or four)!!! Many times on a Home Lines cruise the waiters would tell you not to order anything and they would proceed to bring out every thing on the menu. So, you see what you did was nothing out of the ordinary for them....and watching the Baked Alaska processsion always was fun, especially if you knew the waiters and they would make some funny remark as they came by the table!!

  5. Hi Girls, I have been away from the ole computer for a couple of days as since going back to work, my time has become VERY limited. Don't get me wrong, I love the new job, but I also care for my Dad who has several health problems and even though we live in the same house, believe me, my time is not my own these days.

    Oh the stories about ex-husbands!!! Mine, also, was abusive, in many ways. I've been single since I left him in 1990. At the time my daughter was an infant and for all the trouble he continued to give us, I figured it was better to stay alone and raise my little girl. Well as you know, time flies, she grew, then my dear Mom became ill with kidney disease, was on dialysis for 2 years and we lost her 3yrs ago this month, something I don't think I'll ever get over completely. Now, it's Dad who needs my help. I keep thinking that one day, when the time is right, my Mom will send that special guy my way too. God Bless all our Moms up there. I'm thinking they must be starting their own club...The Mom's of the Home Lines Girls Club...LOL!

    Now, I see we girls really do think alike......NCL...YUK!!!!! Cruised them once and NEVER again....As you can see from my ticker, I'm booked on the Caribbean Princess for next summer already. Although it only stops for a few hours in Bermuda (such a tease :() I wish everyone could join me on that sailing....I don't think I can financially swing 2 cruises in 1 year, though that would really be a dream come true. But you never know.....

    HAL is returning to Bermuda next year Hamilton and St. Georges...Have any of you ever sailed with them?

    Marge106, welcome back, girlfriend, haven't heard from you'all in a while....Movin South???? When??, Where???

    Ciao Bella chichinas!

  6. How true, How true. Heck I even went on a cruise myself, once, my second ever cruise,.....on the Atlantic NYto Bermuda...met some other single ladies at the dinner table . I was able to give them fair warning :D of what their lives would be like for the next week and, naturally, was proven right!;););)

    I wish I could book that winter cruise, but after being out of full time work for a year and a half, I consider myself very lucky to be booked for July 2010 on the Caribbean Princess, no way would I be able to swing 2 cruises. And thank goodness I got a full time job a month ago.

    I think you're going to like Princess. I sailed on the Crown in 2006 and enjoyed it more than my cruises on Celebrity. You might be interested to know that many of those "in charge" are Italian and I've read somewhere on these boards that some former Home Lines employees now work on Princess, so ya never know "who" you might run into while on your Princess cruise!

  7. Hi Nonnie, I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, it was just the way cruzinfamily worded her comment that just struck me very funny . I definitely respect your feelings about your relationship with your hubby. I would have to be the last person to criticize anybody, speaking as a divorced person. Again, so sorry........:o.

  8. taking the hubby along? How would that work? "hey, honey, would you like to come on a cruise with me and a bunch of other girls while we reminisce about our sexcapades on the home lines ships?" lol!





    Well, I'm going on the Caribbean Princess for a 9 day on July 11, 2010.....anybody else available for that cruise!

  9. Oh my goodness, the sneaking around!!!!!!! It was soooooo exciting back then, and I, too, still get chills and that exciting feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about it. I'll never forget the look on the faces of a middle aged couple as they saw me emerge from a door marked "CREW ONLY" at about 3 AM !!!!! I just about died, I was so embarrased :o:eek:;):D!!!!!

    I think we all need to go on a cruise together to put together all our stories for our book, which of course, would one day become a screen play, and then a smash hit movie!!!!!!:D

    Unfortunately, I don't think many of the "guys" would ever write a book, and if they did, they would have to change their names to protect the innocent and of course themselves. ;)...LOL!!!!

  10. How have you been Nonnie? Here we go again with the waiter, Vincenzo...LOL. I never knew the last name of the Vincenzo I met on my first cruise, just kind of hung out and went dancing with him a couple of times at Disco 40. My "more involved" relationship was with a waiter named Sergio, who I met on my second cruise.....but what a cad he turned out to be..... I don't recognize either of the other 2 guys you mentioned, though.

    Hi crusinsue, that's too bad, it would have really been awsome to actually meet another Home Lines girl, where else but on a cruise....Oh well maybe someday. Sandytoes is on the cruise on July 11, did you meet her on the cruise you were just on? I know she was on that same sailing.

  11. :)hello everyone hope all is well had a really great time on the caribbean princess sueseq when are you booked in july of 2010 i booked again on board for the last caribbean cruise july 29 hope it is the same one best to all take care sue


    So glad to hear you had such a wonderful time. I'm booked for July 11. OOOOHHH, can you change your date????

  12. Hi Everyone!

    How exciting your leaving on your cruise this week, Sue! Have a great time. I can't wait to hear how it was as I am booked on the same cruise for next July. You'll have to let us know how everything goes.

    My niece was on this cruise at the end of June with her friends and had a blast! Evidently they made friends with some of the crew members and hung out with them and toured some of the islands with them.....They even have been back to the ship 2x's and were invited to a crew party when it was docked in Brooklyn. Hmmmmmmmm...............does any of this sound vaguely familiar? ;):rolleyes::D:p:eek:. Will there one day be a thread of "Princess Line girls"??? Oh to be in my 20's again.......Sorry, but I know we still had the best with the Home Lines ;).

  13. Hi ArubaGal, I've just been lurking for a while. WOW, congratulations on 2 engagements that must have been a shock. Only news on my end is that I won't be able to do the Jan cruise with CruisingSisters, unfortunately. But on the bright side, I am (finally) booked on a cruise for next July. A 9 day cruise on the Caribbean Princess from Brooklyn. My first vacation in 4 years...YAY!

    Hope all you other Home Lines Girls are well and having a great summer!

  14. Milk Duds...aren't they those little chocolate malted milk pellets? Gad, I could never understand how anyone could eat those. Dunno if they still have them, but they used to advertise Zero Bars, made to freeze & break up.

    We drive up to Québec several times a year to get Mrs.Smith's low-cal preserves in Blueberry, Wildberry, Apricot, & others. They are excellent & cost about 1/2 of what they would here.



    I haven't sen Milk Duds here in a long time, but then again I haven't really looked for them. They were little round candies made of caramel covered with chocolate. I used to love them as a kid!

  15. Hi Eileen, I just googled Tim Tams, OMG, so they sound incredible! I'm already a fan and I never even tasted one! Now, I did see that there's a store in Texas that sells goods from Australia, and I'm sure there must be other stores like that scattered throughout the US, however I'm sure the product would probably cost twice as much as what you would pay in Australia.

    I have never even seen a cookie like that here, but we do have different brands that could be found in any supermarket here which are also good. I enjoy Keebler's chocolate covered graham crackers, Fudge Stripes, and Grasshoppers (a chocolate mint cookie). So your hubby may just find something here that he may enjoy as well.

    You'll have to get back to us and let us know how this works out. Always interesting when any sort of food is involved.....:p.

    See you in Float Away!:)

  16. Just wondering if anyone has seen Arnotts Tim Tams for sale in USA - specifically Fort Lauderdale or Los Angeles?


    Would love to buy some before we get on the ship or get some in LA for the week we will be spending there. My DH just loves Tim Tams with a cup of coffee. I don't think you can bring them in from australia.



    Hi Eileen' date=' I have never heard of Tim Tams, but imagine it might be some sort of bisquit or cookie?? If so what is it like??? We may not have that brand, but perhaps we could recommend something similar that we do have here. :)[/color']

  17. ....I'm liking what I hear about HAL and being that you loved the Home Lines too, I figured you could give me a good comparison. The cruises today seem to differ alot from how they used to be back then. We last cruised on Princess, and I liked them better than Celebrity and much better than NCL. I'm really thinking of giving HAL a try next summer. It is so much nicer to dock in Hamilton and St. Georges and to stay in Bermuda for 3 1/2 days than to be docked in Kings Wharf for only hours.

  18. Home lines had the best dinning room food and service by far ! You're absolutely right about that! And the Oceanic had the best Disco we ever been to on any cruise ship hands down .I never had the honor of sailing on the Oceanic, but compared to the ships today, for me, nothing compared to the Disco on the Atlantic I"m kind of thinking that because it was a NY crowd ! Could very well be :D We never left the Disco until closing time same here! ,remember the pizza late night in the disco . LOOVED that pizza!

    Long live the Oceanic and Home lines .You will never be forgotten .




    Mr Veendam, do you sail on HAL these days? I'm thinking about taking a cruise on the Veendam to Bermuda next summer. Seeing as you too are a Home Lines fan how would you rate HAL?



    Hi Arubagal, Welcome back, girlfriend! Glad you had a good vacation! As you can see we've been busy chatting away here. I'm looking into going on that cruise to nowhere with TheCrusinSisters' group....If enough of us can go, I think we would have a lot of laughs. Take care!

  19. This is an idea, we have a "Cruise to Nowhere" booked for January on the NCL Gem out of Manhattan with a reunion of school friends, maybe all of you would like to get together with this overnight cruise and bring back old memories of our Home Lines days. If you need info I can give you the girl who is handing the group reservations for our school and you can all receive the same discount as our group with her.




    Wow, thank you so much for this invitation. This is something I definitely would be interested in doing. I would appreciate any more info, if you don't mind e-mailing it to me. :)

  20. Hi there girls, Welcome abourd Marcelleg13, cruisinsince75, summed it up perfectly. This thread is really addictive and we have become our own little family here. Did you always live in Florida or were you living in the NY area at that time? Did you too, spend many a Saturday in NYC at the ship terminal? Ahhhhhhh, the days of the Home Lines, they truly were the best. If they were still around I probably never would have cruised any other line. (on the other hand if they were still around, I don't know if I would want my now 20 yr old daughter to sail.....:eek:;))

    Cruisinsue, I love your choice for our Home Lines theme song....girls, in those days I think we did leave those umbrellas at home.....LOL.

    Nonnie I didn't know the club Sue was talking about either, sound like it must have been a lot of fun...

    Arubagal, are you out there, how was your vacation?

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