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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. We were made to feel the same ! … and given a letter . it seemed weird at the time that they suddenly changed their mind - but we were very glad they did!!
  2. We were very sure that we had provided all the required information in January including the need for evacuation chair. This has been confirmed by P&O today when my husband finally managed to speak to someone! They said it looks like a clerical error and that he should email via complaints system if he wants to complain. they also tried to say it was not their issue as the woman we encountered did not work for P&O!!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯
  3. We have just returned from a 5 day cruise on Britannia with my 92yr old father in law who is a mobility scooter user. ( our 5th cruise in 18 months all with P&O ) As required we always have an adapted cabin ( which appears to cost more) due to his Mobility needs. We also have also provided details of the scooter as requested on booking. unfortunately on arrival for this cruise we were told that we could not board as ‘maritime law’ had changed and we had not completed all required documentation. The VERY RUDE AND AGGRESSIVE ground crew supervisor at Southampton insisted it was our fault as we had ignored an email request for this. We assured her we hadn’t received any email but she refused to believe us and told us we couldn’t board as we hadn’t applied for an evacuation chair and non were now available. She told us we should go home and take it up with P&O as it ‘wasn’t her problem!’. This exchange went on for about 30 minutes in full view of everyone in departures with her threatening to have me removed by security if I didn’t ’back off’. I was at no time anything but polite !! I asked her why my accessible cabin was not automatically allocated a chair and she told me that’s not how it works! I also advised her that we had always booked direct with P&O whilst onboard and our requirements had always been the same. she then said she would go and look at our details and come back to us. About 20 minutes later another staff member came back and said we could board! There was also a young couple one of whom was on a large motorised wheelchair who were in the same position but unfortunately they were sent home. The horrible staff member seemed to enjoy the fact that she made this lady cry 😢 We are currently trying hard to speak to someone to complain as my father in law was very upset by the whole experience. We are not however having much success.
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