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Everything posted by WWD

  1. So I am in the USA (entered legally) but overstayed my visa (dumb I know). Long story but wife likely kicking me out so I'm like screw this I'm going to travel the world for a bit. I have my visa for Australia and my passport allows me into the rest of the places ... but ... going out of Seattle and into/out of Hawaii before heading to the islands and then Sydney. - do they check docs/passports or anything? As its US-US-SYD can I get off the ship in Hawaii, should I stay on board and if I do will they get me 😂? As I'm leaving, likely forever unless the wife changes her mind - will the USA care - I've not intention of staying in Hawaii so I'm basically deporting myself. No judgements just want to know if I'm going to get screwed in Hawaii or not even let on the ship. TIA
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