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Everything posted by allicat955

  1. thank y'all for all the responses, this is exactly what I needed to hear!!! I think I just needed to hear someone else say it was going to be fine to solve my worries so I really appreciate you all reaffirming that for me. Definitely feeling a lot better + feeling more relaxed and looking forward to our travels now 🙂 ❤️
  2. Hello all! This is my first post here, so I'm sorry if I'm not doing this right! My boyfriend and I have been talking for YEARS about going on a cruise (I went on several growing up with my family, he's never been on one), and finally this year we both have the finances/ are in a good place in our careers to go on one! I was so excited and after doing research for a month, we booked with NCL on the Norwegian Jade to sail to the Bahamas on November 3rd! Awesome, so excited, can't wait!... Until I was talking to my best friend about it, and she brought up "Isn't that during the presidential election?" Now my excitement has turned into nervousness. I'm not particularly political and don't want to start a political debate here, but I think a lot of Americans could agree the current political climate has felt growingly tense and sometimes scary over the past few election cycles, and I'm concerned how that may culminate on the boat when the results are coming out, especially with alcohol involved... I talked to my mom about it whose an avid cruiser, and even she expressed serious concerns. She even wanted me to rebook to different dates... I also think I should mention that my boyfriend and I are an interracial couple. I bring this up because we've already experienced in our four years together the rude glances/stares/ side comments. We've had complete strangers make really rude/ degrading comments to us before, and I'm fearful with alcohol and the election going on, someone may feel inclined to say something to us... We love each other to death so we deal with it and treat everyone with kindness and respect, but I really just have this fearful nightmare in my head of someone trying to start something with us on election night/ post election night, and I really want to avoid that. I'm assuming the results will be broadcasted/ available to find on board so I know there's no way avoiding it, but I think I really just need some advice/ encouraging words/ any words of wisdom. Has anyone been on a cruise during an election (particularly a 'controversial' / tense one) with any advice? Any advice in general? Should I just rebook for a different date like my mom suggested? I do taxes for a living and my boyfriend's job is flexible, so if we had to rebook, we can. I also think my perspective may just be warped since I used to live near DC where all anyone ever talked about was politics, so I might just be making up scenarios in my head for nothing, but again any advice/ words of wisdom to calm my stress would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you all for any insight/ info u can provide ❤️❤️
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