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Posts posted by notentirelynormal

  1. Of course I realize we are all in the same boat but it still makes for bad business to just keep the money as opposed to saying - we ARE in the same boat so as a gesture of goodwill we are going to let you use 50% in the future.  Now I feel warm and fuzzy.  You still have my money only now you might end up with all of it.  At the very least you have the money in the bank to maintain.  They could raise all rates across the board by $5 which is nothing.  That could take up the slack and give goodwill.  These companies need to be proactive instead of reactive.  American Airlines has been awesome in money returns.  I got my total refund within one week of applying.  Talking to different companies (Like Citi Card) and I'm finding out they are in the top 10 in many people's book.  Now they have a loyal customer.


    Oh well, like I said, my first experience with them and now I am older and wiser.  I will definitely look into VRBO.  I can never remember that name.  I know this is the up and coming way to travel but I'm older so I'm having some trust issues.   My son used it locally when he got married and found a great deal in Seattle so I know it is possible. 


    I think the problem is, this will be my first time (and aren't we all nervous for our "first time") and it is just so far away with so many people, I don't want anything to go wrong.  What if we get there and there aren't enough beds or they lied?  What am I going to do then?  I am a novice at this and there are just so many things to make sure are there, or not.  You might not have been able to tell, ummm, but I might be a bit of a control freak when it comes to traveling.  Seriously, the rest of the time I'm wild and crazy.  Disneyland, roller coasters all the way!

  2. First, I guess I should have explained a little more.  This will be our 28th cruise.  Lyric’s 2nd, Haven’s 3rd, Kristina’s 5th and Michael’s 8th.  Cruising has been a family vacation since the 80s.  We have traveled around the world including Australia, Tahiti, Alaska, the Med and Caribbean with sometimes as many as 26 of us.  This isn’t our first rodeo by any means.


    The ports we are going to are mostly new, however.  The ones I’ve been to I’m using the same tour guides.  Paris and London are the two where I want the kids to get the most.  Neither sets of parent will be bringing them back any time soon.  This likely will be their only experience until long after adulthood if then.  We have talked about seeing things.  Believe it or not from watching the Mr. Peabody movie.  It was great.  I use every experience as a learning experience but I am a big kid so I make sure they will have fun.  Making fun of grandma is acceptable (as long as it is in good fun).  Do you know that if you don’t give “the big guy” aka grandpa a good night kiss that he will cry like a baby.  It is pathetic.


    get a guide book. - They make children's one for the dress and have the kids pick their favorites.  They are better behaved when they have input. Have an idea of what you want to do, but be flexible. For must do items get timed tickets

    All kids have been told to talk with their parents to pick out one thing in each port that they want to do.  My oldest, Michael, has already come up with ideas but it really is left to the parents to do it.  Two live in Seattle and two in LA and one is autistic.  I sincerely doubt the others will have any input..  They already know I will pick fun things for them.  I buy tickets in advance as much as possible.


    2) Hotels-airbnb, vrbo and hotels only if one night.  The space in an apartment is better …  We eat breakfast in the apartments to save money, get snacks because the kids are always hungry that we can carry around- know the cancellation rules and ok one that is flexible so you don't have problems again

    This is why I’ve been looking at airbnb’s but I’ve had a bad first experience.  We were booked into one in Sydney and since they’ve closed Australia you would think they would have refunded my money but they only gave me $35 of $135 deposit.  Umm, it wasn’t that I’m not going, it is you won’t let me get there!  I fear this is the option I will be using.  Yes, breakfast is another reason to use their service.


    3) Packing- pack your clothes and take half of it out.  Alas, This will never happen.  I am an over packer.  I can’t help it.  However, some of the stuff going is not coming home.  I may be able to put smaller ones inside the bigger ones or maybe ship them home directly but everyone will have their own suitcase.  Apparently my whole family are over packers.  The youngest two empty their drawers into a suitcase, bring their stuffed toys and of course their gaming stuff.  That will take their carry ons.  I will likely keep the big ones packed for the ship and work out of the carry ons for the local stays.

    4) transportation – I will be working on this.  With 7 people is it always a challenge

    6). Tours unless they are private are to be avoided .  Knowing ages will go with prepaying tickets.  I love front of the line tickets.  After taking some Princess tours where people have to make everyone wait an hour to buy a Persian carpet, or those that have to buy that $1 souvenir while the entire bus waits I take only private tours now.  They are often less money and far more inclusive.


    7) planning- don't plan more than two big ticket items a day. You and the kids will need down time. The teenager will want to go in the record store. You want a coffee ( or beer) from the cafe. You pass a museum you missed and want to go in or see a cool park for the youngest.  If you see something you like, but don't have time to stop,what's the point?   Perfect planning goes into play here.  For example, we will do the Tower of London the same day we do the London Eye.  I’m sure we will get something else in that day.  I just don’t know what yet.  I had some great advice from someone on the Beefeaters and going around back and some other short cuts to make the most of our time.  I’m going to reserve the whole capsule for the Eye.  That gives us front of the line at an exact time with no one to impair our views.  It is why I thought we could stop at Stonehenge on the way to the port.  I may buy a yearly family ticket to the Castles which gives us a guaranteed time and free.  We can have a beer while they have a drink of their own where I’m sure food will be involved.


    These are my tips and tricks. You may look in horror at my ideas, so use what You like and ignore the rest. Have fun and no matter what you do, you will make great memories. Enjoy your trip.   I listen to everything people have to offer.  I’ve come up with some great nuggets that way.  I appreciate any and all advise.

  3. Through some advise on another thread I think I’ve found a good fit for our day.  It will be a full day tour with Tour Designer in Provence.  Her prices are reasonable and in line with other guides plus her tour sound cool.  She comes highly recommended by other CC members.

    Her prices work out to around $750 for our group of 7 at $106 per person.  That is for a full day tour.

  4. Well, I'm getting ready to book with Tour Designer in Provence.  One thing I don't like though is I'm required to pay my deposit through Paypal for an additional 4.5% in fees.  I'm not sure why they can't just take my credit card information and charge it.  That should be calculated directly into my quote of what it will cost.  For example, I would prefer them to say it will cost you $12.50 rather than $10 and oh, you have to pay me an additional $2.50 in fees .


    Like I've said in previous posts, I'm going with complete stranger's recommendation because I've never been let down by CCers before.  So guys, if your recommendations suck and you've totally screwed me then that is on you hahaha (sort of).  You have most certainly guided me to tour companies that seems perfect for which is more than I was coming up with on my own.  I either got nothing or companies that didn't sound like a good match for me.


    I realize that I have lots of time to make arrangements but I also realize that there are many many people on this ship (and maybe others) that will be looking for private tours and I want to be there first. After all, there are only so many guides and even less good guides.  I am way too anal not to have it lined up. 


    I just laugh at my husband when he makes stupid comments about my umm issues.  Dude, we've been together almost 50 years.  Half a century.  You seriously don't know that I won't have it organized?  He wants to contribute, really he does. And about two weeks before we are ready to go he whole halfheartedly starts to get involved.  He start clipping coupons for cheap places to park at LAX kind of thing.  For this trip he will dig in look for limo services.


    Anyway, I'm happy to announce Marseille is done.  I just have to pay and firm up the details of pick up/drop off and budget for other expenses, like lunch.  Once again I thank you all for your help.  I truly listened to all your suggestions, looked them up and went from there.  Emma expanded on those ideas and has promised us an amazing day.  I found it hard to believe that the only thing to do was shopping.  Wait, I could walk and look at stores and shop too.


    This in no way let's you off the hook.  I still have one really tough port left.  One that I can't even figure where to start. Ceuta, Spanish Morocco, Spain.  Using TripAdvisor I've come up with TukTuk tours but I don't think that is a really good option.  I would need 4 of them and I'm not sure where they go or anything about them.  They do look fun though.  So, if you guys have any insight into tours or guides there or even places to go - then you really are The Man!


    Once I get all the ports done then I can seriously start thinking about London and Paris.  This has to be done carefully to coordinate everything and you guys have given me some really good leads, ideas and directions to go.  Up to this point I haven't been focused there.  I've researched on my own, of course and know some of the things I want to do.  I know we are going to the Tower of London and the London Eye.  I've made notes to dig deeper into everything and the suggestions you have made.  Against my better judgment I think I am going to have to book an airbnb otherwise the hotels are going to cost me more than the cruise.  More on this later.  I know you guys live and die just to hear my travel issues. 🙂


    I have, however, put out feelers on the things we've talked about.  Remarkably I haven't got a lot of responses back.  None, to be exact.  Not one driver or guide has responded.  In England I've asked for transportation only to and from LHR and a hotel and/or the port.  I can't even get that answered.  I wasn't asking for much.  Just basic rates for crying out loud.  I realize the world is out of sync right now but people can still work from home and answer emails.  I contacted one company about stopping at Windsor Castle on the way.  Making a day out of getting from the hotel to the port.  I've heard nothing.  I do like the idea of staying there one night too but this might come down to cost.


    You now officially have your update.



  5.   Hi Marazul


    I sent them an email with the earlier suggestions and have not heard back from them.  I think their email said to give up to 72 hours so I'm not stressing yet. If I haven't heard from them in a couple of days I'll retry.  Times are off right now.  Those prices are totally in line with what I'm paying in other ports.  I mentioned the suggestions you guys gave me and asked for a price.


    I like to stretch my dollar too and cringe when paying the meal tickets for 7 people but I also realize that we are in a particular place to see what makes it what it is so saving that extra $100 defeats the purpose.


    to ljandgb


    I also sent them an email asking for prices and suggestions and only giving them the minimum of what we wanted to see and do and asking for suggestions.  I guess they are closed for the rest of the month so I will wait for their return.  Even though I don't know you guys you sound level headed and realize the pricing I'm looking for.  The worst that can happen is I don't like what I hear or the cost is too much and I move on.  No pain, no gain.  I totally loved the recommendation I got for Sardinia.  If he is as good as his emails, I'll be happy.


    I remember when we went to New Zealand there was a really popular guide.  I had booked him for our group.  When I get to him there is a couple standing there asking to join our tour.  Apparently a lot of people (on CC) feel that leaving it to the last minute and asking to join in on other's tours is totally acceptable.  They were actually put off that we didn't let them join.  I looked at him and said, we have 18 people and a baby with a stroller. Where exactly do you plan to put two more people?  Seriously!  We had to literally climb over top of the stuff and one guy had to sit on the floor.  Bottom line people - book your own tour ahead of time.  Sheesh.



    • Like 1
  6. Oh, I still planned on stopping for lunch.  These are teenagers and almost teens who want to eat all the time and have certain preferences.  I'll let the little one starve if after I pay for a meal she doesn't eat it but I still want to try to get them simple and something to hold them over.


    Can you give me an idea what they charged for a day tour of Paris and the transportation to/from the airport.  Honestly, with all the stuff they do for you they sound like they might be too expensive for me.


  7. 8 hours ago, ljandgb said:

    The earlier suggestion I had didn't work.  They really were about tours and I'm not going anywhere else. 


    Was that the suggestion I had about the France Just for You?  They do tours, but have done 2 private trips for us based on what we wanted, not their package tours.  If you haven't contacted them directly, I would.  I do suspect they will be happy for the business and can help with Paris.  If they can't, then I 'd be surprised.


    Their offices are closed until August 23rd and will respond to me email then.

  8. Funny.  I was just reading about this.  Great minds.  It is definitely not cheap but it does open up some ideas.  $250 hotel to hotel OR $507 to ship 7 pieces back home.  Something to think about for sure.  After the cruise there is definitely some things I won't need.  I'm not taking everything home with me (like the candles for the cabin or the lanterns for the balcony).  Not worth the space or money.  I figure I can probably put some of my under seat cases inside a big suitcase for travel London to Paris.

  9. Marseille.  This is a gateway city ……..

    I most definitely will be booking a private tour.  I am not one to wing it especially with so many people.  One or two can be squeezed in, but not 7.  I’ve already sent them an email but will add your comments to their response.

    London. I second the visit to Windsor.  I would include walking to the left around the castle walls and crossing the bridge into Eton.  Okay, on my list.

    While in London, also visit Hampton Court Palace, up the Thames from London. It was Henry VIII's magnificent home. The kids would be interested in walking the maze and seeing one of the original "court tennis" courts. You might be even able to catch a match being played.  https://www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-court-palace/#gs.cq09e7

    Thank you so much for this one.  Michael had found a maze in Barcelona but time wise we couldn’t fit it in.  This will be a fun, relaxing way to spend time and also something that they will always remember.  This is firmly on my list.

    I definitely second the suggestion of taking the Eurostar train from London to Paris instead of flying.  Faster and no airport hassles or security to go through and you go center city to center city. Do your sightseeing to Stonehenge, Windsor, etc while in London, not in route to airport, port, etc.  You would waste too much time, plus you have your luggage to think about.   As I said, solve the luggage issue and I would do it.  can you get private car areas where we won’t have to stare at our luggage the whole time and help loading it.  I will work on this thought and research some more.  It is becoming more and more appealing.  If we have a private transfer to the port though my luggage would be in their van.

      Paris.  For your trip to Versailles I would discourage the train in your case because of the walking involved both at the train station in Paris and from the station to the Palace gates in Versailles.  Versailles is huge, so save your walking for there.  Recently, there has been a shuttle bus that takes you from the Eiffel tower to Versailles.  A taxi from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles would cost 30 euros one way.  While there, your hotel could also arrange transportation.  Do buy your tickets and, if you wish, guided tours from the Palace website directly.    Here is a map with the location of the train stations: http://bienvenue.chateauversailles.fr/en/overview/train-stations  See the reference to the Versailles Express shuttle on this last link.  And some info: https://www.versaillesexpress.com/en  But buy just the transportation and get your tickets from the Palace website.


    Thank you for the links.  Yes, all tickets that can be will be bought in advance will be.  I like the skip the line tickets.  Head held high, nose in the air just so we can walk by all those slugs that didn’t plan ahead LOL.  This is part of planning.  Once I decide on where to stay the rest should fall into place.

    Again, thank you all for your suggestions and most importantly the time you are taking to help me.

  10. 9 hours ago, ollienbertsmum said:



    Grrr, I had typed my answer and must have touched something because all of a sudden it was gone and I was on another thread SO….,


    First, no one is interfering with my plans and all thoughts are welcome.  I am asking for advise.  I happen to be one of those people that believes if you ask an expert (like a doctor) for advise that you should take it.  I am considering all responses that I’ve been given.  I’ve already sent off an email to the tour company in Marseilles for information.

    I agree with the thought of you being exhausted in London.  Before you said it, last night I was wondering if you really need to go to London.  A bit controversial perhaps, so many tourists head there, but UK has lots of other places to stay.  London is so big and so hard to get around in a group of 6.  

     Yes, I must go to London.  The chance of any of my kids getting to London in the next 10 years or more is remote.  None of their parents will find their way there so it would be up to them.  The chance of my husband or I getting back there before we die is also remote.  I realize we can fly there for a vacation but we tend to always end up on cruises.  I want them to see something more than you can see in a day and to really soak it in.  Not just the sights but the English people too.  The pubs, the crazy tourist stuff, the British Monarchy…. The whole bit.

    I had two thoughts of turning things around.  Why not spend the time in Windsor (really near to Heathrow airport so initial transport won’t be difficult).  Right now I saw some good Air bnb options.  I am sure there are more.  You can visit the castle, take a boat along the river, get the kids to walk in the Great Park, see the changing of the guard (I assume it goes on during the summer months), you can have fun - an afternoon tea perhaps.  


    You have sparked an idea.  We might be able to change hotel stays and move closer to Windsor and spend a day there.  I have to admit, when we were last there my DH and I spent time there.  This was during the Diana/Charles divorce.  They were signing the papers as we walked by Kensington Palace.  I still remember how quaint and cute Windsor was.  We toured the castle too. 


    I sent off an email to the parents last night telling them I wanted an extra day on both ends and waiting for a reply. 

    More fun for me than stressing on the Tube.   Central London sights can be seen on a single day trip into London.  One hour by train.    I would forgo the London Eye.  I think it is less interesting  unless you are familiar with the buildings they are looking at.  

      Well, the Tube is something that we don’t have here in sunny California or rainy Seattle.  That in itself is a “shore excursion”.  We also don’t have trains to ride either.  Public transportation in Los Angeles is, umm, what?  Public transportation – Where?  Something more for me to check out.


    You see, this is how I end up with so many plans.  Little ideas grow in me and we all end up with an adventure.


    I won’t interfere with your holiday any more!!




    Was that the suggestion I had about the France Just for You?  They do tours, but have done 2 private trips for us based on what we wanted, not their package tours.  If you haven't contacted them directly, I would.  I do suspect they will be happy for the business and can help with Paris.  If they can't, then I 'd be surprised.


    Yes, this is the one I was talking about.  I will send them off an email and see.  I am all for helping out in these trying times.  From reading their website I got the idea that they didn’t do day guides and I really don’t need French meals.  If they do, they should update their website to be more all inclusive.  I do need help in Paris.  London I have ideas on how and when but Paris, not so much. 


    Have you considered taking the Eurostar from London to Paris? Its much easier than flying because you leave from London city center and arrive in the center of Paris. You will need transportation to get to both Heathrow and CDG and it takes a lot longer and is more of a hassle to get through security at the airport.


    I have considered it and, in fact, think it would be fun and cool way to get there.  My issue is the lots and lots of luggage.  More than we can handle alone.  I have had two major back surgeries and it is calling to me for a third (almost 100% sure I’ll have had that before I get there).  I can barely carry my breakfast tray let alone a suitcase.  Unless I can get the drivers who take and pick up to help then I can’t see doing it.  That is the only reason I have said no to the idea. Solve that piece of the puzzle for me and I would take this mode in a heartbeat.


  11. So far this has been a great thread and I really appreciate all the help I'm getting. 


    I think I have to add in an extra day in London though.  I just don't see how I can fit everything in and not be exhausted without staying that one extra day.  Since it is before school it should be an easy add on because I know we can't do it afterwards.  I really want them to enjoy the city, see the highlights and most important have fun and not be exhausted when we are done.  Someone suggested a car service to take us to the port but they also did tours of London.  That would be great having them take us from location to location to location.  I know.  Not necessary and expensive but you have to pay for the privilege of time.


    I plan on adding Stonehenge to the trip from London to the port.  I'm hoping to be able to add on Windsor Castle to the trip to the airport before Paris too.  That means I have to get that settled before I can make the plane reservations before I can figure out when we will get to Paris.  That cuts into one of our days there too but I think that will be an awesome stop for them.  Everything is a domino affect.


    The hardest stop is going to be Paris.  The one day stops is one thing but trying to do Paris, that is a big expensive city that has a lot to do but a challenge to do it.  I know very very little and even picking a location for our stay is going to be tough.  When there is just two of you it is easy.  A hotel room, any room, can be booked.  But when you need two rooms that sleeps four it gets expensive and much more difficult to find.


    The earlier suggestion I had didn't work.  They really were about tours and I'm not going anywhere else.  I hate to say it but I think I'm going to have to use airbnb's or I will go broke.


    So, please, keep it coming.

  12. 11 hours ago, ollienbertsmum said:

    I still vote for the Calanques - but I loved Avignon.  There were just the two of us so it was cheaper to do a ship tour.  I loved the Pope’s palace although oddly the guide on our tour really rubbished it.  She suggested us eating French food.  We tend not to eat on tours - we have already paid for the ship food so are too mean!!  I just did not get that the guide thought we had come all of the way to Avignon to eat French food.  We might as well have stayed in the port!!!  


    I ignored the guide, because I had gone on the tour in order to see inside the Pope palace with the audio guide and had a great time.  DH stayed outside but he tends to do that.  


    If I were going with kids I would make sure that they learn ‘sur le pont d’ Avignon’ and go on it. My best memory is that I asked DH to take a photo of me by the famous bridge.  He did it but I didn’t check.  He missed the whole point of the photo that it no longer spans the whole river.  So in my photo it just looks like I was standing next to any old bridge.  He was a flipping history teacher too!!  


    This is a good reminder for me to bring snacks from home.  With four growing kids having something to hold them over is important.  I too feel we paid for it on the ship, no need to spend another $100 plus for lunch.  Plus, as I've stated before they are picky eaters.  The youngest, her go to meal is kidney beans.  Seriously, if you don't want to fight her on what to eat just give her a bowl of kidney beans.  The next will try more things.  Then we have the two oldest.  While they love to eat vegetables and fruits they also like plain.  No ketchup with those fries and no dip with their chicken nuggets.  I'm not super adventuresome either so I understand.  I have a small tummy and I want quality over quantity.  I added snacks to bring on my packing list.


    I do however make them try something new every day.  I don't care if they spit it out but it has to be an honest try.  No taking an itty bitty bite and saying they don't like it.  I make them pick something from the menu and then I have their back up plate ready to go.  They have all been surprised to find something they like.  I think my one granddaughter thought she had died and gone to heaven when she tried prime rib.  Clapping her hands together and standing up straighter like she was on her way up.  It is amazing what happens when you actually try new food.


    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, marazul said:

    If you are still looking for ideas for Marseille, I would recommend an excursion to les Baux-de-Provence and Avignon.  Les Baux is a hilltop medieval village that your kids would love.  Avignon has the fascinating Pope's palace.  A guide can get you there with relatively little walking. 

    I would advise a private tour. We have used www.provence-travel.com several times and have been very happy with their service.  They have great minivans that would fit all 6 of you easily. 


    Awesome.  Thank you so much for the suggestions.  I will check them out tomorrow.  I just knew that something must be worth stopping at this port!

  14. The app Moovit can give you VERY specific directions on bus/subway details.  You can get an Oyster card for each person from the airport, which works as a bus/train/subway pass.


    Thanks.  I will check it out.

    I am an over packer.  I know it.  But, I like to dress up and have fun.  This year we will have matching dresses with crinolines.  Just something fun.  We also bring teddy bears that wear crew name tags from when we first started cruising back in the ‘80s.  The crew love it and we have fun getting our pictures taken with them.  We always come back with new ones.

    Hubby’s one and only role is to follow instructions.  Period.  I would not subject any of the kids to his travel issues.

    Fleet Street is a wish.  I asked the kids to come up with something they want to do in each city.  My 15YO grandson came up with those two things for London.  The show is definitely a huge maybe.  It is only on the list because the two oldest love performing.

    I will look into Greenwich.  You look beautiful.

    The problem isn’t just the walking.  With my disease just the light pressure of my shoes pushing against my feet is excruciating pain.  I wear knee high socks with shorts because the wind blowing on my legs hurts me.  I try to explain it to people like this: have you ever fried bacon and had it spit on you?  Well, that how I feel when I get in the shower and the water bounces off the floor.  It physically hurts me.

    I will look into the train for the trip to Versailles.  I have learned my lesson about Airbnb cancellation rules.  I have used them once.  Well, reserved them once.  For Australia.  I can’t get into the country yet they are charging me $100 cancellation fee for a $150 night.

    I firmly believe the kids should have fun.  I like to think I’m a fun grandma.  Doing silly things only makes the day go better.  We will have lights for the cabin door (partly because I thought I was going on a Christmas cruise and I want to use them), we have magnets for who is sleeping in what bed, etc.  I take things for the kids to do like Jenga and drawing supplies for their down time.


    I can only slightly cut down on luggage.  A minimum of 7 suitcases – 1 large each.  A share one for my DH and I and maybe each kid.  Then 1 carry on each with electronics and things like that.  My DH and I will also need an extra carry on each for medication and for our CPAP machines.  One thing Covid has taught me is that I am not getting caught on a trip with just our basic medication needs.  We are going to have at least 2 extra weeks each.  We both take quite a bit of those.  Then I am going to have the extra medications.  Like band aids, aspirin, Neosporin, suntan lotion etc.  If the kids get sick or hurt I need to have the stuff.  I can’t afford to buy it on board even if they have it.


    I am also worried about going over the weight limit and would rather have an extra barely packed one to throw the over weight stuff into then pay the expensive fees.  While there is stuff I won’t be bringing back I hope we can buy some souvenirs.  Plus, we will be spending a lot of time at the airport and in the air.  The kids will need the under the seat suitcases with stuff to do.  The two youngest are at the age where their special pillow and stuffed animals (the youngest) need to go too.


    The autistic one is high functioning but is very naïve and will be easily distracted so needs a lot of watching, as will the other young ones.  I can’t say to her: go over there and get a candy bar.  One thing most people don’t realize with autistic people is they can’t always process more than one order.  Like someone with Alzheimer’s you can’t say go over there and sit and wait for me.  Get a glass of milk.  They hear: go over there OR sit and wait for me OR get a glass of milk.  Just one of the list.  So, I can’t give her two things to do.  Just one more thing to add to the travel challenge. 


    While the two oldest have spent much time going to Disneyland, have been on a couple of cruises and other tourist areas, the two youngest have only traveled with us on a cruise to Alaska so their travel experience is next to nothing.  There will be a lot of stress involved.  My DH is also the worst traveler ever.  He is fine when we get there but the getting there makes him a jerk.


    Yes, that is why location is important.  It is easy to say don’t stress but I don’t have much time to arrive, pick up luggage, get to hotel, and can we see something that day?  Everything needs to be planned meticulously.  Unless we arrive early enough Wednesday will be a waste. That leaves Thursday and Friday and we head to the ship on Saturday.  Two full days to see London.  I can’t waste time trying to figure out what to do first.  I also must have any tickets we need set up in advance. 


    One thing for sure is the London Eye.  I plan on buying our own Pod.  That gives us front of the line and an exact time. Plus, we need to see the Tower of London and the Beefeaters.  Another front of the line and planning the day.  My grandson has requested to see Baker Street and Fleet Street.  On the way to somewhere, I’m sure.  We will try to fit it in. 


    If we can fit in a London Show that would be cool too.  That means we don’t have time for a HoHo bus. 


    I can walk and I can stand.  If I don’t get off my feet for quick reprieves then I am in massive pain.  I know I will have to suck it up A LOT.  Add to that, I have back issues.  I’m a hot mess LOL!  I can’t decide whether or not to take my scooter.  Add that to the packing list.  I have decided to leave my service dog at home.  While I would like to bring her it is becoming too much with the tour companies and just trying to figure out how to get into each country.  That, at least, cuts down one suitcase.


    For London transfers to the port, both Blackberry Cars and Smith For Airports are fantastic.  I do believe I’ve heard the Smith name before and I will check them both out.  Thanks.  Any and all recommendations are appreciated.  Has anyone ever used the englishbus?  They do a trip from London to Southampton and I was thinking maybe they could stop at Stonehenge on the way.  I sent them an email but haven’t heard back from them yet.


    I do understand that both London and Paris are walking cities.  I know that we don’t have a choice.  We can’t exactly take a cab for one mile.  However, I can’t walk that either so we won’t have a choice unless I do tons and tons of research.  That’s why I need so much help.  I’m hoping I can figure out the subway system.  Frankly, that would be fun for the kids so I’m not against it.  I just need to take lots of pain medication (heavy sigh).  What we do for our kids and grandkids.


    Yes, I believe I have already decided that we need to stay near the Tower of London.  That seemed really central.  However, I have no idea where to stay in Paris that won’t cost me an arm and a leg.  That is one of the questions I need answered.  I will head to that board eventually but so far my priorities have been the cruise ports.  Also because both London and Paris are really massive projects.


    I would love to stay near the Eiffel Tower.  That’s an awesome area.  One thing I haven’t figure out which is best is: how to see the Palace of Versailles.  Should we spend the night there or just make it a day trip.  That gives us two days in Paris.  Now, we get there on Saturday, fit something in, all day Sunday and Monday, Tuesday to the Palace and home on Wednesday.


    We very much might end up doing a picnic.  Food for those 9 days is going to cost me a fortune for 7 people.  I’m hoping the hotel will include breakfast or if we can a bnb we will be able to cook a few meals ourselves.  I have one kid that is VERY picky.  Kidney beans is her main food item.  Another that will try but not adventuresome and yet the other two that eat plainly.  No sauces.  Not even ketchup with their fries. 


    Check which days the Chateau is open.  Thanks, I will do that.  Yes, we really want to go to the Palace.


    I have considered nothing for Marseilles.  I know nothing and seem to not be learning anything.  I just know I don’t want to spend 3 to 4 hours walking down streets looking at stores or the Farmers Market.  I want to see something not spend my day shopping.  I will check out your leads – thanks.


    Seville is done.  I went with an earlier recommendation and I think it will be a fun day.  I loved when he said he could make it like being Indiana Jones.


    Ceuta Morocco:  Yes, hopefully the ship will come up with one that is something that is not simply walking around town and shopping.  Surely there must be SOMETHING to do there.


    You have given me much to work on.  I will do some more homework and come back with questions.  Again, let me state that CC members are the best ever.  I tell people: you ask them for some obsolete item in a town where you know nothing and someone will come on and say, you take a taxi 1.2 miles than turn left, go past the blue mailbox and on your right is a small corner store owned by a guy with a peg leg and an eye patch.  Tell the taxi to wait and the guy will have your item and off you go.


    Time is my worst enemy in London and Paris.  I have to plan those cities meticulously.  I’m also trying not to have to mortgage the house for this trip.  Please, Princess, get me back my refund so when it comes time to book the air I have the money.


  16. 2 hours ago, ljandgb said:



    We will be in Paris for max 3 days.  The way schools are right now makes everything screwed up.  I have the two youngest who live in Seattle and they have what I consider a more normal school year.  At least, when I was a kid.  They start school the Monday after Labor Day.  My oldest two, they live in Los Angeles County.  They start school in the middle of August.  My 16 YO grandson goes to a Performing Arts School.  The first week of school is critical for him to get the proper vocations.  That might put us smack dab in the middle of the first week.


    So, we plan on arriving Wednesday in London.  The cruise leaves and comes back on a Saturday, we head to the airport, fly to Paris, then fly home on the Wednesday afterwards.  This will make for a three week trip.


    I don’t find being the coordinator stressful.  I’m super anal and love to organize whatever it happens to be.  I love Excel.  If it can’t be done in Excel you just don’t need it.  I have been our family and friends travel coordinator for the past 30 years.  We would have an on board party where I made everyone wear a group t-shirt.  Yes, those dreaded t-shirts.  I don’t care if you ever wear them again, but for the photo – we are wearing them. 


    Funny story: we were leaving out of San Juan.  We were all wearing our t-shirts as we boarded.  There were around 22 of us.  One of group was smuggling alcohol on board.  We kept getting on and off the ship to bring more on.  There was a small store after check in and before the ship.  Back then you could bring on bottles.  Just not THAT many.  We made so many trips that the guy allowing people on board finally asked my brother how many were in our group and he told him.  Twenty two people he says.  The guy says, that can’t be.  I’ve counted at least 50 of you!  Funny, the photographers said the same thing when I asked him if they could keep our photos together.  Yes, we know! 


    My DH and I have spent a few days in London many years ago.  I think Di and Charles were getting divorced LOL.  So, it’s been a while.  London is easy to research for things to do but I still need to know some ins and outs.  I am going to find out if the car to the pier can make a stop at Stonehenge.  That would make a good travel day.  I’m thinking about using an Airbnb for our stay.  If I stay at a hotel I’m looking at a lot of money.


    If you can remember your car service I’ll be happy to check them out.

  17. LOL – all the work I went to to address my answers and I screwed up.  For Marseilles – I have to check out their offerings.  They now have more than they did before.  I am off on my cities apparently.  We all know, though, that ship’s tours are less than stellar.  A lot more money for half the value.  There is a lot of waiting around for that one shopper who didn’t listen to the time or they just remembered they have to go to the bathroom.  Plus, putting half an hour or more of shopping into an excursion isn’t necessarily something I want to do.  Most of these tours are also not for people with mobility issues, which I have.


    My Marseille answer is really for Seville. 

  18. Marseilles has lots to offer in terms of trips into Provence.  I would still consider Cassis and the Calanques - have you thought about that?


    Out of 17 excursions that Princess offers – 6 are private cars.  At a huge price tag.  Take away another 4 which are wineries.  That brings us down to 7.  One is a kayak trip, so no.  The other three are just walking, two are 4 hour of driving (2 each way) with on your own time.  So, really Princess has nothing to offer. 


    Cadiz/Seville - depends on the time of the Year.  My kids enjoyed the horse show in Jerez.  I have spent several day trips and weekend in Jerez and loved it.  I need to go again but this darned virus.....


    We are going July 24 returning August 7.  Our kids would love the horse show.  Can you give me more info.



    Ceuta.  Hmm still think you might do best considering what the ship have to offer.  


    Princess may be what I end up with here.  I have to wait and see if I can do better.



    And why are London and Paris challenges?   We have had lovely family trips there - Paris was with 3 generations including my parents’ 80th birthday.    Choosing the hotel is crucial.  You need to think what you want to do and choose an appropriately located hotel.  Location is more important than the number of stars the hotel has (within reason) in my opinion.  


    They are a challenge because I’ve only been to Paris and London once when the company paid for everything.  I have no idea where to stay.  Yes, choosing a hotel is crucial and if you have no clue where to start is it a challenge.  I don’t need fancy.  I need a reasonable price in a good location. 


    But, then I need to get us from Point A to Point B to see the sites.  Transfers to and from the hotel/ship.  What to see and do.  Buying tickets in advance. 


    In Paris we want to see the usual plus go to the Palace of Versailles.   I need to figure out how to get us to Paris and Versailles.  I have to make the flights based on the city traveling with 20 pieces of luggage, four kids (one which is autistic) and maybe a scooter.  That might not sound like a challenge to you but going to a strange city with those issues is for me.


    We can’t exactly walk off the plane, go to the taxi stand and go.  I need to have transportation waiting for us.  I don’t know that we’ll be back there again with the grandkids so I need to make sure we see and do as much as we can. 

  19. It was explained to me that they are going by date of cruise.  So, if your cruise sailed in May you would get your refund before the people that were to sail in November.  That's why it seems to be so jumbled and unorganized.  It kind of makes sense. 

  20. I really like his responses.  I asked about the cancellation policy and he told me not to worry about it (if the ship didn't make port).  He said that we would even do a last minute talk before we left port in case the kids wanted to give input.  If the ship arrived early then he would adjust the tour times and text me with the update.  If his tour is even close to his beforehand customer service then it will be an awesome day.


    The problem I have with travel websites is they often don't give the name of the actual tour company or I can't contact them directly.  If I am paying for a private tour I want to give input.  I don't want an hour of free time for shopping.  I don't want to go to the beach unless we are getting out on the water, type thing. They are great for suggestions but to clinche the deal I want direct contact.  Like you I often travel with groups.  Our Aus/NZ cruise was 26 of us ranging from 6 months to 84.  Just getting off the plane and to the hotel is a huge deal.  Everyone always leaves it to me.   The only thing they want to know is how much do I owe you.


    Yet another thing I am going to cancel with Princess and wait for the refund.  I feel better though.  I can't stand it not being done.  I worry that if the company is a really good that waiting too late will get me nothing because others on the cruise will have gathered them up.


    Now - if you have a suggestion for Marseilles  .....  or Seville/Cadiz or the really elusive Ceuta, Spanish Morocco, Spain I'm all ears.  The frustrating part for me is that I know little of these ports and can't seem to really find much.  Marseilles seems to center around shopping.  The guide that was recommended wanted to drop us off so we could walk the streets, shop at the Farmer's Market and they would pick us up only to take us to yet another location where we could walk on our own.  If I wanted to do the tour on my own I wouldn't need to hire you, right?  When I brought this up I was told to just book them and when I arrived at the pier we could meet up, I could tell them what I wanted to do and IF - IF - it was available we could do it.  Umm, why hire you when I could just hire a driver?  Which is what I told them.  They didn't address one single item about walking, kids, no shopping etc.  That's why I value the input of CC users giving an actual name.


    My biggest challenge will be London and Paris.  Hotels, transportation during, to and from and actual things to do.  As cruisers we know that time is limited and you have to have some idea of what you want to do.  You can't just show up and magic will happen. 


    My husband disagrees.  We arrived at the airport.  I put my binder on the counter.  My husband giggles at me.  I said, "What?  You think you just show up at the counter and the agents magically know where you are going and when?"  He says that's how it works for him.


    I don't think we are allowed to contact that way.  You can always go through Dirk and he can pass it along. 



  21. Ya, that's more for if you had expenses other than the actual cruise.  Which I don't.  I got my airfare back and since it ha not happened I don't have hotels etc.  Well, maybe I do.  I had an airbnb in Sydney that I lost $100 on.  Maybe I'll try that.  Every other expense though was directly through Princess.

  22. I too had two cabins: a mini suite and an inside.  They were right across the hall as my grandchildren were in the inside.  When they switched the ships we were on Baja and the kids were forward on Riviera.  I was pissed.  I also was on the phone for long hold periods and told there was nothing else available. I understand that we are ALL calling at the same time with the same issue.  I can answer the question on money.  The computer automatically refares for the new category and they have been going in and manually refaring with the correct price.  So, don't worry about that unless it is a month past and nothing has been fixed.


    I booked under a specialty group fare.  I explained to them that I booked (and paid for) it immediately when it opened up because there were only 4 combinations left where I could. When they told me that it wasn't possible for me to get across the hall in my fare group I said - no problem.  When my 10 YO granddaughter or my 13 YO autistic granddaughter wakes up at 2 in the morning and starts knocking on every single cabin door and every deck until they find me - well, I guess that's what needs to happen.  OR YOU CAN GET ME ACROSS THE HALL FROM THEM. 


    It took them 1-1/2 hours to do it.  I asked to be wait listed for a Handicap Cabin.  They were able to do it but that is when they told me that the computer would automatically refare me to the current asking price and that I would need to call back and get it corrected.


    This has been a living nightmare for both passengers and Princess.  The employees are working really hard to fix everything.  Remember - they are human and it is not their fault the virus is happening and ships are being sold and cruises are being changed.  Often I have known more than they have.  They have had to let masses of people go and I for one am trying to be patient with getting everything fixed.  I would LOVE to get my money back from the cancelled cruise and now from the move over.  My 24 day cruise was paid for as well as many shore excursions, the drinks, photo plan etc.  I know I'm not alone.  Later this week when I have all my credit card statements in I will call and ask what the 5 different credits from Princess are for.  I wish it would actually say instead of put random dollar amounts.  How am I supposed to know what the refund for $165.06 is for?  Someone brought up about using gift cards too.  I used $750 of those too!


    Some employees have been less than stellar but most have been awesome and tried their best to help.  Sure, I was on hold for long periods of time quite often but I am happy that I will get to cruise again with a company that I like.  All I'm saying is - take a big breath and hold on.  We will get back to our happy go lucky cruising days soon.  I hope.


    Honestly, I always liked the Regal better than the Grand anyway.  I just hope I get to sail on her in the Med next July with my 4 grandkids, son and husband.   That we are all healthy and happy.  I don't care what ship I am on as long as we are together.

  23. On 7/26/2020 at 5:58 AM, ljandgb said:

     We really, really enjoyed Sardinia, unexpectedly.  I hope you can contact Dirk.  It was nice to get away from all the other tourists and see more of the island, but still have time for an amazing beach.




    Well, I contacted Dirk.  His response was quick and he listened to what I said.  He actually listened.  How unusual! He set up a tour for us that sounds  perfect and at a decent price.  I have booked him for our cruise.  Thanks for the recommendation.  I just can't see my way to book through TripAdvisor or Viator.  I want to deal directly with the tour company and I want my issues addressed.  I want to know the name of the company and look  them up for myself to see what people think.  I gave him your user name since I didn't know your actual name.


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