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Posts posted by carolmacey

  1. I may be wrong, but I think that many of these people do not ride elevators of a regular basis. I worked in downtown San Francisco for many years and rode elevators several times a day. In that situation, all the riders knew the etiquette. Here in Tucson, there are few elevators because most buildings are one story. Some here may ride an elevator only once a year, so it is a foreign experience.




    Interesting thought, Rick, You are right about Tucson, only downtown offices or Broadway business centers have taller buildings.


    The other thing I hate with elevators is kids running loose. I once saw 3 kids under the age of 9 running in and out of an elevator. Finally the youngest one, about 4 was on the elevator when the doors shut and the elevator left. That child ended up somewhere on the ship without siblings or parents. Of course those were the parents who thought their kids had the right to be in the adults only pool.

  2. I thought about reviving this thread! Glad someone did because it deserves to be appreciated about once a year!!:D


    OK, I'll revive it for 2011. Have been laughing my head off. DH thinks I have totally lost my mind.

    This is certainly worth the time to read. Have fun Folks!

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