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Dr. Cocktail

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Everything posted by Dr. Cocktail

  1. I wasn't judging, I was just stating my opinion, just as you were. And your snide tone isn't particularly appreciated. And .... I'm outta here. I'm just too tired for nasty ...
  2. Just like you're doing with me?
  3. Even in Toronto, it's really no big deal to get a stack of US dollar bills from our local bank. We are always in the Haven and give a couple of dollars each time we see a new server during a (made-up!) shift. Meaning ... I'll tip for the first drink but not necessarily the second but will reset in the afternoon and after dinner. Crazy? Absolutely but it works for me. And yes ... as the staff get to know that you do tip, you will get better service. I used to tip at the end with my favourite servers but I didn't always see them on the last day and I realized I was missing lovely people who served me only once or twice. The argument that the service charge is already included doesn't really work for me as we really don't know how much NCL is actually giving them. But most importantly? These hard working individuals have to live on a ship away from their families for many months at a time. They don't do it because they necessarily love handing you your mudslide - they do it to survive and support their families. An extra few dollars a day may not mean a lot to me but it means tons to them. You just have to imagine how you would want your son or daughter or nephew treated if they were in that situation - put yourself in their shoes.
  4. I also like good entertainment - too bad I wasn't able to see it on Regent! I'm not one for lectures in the Caribbean - depends on the itinerary. I'm curious to see how Explora pulls it off. I know that they have a strategic partnership with Steinway to provide 4 (!) pianos per ship and rotate through a roster of artists. Your comments on shore tours generally aligns with mine - I didn't mind a short minbus ride to go snorkelling and my included excursions were fine for the Caribbean. But - for the last 20 years, we have always done private tours on our travels. Generally not hard to arrange and it provides an entirely different level of information and comfort.
  5. I read that Explora is targeting "the working wealthy, age 50 to 65". At age 59 (for a wee bitty longer!), I'm not straying from their target. Based on their videos, they really just look a new generational version/vision of luxury. I don't view them as being expedition at all! Their numerous bars, lounges, cabanas and pools look perfectly designed for doing nothing! I will be reporting back in due course!
  6. One hundred percent agree! Statements like that create absolutely unreal expectations for those who have never sailed before. I wish that marketing departments would actually consult with the people who have to deliver the product! It IS an excellent product but change the brochure to "Dine in our complimentary, award winning (there's ALWAYS an award for something) myriad of restaurants with your special someone and new found friends". Just don't fill in the details!
  7. Actually, Regent's latest brochure says: "Dining is always whenever, wherever and with whomever you choose"..... It does imply that you can just walk into the restaurant of your choice.
  8. I have many friends/patients always calling/emailing me for cruising advice .... I always say that the itinerary trumps nearly EVERYTHING! I'm not saying "no" to Regent in the future ... it's staying on my "preferred providers" list. I'm just saying "not just right now". As my cruising is going to be just for R and R for the next little while, Explora may be a better fit based on their marketing.
  9. You HAVE to try a cruise - it's required by law if you're on these boards! You can then use it as a template to see what you do or don't like!
  10. Farm fresh, artisanal butter from an Eastern Facing pasture supervised by Nuns
  11. Thanks! ALL the restaurants have background music and while tastes are different, it's ... bad! The word "curated" is extremely overused these days (a blt sandwich is now a "curated porcine medley with artisanal lettuce cultivated in a free-range rabbit warren and Yusmani (it's important to make up a word) tomatoes." Having said this, if you're going to have music (and I am a fan) in the background, it should be curated to be appropriate for the venue and the audience. You can't hear the music when the restaurants are full but as we dined late, as the venues emptied out, the music became VERY apparent.
  12. Thanks! Soooooo funny .... on our first dinner at CR, we were likely the last ones seated in the dining room and one of the last to leave. We were lingering over our desserts/cheeses when they turned the lights on FULL! We looked at each other and said: "we get the message!" and broke out in hysterical laughter - just one of those times. We just found it hilarious and walked past the podium as the lights went back to normal. We told Jorge, laughing, that everyone could now clean up. He was MORTIFIED!!!!!! We honestly thought his head would explode.... he would speak to the server who accidentally turned out the lights, was our evening ruined, he's so embarrassed, etc, etc, etc.... Of course, we were still laughing and I finally had to put my hand on his shoulder and say: "There is only one person upset here and it's not us! We had a great dinner and a laugh - relax!"
  13. Combining "regular", "Regent" and "folks" in sequence is an oxymoron! I have enjoyed your posts and let's face it - all of our discussions in this thread are from an extremely lucky group of people (myself included) who have the ability to cruise on Regent. I ABSOLUTELY know that this product is perfect for many people - I think it's important to have a comprehensive review for newbies to see why I liked/didn't like aspects of the cruise and see if it applies to them.
  14. Thanks! As you can tell from my signature, I like trying different products! That's the point of my disclaimer and my review - a good review contains information that you can use in helping make a decision. I'm not here to preach to the converted!
  15. I can only comment honestly on personal experiences, not on empirical statements. I won't get into a fight over whether or not I saw the General Manager but the deck chair policy is most certainly NOT being enforced. I witnessed numerous people holding chairs both in the shade and in the sun.
  16. As I stated, different ships/different dates/different biases .... Individual Results May Vary! I think that you have to see for yourself and always keep expectations in check!
  17. Thanks for your comments! See my other comments re Pacific Rim but - different sailings/seating times/days may have different results! I respectfully submit myself for Five Lashings with a Wet Noodle! The F and B Manager may have been there but I didn't realize because he wasn't wearing his name tag or stripes! The Hotel Manager and Captain were definitely MIA.
  18. I Thanks for your thoughts! I will slowly respond to individual comments... The door was well and truly broken! You had to pull with all of your strength.... I wasn't specific enough regarding Pacific Rim. We went the first night and got a table at 8:30. Not a single item we had was hot - everything was tepid at best. None of the fried items were crisp - it all just felt warmed over. Getting a chair wasn't a problem - shade was.
  19. The Bottom Line A fantastic time on a great “old school” product that really needs some attention to detail. I liked my cabin and appreciated the high end furnishings and finishes. Generally great food and fabulous cocktails. An almost universally excellent crew but noticeable absence of senior officers including the General Manager, F and B director and Captain doing the rounds. It’s not for show - it’s to actually witness on a random basis what’s going on and what people are saying. An absolutely terrific group of fellow travelers! Would I return? At present - no. The lack of shade and jostling for chairs is a real deal breaker for me. The stories are true. It’s really an unwanted stress on vacation. The “rigidity” of timings of meals and entertainment is also not ideal. Again - an excellent product but just not for me at this time. I have high hopes for Explora Journeys and have a few cruises booked. I’m hopeful that their less structured product and truly vast outdoor and covered pool decks may be a better fit.
  20. Shore Excursions All Excellent. I did the Jolly Roger snorkeling in Roatan whereas my partner did the horseback riding. An excellent dolphin encounter in Cozumel (I did my research - supposedly the animals are treated well in this one) and a positively spectacular Private Beach Villa at Harvest Caye. Still - the cattle call in the theater in Roatan was ridiculous. Where’s the “luxury” in 600 of us sitting and waiting to be called? I’m a recovering luddite but an app which would tell us it’s time to go would be a far better solution. The Crew Almost uniformly superb. Just wonderful. The only less-than-idea/friendly staff stood out in comparison. I have to mention the servers at the pool grill who just weren’t particularly engaged. Fellow Passengers Despite all of my criticisms, this is where Regent shone. Bar none, easily THE nicest and loveliest group of people we have encountered on a ship. I didn’t have to give the stink eye to anyone! Interesting, varied backgrounds and all ready to chat and have a drink - my kind of people. I was taken aback when I was chatting with one lady in her late 70’s (?) who asked if I had sailed on Regent before. I told her my cruise history and she was surprised and asked what I thought. I said I loved it but wished it were a bit better in various ways. She said “true, but where else would I meet someone as lovely and nice as you!”. She made my day!
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