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Posts posted by Casshew

  1. I am the most clumsy, ackward, 2 leftfooted person around and I thought there was no way I could do this climb. The guide had one look at me and grabbed my arm to be first in line... it was tough going at first, you are climbing up rocks with cool, fresh water rushing against you. But then I got used to it and did much better, still he never let go of me for a second!




    IMO this is a cool thing to try, definately strenuous, but if someone like me can do it - anyone can.

  2. Yes thats correct, there was a huge maritime enquiry into the Captain & crew that left before the passengers. He said it was to direct rescue efforts from the air.


    The good news is that all passengers were rescued, no one died. I can still picture walking around this ship, sitting at dinner, sitting by the pool. I worked for a company that chartered these 3 Epirotiki ships in the caribbean so I was on all of them 2 or 3 times each.


    I was totally shocked when I heard on CNN Breaking news there was a cruise ship sinking, I am looking at the live pics and thinking, OMG that so looks like the Oceanos :eek:

  3. Last cruise I went on - the last night I hit the casino.. my parents went to bed in one cabin, and my daughter went to bed in the other.. it was just me out and about.


    At 2:00am I realzied I better get back and drag my luggage out into the hall for the porters... so I went back to the room, put on my night gown, pulled my luggage out and *bang* the slammed shut......and locked... I was out in the hall with my nightgown on... no robe :eek: So I banged on my door, but my daughter wouldn't wake up... so I banged on my parents door, got no answer, they were sound asleep.


    I heard some thumping down the hall and saw an older man pulling his luggage out - I approached him (so embarrassed) and asked If I could use his phone as I was locked out.. He let me into his cabin - it was a tiny inside cabin and his wife was asleep - I was standing next to her, dialling the front desk - no answer... I noticed her teeth were in a cup of water next to the phone :D - still no answer, so I called my room, no answer... so I called my parents room.. FINALLY like after 30 rings - my Dad answered...


    I thanked the man for helping me, just as his wife was waking up to find me in the room and asking him what was going on LOL


    So I head back to our cabin and there is my Dad out in the hall in his underwear - you know - I lived 39 years without seeing him like that - and I hope I live another 39 years before I have to see that again!

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