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Everything posted by tfries

  1. I was busy last week building a shed. It's an 8x10 shed with a gable roof. I'm not a carpenter and at 66yo things take longer than before. It will probably take another two weeks to finish. Here are pictures of the progress from last week. Currently most of the siding is up. Next will be to build the roof trusses. I had to take a break today because of rain.
  2. Well no one has posted anything for this week, so I'll post this photo of a scrub jay enjoying a grasshopper for a snack.
  3. These are Pinot Noir grapes from our vineyard getting close to being fully ripe.
  4. A couple random shots from this week.
  5. Our nearest town has an annual Scandinavian Festival which is a four day event. Each day highlights one of the Scandinavian countries, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
  6. I bought an a6700 with the 70-350 zoom last week and have been practicing with shots around the house. Yesterday we took a road trip to the Oregon Sea Lion Caves.
  7. We took taxi from airport to downtown Hilton last week. It was $22.
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