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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day with temps right now of 43 degrees. A good day to snuggle under a blanket and read or binge watch tv. I’m definitely not a techie but my youngest grandson has published an app called Should I and it’s sold on Apple devices. He’s 17 and heading for the tech world. I’ll pass on the meat balls and spaghetti and am looking forward to tonight’s steak dinner. Child health , both mental and physical is very important. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  2. Good afternoon everyone. I love seeing everyone’s pictures. So many places I haven’t been too so I live vicariously. Sams new aide seems very nice so he is feeling good today and the shingles have dried up. My second grandson isn21 today. I don’t know where the years are going but they are flying by. The youngest will be 17 in December. My older daughter had a concussion on August 26 when she brought today’s birthday boy to college. As she was closing the truck of her car, the bike rack hit her in the head. She is now a bit better, but only able to see 2 patients ( she is a psychotherapist) a day by telemedicine. Her husband said she really got hit hard. Have heard from everyone in Florida, including someone from the CC community in Naples. All are thankfully ok. How do these poor people rebuild their lives after this devastating storm? Stay safe everyone, Carol
  3. Wow. Such good luck finding that earring in an unusual place.
  4. Good morning everyone. I can celebrate all the days and the quote. I can’t believe its October. What happened to June? Thankfully, I’ve heard from all our friends in Ian’s path and all are safe. The devastation in Florida is awful. How do these people rebuild their lives? We have some light rain which is from Ian today, but nothing like those in Florida suffered. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  5. Good morning everyone. My friend from Boynton Beach, Boca, Naples and Delray Beach have all checked in as safe. Still some I haven’t heard from . Watching Ian’s destruction across Florida is painful. Today is my grandson Jared’s 17th birthday. So hard to believe he is a junior in high school and starting to think about college. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  6. Good Morning Everyone. So much damage in Delray beach Florida where we wintered for 5 years before the pandemic. A tornado hit in the development of Kings Point and did major damage. I think there is still flooding there this morning. I have friends in Boca and Delray and they have checked in and are ok. Still waiting to hear from family and friends on the west coast, especially in Naples where we have CC friends. I havent been on in a few days. Lots of excitement here. Sam has shingles. One doctor told him he was contageous, so he didnt attend our family celebration of Rosh Hashanna. My grandkids havent had the shingles shot. He has a new aide coming on Sunday. The wonderful one we have now is returning to her country of Georgia where her very young children havent seen her for over a year and are suffering emotionally from their feelings of abandonment. The new aide also comes from georgia and we're just hoping she will be ok. Not sure I mentioined that our oldest daughter suffered a concussion on Aug. 26th when she took our grandson to college. She closed the trunk of the car and was hit by the bike rack. her husband drove her home and she has been living in a dark room, unable to work remotely since then. She is hopefully on the mend. We are preparing for some rain here from Ian and hope that's all we get. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  7. Good morning everyone.I love the quote today.Will be with our family this afternoon after watching synagogue services on line. We will celebrate the Jewish New Year with apples and honey and other sweet food as a tradition wishing everyone a sweet year. I also wish for health, happiness and peace. Praying for my friends in Florida who are in the path of Ian. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  8. Good morning everyone. Fall is really here and I’m not happy because winter is on the way. It’s 54 degrees now and going down to 45 tonight. My two oldest grandsons have traveled home to be with family for Rosh Hashanah which starts Sunday night. I am waiting for a food delivery so I can do some cooking. Jacqui, stay safe. Have a great day everyone, Carol
  9. Good morning everyone. Up early watching the queen's funeral. It’s a very sad day for England and the world. Today marks 63 years ago that Sam and I were married. We actually eloped on the 19th and we’re remarried by a rabbi on the 20th so we celebrate both days. Stay safe everyone, Carol
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