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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Thanks. I look forward to hearing your experience with this.
  2. You just follow the claim process that your airline has for lost/delayed luggage. As an alternative, you could file a claim with your travel insurance provider.
  3. We will need someone to report back on the process once onboard...Where do you pick up the wrist bands? Will Vibe access be pre-encoded into our room cards, or will we have to go somewhere to have that done? The only downside to allowing pre-purchase is that you have to pre-pay in full. At least with onboard purchase, you could use OBC to make the Vibe purchase.
  4. I do get what you are trying to say, but "scroll by if you don't like it" is a very tired and very bad argument. For example, YOU could have just scrolled by the response that you didn't like, but you choose not to. And if it is OK for you to choose not to, it is OK for others to choose not to as well. Consider that others, like you, are also just making a point, and that you have no idea what is going on in the background of their response.
  5. Another option would be to just post your question and then read the replies. There is no requirement that you respond/retort/argue with any of those posting replies...just read the information, take from it what you will, and move on to the next topic. Using "ignore" only prevents you from seeing what certain people post. It affects you, not them. Being open-minded, you want to read all types of responses and make up your mind from there. Once you start ignoring, you walk the path to ignorance. The overly dramatic "victimhood" posts like post #15 don't help anyone.
  6. It appears that we agree that BOTH methods are unhelpful. We should then also agree that companies or individuals engaging in these methods are acting in bad faith and need to alter their unhelpful behavior. They think they are being helpful when, in reality, they are not.
  7. I feel your pain. They are posting partial information with no context and that can be confusing for someone who is just trying to make an informed decision.
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