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Posts posted by Sikwemu

  1. Went to see Seth Gopin rather reluctantly and ended up walking round ports looking at architecture

    George McGhee, although a little waspish at times, is always good as he regularly changes his presentations...unlike some others that could be mentioned!

  2. Guess it's too late to help, but we sent our UK passports off for renewal on Monday and got them back today. Probably would have been plenty of time to get them done between this thread starting and the ship leaving as it turns out.


    Impressive indeed, just couldn't risk it though.

  3. I decided at the weekend I couldn't go with the grand daughter, I couldn't risk it with her even though the UK and US officials said I could.

    Since then I've also spoken with Ocean Terminal (berth 46) people and they also were a "it's more than my job's worth" scenario. The idea that the 6 months isn't actually correct for the US wasn't even conceivable....nobody had ever said that before and as far as they were concerned it couldn't be.

    Letters have gone off but I'm not holding my breath for a reply

  4. Hi Sikwemu, please excuse me asking these questions, I don't know enough about the subject of child passport renewals, or the "passport premium service".


    Does this mean that it is impossible for anyone renew a child's passport quickly, say within a week of applying?


    Even if they make an appointment and then visit a passport office in person?


    What sort of timescale did the UK passport office give for child passport renewals?


    Thanks in advance, this could be useful knowledge for future reference.


    Good luck!


    Child renewals (under 16) can be done on the extra payment weekly service but not on the one day-make an appointment for it-premium service. All due to child-trafficking worries according to my new passport office best friend.

  5. I've had a fun day talking to a lot of people and the ones that have come out of it worst are Cunard. I've never had to "tackle" shore side staff before and now I know why many posters on here write as they do about them.


    The American Embassy was chatty, helpful and well aware of what Cunard have on their website. They emphasised-it's a shame keyboards can't do Ma'am with an American accent- that the US doesn't need 6 months remaining on the passport of a British Citizen. He said that they are fully aware many believe the US is far too restrictive in travel but companies like the one you are dealing with make for problems that aren't there.


    The UK passport office were brilliant. They also did the "no, no, you don't need 6 months so travel and enjoy". Explained that it was looking to be impossible because of the 6 months rule they have which he thought was totally ridiculous as "surely it would loose them money?" We did end agreeing on the stupidity of coverall rules which is the reason they couldn't do a one day issue passport. Somebody somewhere decided if they did that service they could be accused of assisting illegal child trafficking etc. so they don't do it. He said he was sure a 13 year old could say if she were being taken on the QM2 against her will but rules is rules. He also, totally off the record, wondered if anybody had ever suggested to Cunard that their action is restricting legitimate "free travel". I am now a full card carrying fan of the Passport Office


    Now for Cunard. I managed to get a little way up the tree but boy, oh, boy; the first two organisations gave a 100% impression that they were there to help but Cunard obviously do not have this in their mission statement. Even the (supposed) Customer Service manager I ended with earned a zero for listening, never mind their supposed function. All the expected "6 months passport must remain" was religiously trotted out and it was totally irrelevant what the 2 governments said and that there had been no trouble getting an ESTA. 6 months is needed in case you have to put into a port that needs 6 months. Told them I appreciated that for World cruises etc. etc. but this was a Transatlantic and, checking the map, there didn't appear to be anybody that demanded 6 months in the near vicinity.


    I'd obviously realised within two minutes of beginning the "Cunard leg" it was a no go but I had to see how far I could go. I was told it was also irrelevant that Cunard US didn't seem to have a 6 month requirement because it would be in the small print somewhere. As I was getting bored I asked for a name to write to and was told no!!! just address it to Customer Service. I finally did get a name and I will write just to throw the passport man's suggestion at them. Yes, it's their ball and if you don't like their rules you don't have to play with them!

  6. The problem with ringing Cunard is that you are unlikely to get anyone who can actually help. Most of the answers are just standard and any deviation from that is unlikely.


    The bit about having 6 months left on the passport is in Cunard's Frequently Asked Questions and is no doubt there because different countries have different requirements. The longest validity that any country requires is 6 months from the date you leave the country - hence that being the answer from Cunard. It's a catch all which covers every eventuality - if you have 6 months left when you leave you will be fine anywhere you travel.


    It doesn't take into account all the countries which don't need 6 months validity and the USA is one of those for a British Citizen. The rules for the USA, provided that you have a valid ESTA, say "Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay. You don’t need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this"


    Cunard's own booking conditions say "Passengers must ensure that they have a valid passport and any other necessary travel documents (such as visas) for their Package"


    You have a valid passport so are absolutely fine to travel. That isn't to say that someone at the check in won't try to make life difficult simply because they don't know any better. I assume that you have filled in all the advance booking information, including the passport validity, on Cunard's website? If it was an absolute requirement then surely it should have been flagged up there?


    It's the making life difficult bit that is making me very wary with a youngster. As you say, and as I found out, the company line is always the one quoted so why should the boarding staff be different? I'm more than capable of holding my own but how will it come over to the grand-daughter listening in? It's just a shame that time is so short but I will give it a shot tomorrow

  7. Your replies, thank you, illustrate the problem of so many rules and advisories. It gets so a blanket statement is used as a catch all. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/usa/entry-requirements

    is the UK site and http://london.usembassy.gov/faq-passports.html is the USA site. Both agree with each other and totally different from Cunard.


    I'm talking to people tomorrow but am fast coming to the conclusion that I daren't risk it for a (nearly) 13 year old whatever the official paperwork may say. I'll probably report back here as it might help somebody or give them ideas if they ever have the chance of a last minute

  8. Why not just renew the passport and then you won't need to worry?


    It's a last minute cancellation on the Aug 27 Transatlantic-the granddaughter doesn't go back to school until the 7th-and child renewals aren't allowed via the passport premium service. Of course it will be updated but school holidays and Cunard Transatlantics don't often match and it was just too good a chance to miss. Unfortunately though it looks as if it will have to be which is so unfortunate when "legally" she is fine. Hence the question as to if anybody had done it.....

  9. Cunard advise having more than 6 months on your passport when you travel. Both the UK & USA passport/border force (or whatever they call themselves now) state categorically that this is NOT needed for UK citizens to the USA.


    I've spoken to Cunard and can't get by the company line of 6 months etc. etc. To be fair to the girl when I gave her the relevant sites to look up she did so and expressed amazement....nobody had ever bought that up before and she had no idea why the relevant brochure paragraph didn't have "excluding the USA" with regard to having to have 6 months. You can guess the rest though that all she can say is.....


    Has anybody done a Transatlantic-with immediate flyback-with less than 6 months on the passport? This was going to be a birthday present for a 13 year old but even though the websites say it's okay and the ESTA site had no problem with it I'm now uneasy

  10. I am seriously concerned about the state of my mental health with regard to the news of the refit because I quite like Kings Court :o.

    A very odd statement babs,but I suspect one that very few would argue with.You must I suspect be in a minority of possibly one liking Kings Court.

    Maybe a little extreme but we have said we will not cruise on QM2 until after the refit and the revamp of Kings Court.

    Everyone is entitled to an oppinon.




    Minority of two-I like it as well. There is always somewhere to sit (unlike QV & QE) and there is always a bigger choice with the different stations

  11. Can anyone give details of the shuttle service provided by Cunard out of the Brooklyn cruise terminal, please.

    Where it goes to/from, start time, frequency, cost, etc.


    Cunard's webpage,


    states, "Brooklyn Cruise Terminal - A shuttle bus service will

    operate from this berth".


    I'm assuming it heads over to Manhattan? We will be coming in from Newark airport by train into NYC Penn Station and it would be really helpful to pick up their shuttle from there to the ship.


    Can anyone shed light on this service, please?


    This is easy: they don't do one anymore

  12. I'm beginning to think I'm a minority of one but I far prefer King's Court to QE & QV with both sides of the buffet the same. There was a choice of six different stations this last week which is something that is never seen on the other Queens. Yes it can be a mess and it is outdated but if you are a family group, a friendly group, a group of teenagers looking for somewhere to sit and talk the night away even, the ability that KC has to move tables around, have quiet places, etc. is really good.


    Said this, with a deep breath for courage, to Nick and he said the seating and such was all to change but he could guarantee that the choice of food that is always available in KC (compared to the sister ships) would remain and that he will be with her in dry dock to oversee all kitchen/eating details

  13. Came off QM2 yesterday, after the 175 B2B, and the day before I certainly wasn't as chatty to the crew as I normally was. I'd got a mental face on that I was having to get off and, besides having to do that, I'd got to pack as well!! In all honesty I wouldn't have really noticed if I wasn't being smiled at as usual because I wasn't doing much smiling myself as I was too busy compiling the "got to do" lists and such.


    Yesterday morning though I can assure everybody that my morning smoothie was poured with the usual grin and a "see you soon madam". Also the cabin steward wished us a good trip home. The only Cunard person that didn't smile was the security officer as the keycard was zapped through for the last time but smiling doesn't often go with security wherever they are

  14. Not quite home yet but certainly in the Atlantic now. As usual it was clear the Newfoundland Banks and the weather went grey, grey, grey.

    Have to say it; had no problem with the immigration for Boston. Toddled down after 7 and was done, dusted and back in Britannia for breakfast before 8. A friend on another deck didn't get off though until 11.30.

    My only "beef" was embarkation at Liverpool. So wanted it to be a success and it wasn't for many as they just couldn't handle the numbers. It's a long time since it's been over an hour for boarding but (like Boston) some that turned up at a different time had no bother.

    It's certainly been a trip worth doing and Halifax was fabulous.

  15. This afternoon there is remembering John Maxton-Graham "An invitation to anyone who knew John and would like to share anecdotes" at 5.15 on the QM2. Very fitting as so many of us heard him speak whilst on her.

  16. Just received confirmation from my T.A & I have exactly the same cabin for £2199 pp x 2 =£4398 +$380 obc+ $600 obc from the F,C,D + $400 military obc = $1360 obc So I have lost $480 obc But I am saving £1582 & my T.A has also now given me Free Car Parking that would have cost me £244 So I am a Happy Bunny with the result


    It's not facebook but I'm hitting like:)

  17. He's on leave ;) he'll be back on QM2 before July..(my trip July 2nd) Er... not quite the Cunarder most of us are use too. I'd like a bit more enthusiasm for the Mary and Cunard's loyal guest's ..off to put my Tin hat on.;)


    Do tell as we've never been with him. What's the secret that often gets him in the promo shots?

  18. Last November I booked a cruise on the Q.E. Cunard fare for this November Balcony cabin Price £3459 pp with $480pp o.b,c. x 2 £6918 today the same cabin on a Cunard fare is £2199 pp x 2 £4398 & no o.b.c That's £2520 cheaper, So I am cancelling my booking & rebooking at the lower fare (same cabin grade) even after losing my deposit of £1038 I am still better off by £1482. Ok I have lost the o.b.c but the £1482 reduction will make up for that. As our American members say do the Maths.


    We did the same sort of thing a few years ago with a section of the World. We were booked for Cape Town but a few months before going did the maths; we ended up going to Singapore for less money. We did have the time though to travel longer and we didn't mind loosing our "picked" cabin, preferred dinner sitting and OBCs. Some wouldn't have been happy with that so you book when it suits you

  19. We nearly always take a guarantee of whatever level they are offering and have, only once, not got higher. The best was Club when we were guaranteed the cheapest sheltered so it does happen!

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