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Posts posted by Mayflower1

  1. Good Morning Brimary - sorry to hear of your La Dame ' Experience ' but it has always been a lottery as to whether the Actual matches the Expectation. So pleased that the Cruise is at least proving somewhat better than when we were together in June. Sorry to go slightly off subject but can you tell us if Corey Sandler & Janice are back on board after disembarking for the Charter ?

    We hope that the remaining days are good for you - what will be your decision on future Silversea Voyages ? - we will be sorry to lose you both.

  2. Good Morning Brimary - We know that you are preparing for your next ( maybe last ? ) Adventure on The Wind. We hope that you have a wonderful time and this Cruise will meet all of your expectations. We would be so pleased to hear about it if you get time.

    Have Fun and we hope the weather is kind to you so that you both will get good value from The Pool.

    We are preparing for our Spirit Adventure in early September.

  3. Good Morning Brimary - We know that you are preparing for your next ( maybe last ? ) Adventure on The Wind. We hope that you have a wonderful time and this Cruise will meet all of your expectations. We would be so pleased to hear about it if you get time.

    Have Fun and we hope the weather is kind to you so that you both will get good value from The Pool.

    We are preparing for our Spirit Adventure in early September.

  4. Good morning RandyK47 - We know that you and Carey want to experience once again the Palmieri Zampone Experience !!!! which was so much Fun several Years ago !!!! 


    We are just off The Wind and can only say that we had a great time with some wonderful Fellow Guests ( Brimary its You !!! ) and the usual fantastic Crew. The Ship has a certain Patina of Age but is comfortable and  largely well maintained ( The odd Towel/Bucket to stop drips has been with us for years !! )  We have probably sailed with her for the last time but ' Never say Never ' !!!!

  5. Good Morning Master Echo - Thank you for the reply to my query. I suspect that you are absolutely right in that the Tonnage out there does now demand Larger Facilities that inevitably will be in less convenient Places - we have to go with the times !!!


    Continue to have a wonderful Cruise and your thoughts and pictures are appreciated.

  6. Good Afternoon Master Echo - I wonder if you feel able to comment on the trend that seems to be happening more and more - that Silversea Ships are being forced to cede more attractive Berths to Other Lines ? - Do you think this is a matter of who Pays the most or who uses the Port the most , or another reason ?

    In the past Silversea always appeared to get a Prime Berth but this seems to be getting less and less and some of the Commercial Docks are far from attractive.


    Your view would be appreciated.

  7. jpalbny is quite right in that what suits one person may not suit another. I would suggest that you read recent Posts that have been written about The Wind and then judge for yourself. Your Question is very wide ranging and without specifics is impossible to answer. Perhaps your ' Friends ' who I assume have sailed on her recently may be better to assist you as they should know your preferences ?


  8. Good Morning Brimary from a very hot UK.

    We too were on the 3rd of your recent Wind Segments and agree that the MDR Food Presentation was below standard but must say that our experience was not as extreme as yours, just slightly disappointing. However we dined a good few times in La Terrazza which has a dedicated Chef and we found the whole experience there much more pleasing.

    The question of Entertainment is very subjective but in our opinion this Cruise left a lot to be desired. The Silversea Singers & dancers were a new Group and in our opinion lacking in Talent and the remainder of Music about the ship was to say the least Low Key, especially the Pianist in the Panorama Lounge. We asked the CD to organise a Disco which proved very popular ( even with those of a certain age !!! ) and this transformed the Lounge at 11.00 pm from a Morgue to a busy Venue ???. You are right that the CD was somewhat Low Key also, but this individual, albeit very pleasant, has been so for years and we have had good Performers over that time - we feel it was an unfortunate combination on this occasion.

    It was so good to catch up with you both again and hope that the upcoming August Cruise will prove more to your liking and that you will be persuaded to keep within the Silversea Family - we will miss you very much.


    We are so sorry for the problems you are experiencing JollyJones and hope matters improve - the Flamm situation was most regrettable and no compensation can make up for the loss of this particular excursion which must be one of the best in Europe.

  9. Good Morning Brimary - we too are getting excited to join you on 9th, especially as we had to cancel our April Spirit Cruise due to Gill having to have an urgent Operation - all now well and she is Recovering.


    Has the ' Pool ' Issue been sorted to your satisfaction ?


    Continue to have Fun and enjoy The Wind whilst she is still ' Classic '

  10. Good Morning Brimary - Glad to hear that you are safely ensconced on The Wind and early impressions seem to be good. May this continue for the rest of your Cruise(s) - Looking forward to 9th June.


    Continue to have Fun - any Reports on Crew etc will be welcome - Is Flavio the HD ?

    • Like 1
  11. So sorry to hear of the conditions crossing the Atlantic - its a gamble at any time of the year - lets hope it improves rapidly as constant buffeting is very tiring.


    Thanks for the good wishes Brimary - as you know (!!! ) 7.30am is a little rich for me - will probably meet up just as you are finishing your exercise, as usual ( say 8.30am ). Have a great time.

  12. Not on Topic chrism23 but I am surprised that you intend to sail on the Wind from London on 19th June, as the Ship will be in Oslo ???? ( or at least thats what my Ticket says !!! ). If you mean 9th June, see you on board when hopefully we will experience the usual wonderful Service.

  13. Hi Beaujolais - Glad to hear that you have had a great time - was not aware that the Last Evening has now been designated ' Fancy Dress ' ?? - did the Guests receive a warm welcome from the Maitre D ???

    Are you on for the next Segment or returning Home ? - Where next ?

  14. Good Morning Brimary - Agree wholeheartedly with your comments on a New Smaller Ship but I doubt it will happen. Slightly off Topic I know ( and apologise ) but we are wishing you well for your forthcoming Wind Adventure. Get everything in to shape before we board on 9th !!!! - Looking forward to our Morning Swim !!!

  15. Thank You 57 Varieties - maybe my Computer messed up as my Survey was only about 5 Tick Box Categories about what Cruise Lines I knew of, no mention of Loyalty Programmes and then it thanked me for completing ?


    I doubt as a long standing Venetian that much will come of it anyway - we have had many such Surveys before !!!

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  16. Has anyone been contacted by E Mail to complete a 'Loyalty ' Survey.?  It was supposed to take 30/35 minutes to complete but in fact only took 2 minutes and contained no mention of Loyalty !!! - Is this another example of Barbara Muckerman not knowing what she is sending out ?

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  17. Hi Jollyjones


    You are so right about the new Suites in the ' Stretched ' Section of The Spirit. We had one in July and found the Bathroom superb and appearing more spacious ( there is nothing wrong with the 'Old Style ' Bathrooms however ). We will hopefully be enjoying the Large Shower again for 4 Cruises in 2019 but in our opinion just to be on The Spirit is good wherever one resides.

  18. Happy Christmas Brimary - we will be there June 9th to raise a Glass or two to our much loved Silver Wind - we too expect it to be our last hurrah. No doubt you will be well settled in before we arrive !!!!

  19. Good Morning Silver Spectre - I believe you have hit the nail on the head in that these ' Enhancements' are not being advertised. I only remembered that i had read a Press Release about Project Invictus and merely asked our Butler about The Caviar ( We never drink Champagne ). 

    I believe Silversea count on the average Guest not realising that Requests can be made i.e Special Food Orders and thus they save Money & Effort.

    Most Guests would not be aware of Project Invictus. Certainly I agree with you that there was no mention of any ' Enhancements ' in Restaurants etc.

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  20. Good Morning Brimary - Like you I too am an Expert at the 'Eye Rolling ' Game !!!!

    We wish you both a wonderful Christmas & New Year - above all keep Safe & Well and we will be looking forward to meeting up in June - we will be having 3 weeks on board The Spirit in April/May so will Test out ' The Enhancements ' and Report back !!!

  21. Maybe Silver Spectre it was a short lived ' Enhancement ' or they ran out of Caviar but it was certainly available at the end of September on The Muse !!! - However we only experienced In Suite as a Request Pre Dinner and not in a Restaurant. It was a sensible helping beautifully Presented and an echo of what we used to experience regularly on Silversea. 

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