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Posts posted by pyrateslife4me84

  1. 21 minutes ago, RKHOOKER said:

    Unless there’s a vaccine there’ll be no cruising in the next 6 months.  No government will open up ports & risk the virus returning in huge numbers.  New Zealand have said no ports will be opening this year.  Australia have said no ports opening for the next 6 months at least.  
    Sydney has 8 cruise ships parked outside the heads with 8,500 crew on board wanting to get off the ship & the government has denied them.  In Sydney NSW most of the corona virus cases came from the 2,700 people who got off the Ruby Princess.  Last count over 170 tested positive & it’s estimated that they infected another 1,500 people.  NSW currently has 2,300 positive cases & 10 deaths, 5 from cruise ships & we have tested 108,000 people with symptoms.  We will be entering our winter season in a couple of months, so our government is taking no chances. People who get corona virus & the flu will most likely end up in hospital in a serious condition.
    Based on the European numbers at present the USA will peak at about 1 million positive cases before any ports will open.  So USA is roughly a quarter of the way through the main crisis.

    To all you Americans good luck, stay home, be strong, start planning your summer 2021 cruises & god bless you all.

    None of us have any idea what we are talking about, here. I think cruises will return this summer. I’m genuinely curious to see who ends up correct. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Iamcruzin said:

    Yes but the numbers for Covid are so inaccurate since for so long there weren't any tests. Also how many of those who died had underlying conditions like cancer that was already killing them? I just don't see how deaths from the flu which has been around many years can be compared to Covid 19 which is new and lacks all of the data.

    Oh, I’m not suggesting that comparison. In our small bubble of cruising, people wonder when cruising will continue. It will continue when governments allow it. And governments can make predictions based upon data. The ship has sailed on accurately measuring cases, but they can use an accurate mortality rate to calculate number infected. That’s what they do for flu since relatively few are actually tested for flu. Calculations allow governments to predict how the current wave will proceed and any future waves. And those predictions are used to know when businesses, schools, movie theaters, and cruise liners can safely reopen. 

    I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty good with data. My prediction is worth 500 Monopoly dollars but I expect business to resume in the USA and Western Europe by June. I would also anticipate social distancing to return in some form this fall, but to a lesser degree since demands on healthcare are typically less during secondary waves. Parents would do well to plan to have their kids home for a few weeks again, though. I’m expecting a Teaching Certificate after all this!

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Iamcruzin said:

    They say NY is 2 weeks away. I don't know why everyone is so hell bent on death statistics. 

    Because people crave normalcy and it’s the most accurate measure we have due to inaccurate numbers on those affected?


    One day, studies that pinpoint the true fatality rate will be used to determine how many have actually been infected. 

    i.e. if 200,000 die and 0.66% of people infected die, 30,000,000 Americans were infected. These calculations inform government decisions. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, yoj13 said:

    Still not true. Read the article. They claim cancellation through 9/1. Then they interview the CEO. He doesn’t talk about cancellation. He talks about Cruise with Confidence. That is all that is extended through 9/1 at this time. 

    Journalism is not what it once was. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, P_and_L said:


    Is it any worse than Royal continuing to sell cruises they know will be cancelled so that they can bring in cash? Or any worse than them waiting to cancel cruises in the hopes that people will self-cancel and take a FCC instead of being eligible for a cash refund?

    They don’t KNOW how long anything will be shut down. No one knows. So they extend 1 month at a time. Just like states, cities, and countries tell people to stay-at-home for 2 weeks or a month at a time. Is it unreasonable that the US recommended staying at home for two weeks and then extended it by 30 days? 

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  6. 1 hour ago, alfaeric said:

    Maybe.  But because of the lack of testing, there is certainly some people who have died of COVID19 without being tested, and therefore is not counted for.  Also, the actual influenza rate is lower than is reported- as there are probably thousands of people who are not hospitalized for complications due to the flu (and are never tested/counted)- I know I was not counted in the past.


    But I also don't recall any time the common influenza ever overwhelmed hospital systems all over the world at the same time.  That's the part that is rather mind boggling right now.

    The numbers they provide for flu are an estimate of TOTAL infected. Very few are tested. So you are included in the estimate. 

    Lancet posted an article yesterday estimating the Covid-19 death rate at closer to 0.66%. 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Bradison said:


    I am weary of experts.  2 weeks ago the Ohio Director of HHS said over 100k Ohioans already have CV.  Limited testing has shown that to be way off and she has backed down saying it was an off-hand comment.

    I am not a deny-it-all type but am very weary of eating the spoon-fed news and projections we are given.  Being in the Midwest my personal experience limits my viewpoint compared to someone like you, personally impacted in a "hot" zone so that is why I ask for your thoughts.

    That’s certainly fair. It’s quite clear that, although they claim 5000 cases in NYC, actual numbers are substantially higher here. I was turned away three times from testing because I hadn’t traveled. Finally got tested—positive. At least I was already self-isolating. Many would call the hospital, get turned away, and go to school. 

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Bradison said:


    Sorry to hear you have been directly impacted and I hope you are dealing with the virus as well as can be expected.  I think you are correct in that we need this thing to spread slowly so the health care implications can be managed effectively.

    I am curious why you think 50% of NYC and LA will be infected if they are both under lock down?  Do you think it has already spread enough that those under lock down will give it to each other or do you think folks in those areas are not observing the lock down?

    I don’t think it. The experts do. That’s why they are locking down—to slow it. But it’s still doubling every three days in outbreak zones. Locking down doesn’t stop spread—people still leave their houses. It just slows the faucet. Estimates suggest at least 1 million Americans already have it. We can’t strut around cavalierly on the beach because Ft. Lauderdale can’t handle Spring Break-size sick crowds. But we are allowed to shop, go for walks, and order take-out because that level of spread is acceptable. 


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  9. As someone who is presently confirmed to have COVID-19, we will get through this. There are areas with significant outbreaks right now—Western Europe, East Coast, West Coast, for example. Many of us already have it around here. Herd immunity will develop in those areas as it spreads elsewhere. That is why things close I’m impacted areas—slow the spread in places like NYC so it spreads more slowly and doesn’t overwhelm hospitals. But over half in NYC and LA will have this by May. Then conditions will slowly improve as it spreads elsewhere. Soon enough, port areas will be safe. Fall outbreaks will likely focus in other cities not currently impacted. 

    • Like 7
  10. 13 minutes ago, NJporkroll said:

    Most of you are living in a FOG!!!  They cruise ships are not going into dry dock and costing anywhere from $150-250 Million dollars to refurb so you can get an AMPED vacation.  GEE I WONDER WHY??? maybe because you cant put 1500+ workers for 4-6 weeks in close proximity during a WORLD WIDE VIRUS OUTBREAK!!!!! 


    Just cancel you cruises and move on... How self centered could you be? Bunch of whining babies....

    Then leave these cruise boards and get back to work on a vaccine. Stop wasting time here. 

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  11. 10 minutes ago, gatour said:

    To give you an idea what may be in store for the Allure amping.


    According to Cruise Critic news, a Carnival ship that is currently going through their version of amplification at Cadiz, is on hold.  There is an unavailability of workers due to travel restrictions.  It was already in dry dock (now if it is actually in a dry dock or a wet dock may be a point contention, imho)


    Cadiz may just push back the schedules for each ship.  RCCL may agree to a shorter "docking" if they don't want everything done if the shipyard gives financial considerations.  I.E. a discount.



    This all clearly depends on how soon Cadiz can reopen and how soon ports in the Mediterranean can reopen. No one knows how long this wave will last. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, irzero said:

    I don't think that as I have some friends ironically in Miami. But these people on here really arent helping that stereotype right now.

    Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk

    I hear you there! I live in America and shake my head frequently at what I read and see!


    My favorite parts of the U.K. were everything except London. Did nothing for me. I’ll take Edinburgh or Grasmere or York over it any day. 

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  13. 7 minutes ago, irzero said:

    I'm from the UK. I couldnt care less exactly what is where. To me Miami is the name if the place I remember I went at the age if 10 years old. A bit like how americans think everyone in England travels on the tube and red buses and says cheerio.

    I don't go around correcting people on irrelevancies because it makes you look pedantic and also a bit pathetic.

    Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk

    Most Americans don’t think that. Just stupid Americans. But you can be forgiven for thinking we are all stupid. 

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  14. 8 hours ago, grandgeezer said:

    Yes it is.

    No, it really isn’t. 

    "Both amplifications have been put on hold at this time. With global developments rapidly evolving, we are reviewing all options to bring Explorer and Allure into dry dock this year and determining the extent of the enhancements we can make."

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  15. Obviously, the situation is fluid. I anticipate they will do as much as they can and offer any med cruises they are allowed to, based upon port openings. Much of the AMPing is paid for, so if the dry dock window shortens, they’ll quickly do what they can, for the least money. I bet we will still get the Abyss. It’s cheap, quick to put in, and flashy. If anything gets cut, it’ll be some of the interior spaces. As long as they clean it up, fix the azipod, and make some updates, they can sign off for another 5 years. It makes no sense to do nothing and have to cancel more cruises later. 

    Now, if closures extend 2 months, all he’ll breaks loose world-wide. 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, blueridgemama said:

    I think it's sort of sad when the wait staff is groomed and dressed better than the diners. Just my opinion.

    That’s the case in any number of restaurants and just about every vacation destination. They serve pre-cooked steaks and the waiters swing napkins around their heads. It’s not fine dining. It’s basically a Cheesecake Factory where you can order all of the entrees. 

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