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Posts posted by WFHFLOYD

  1. Hahaha! I will definitely look into the you tube videos!



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

    You guys should definitely stay closer to the Ocean (Atlantic - same one that's in Maine (just kidding you)) You have some time, and there is so much to see in Miami for that one afternoon to be spent at an airport hotel is unthinkable. Get sand in your toes. Try Uber - it's really very easy. Take the hop on hop off if you want an overview. Consider a car rental for 1 day at the airport. It would be cheap and you could return it downtown and get to see lots of stuff (Key Biscayne for example). Lots of options. These are just suggestions, but don't stay out at the airport. Boring. Have fun!!

  2. As a teenager, many years ago...1961...our family traveled to France from the UK aboard a 'passenger craft' (AKA converted tug). Getting to the mainland was easy as the Channel was very cooperative, 45 minute sail. Returning was a different story. 2 ½ hours of continuous pitching, yawing and diving into the seas. The lounge area was devastated with chairs, tables and dishes flying from port to starboard. Soon after leaving Calais the motion started and the passengers were all smiles. Within several minutes the looks turned to horror as the passengers followed the furniture in its travels. My sister and I, 11 & 14, were advised by a worker to go outboard and watch the horizon. We were hesitant at first because of the weather but as the first "Wretcher" was joined by others we went and stood on the foredeck, just below the pilot house. Barbara and I did get wet but we were of the very few who didn't get seasick.

    The method of being in the open and keeping eyes on the horizon has served me well during a Naval career and on many a small boat in high seas. (On a side-trip to Skellig Michael Island the journey was rough. One of the women came outside and was headed for the rail. I struck up a conversation with her and kept on asking her questions to keep her talking. The diversion worked!)

    Going below deck and not having a view of the horizon is not a good way to save off sea sickness. I'd strongly suggest by the pool, keep a view of the ocean have a good chat with a fellow passenger - to take your mind off the tossing. Going below and continuing to think about your dilemma will only hasten its consequences.



    We too have taken the trip to Skellig Michael, and I cannot imagine how your day went, assuming after the rough sea ride you then climbed the stairway to the top, all covered with mist and moss. Beautiful place, dramatic climb, but tough if one already feels woozie. My dad always told us to look to the horizon when the seas were rough....sounds like it was good advice. I was feeling slightly bad that our upcoming cruise is in an insider on deck 4, but after reading these 'stormy' posts, I am feeling less deprived!

  3. Alas, this information is not readily available Online because almost everything that you ask falls under the purview of the Spa Manager who varies the cost (and occasionally the features) of the Day Passes in order to keep the Spa as full, or as empty as that manager wants to make it.

    Speaking in generalities the Passes cost between $15 and $25 per person per day and grants unlimited access (while the Spa is open for business) to the Spa Terrace, which is where the (salt water) Thalasotherapy pool, really a glorified hot tub, is located.


    Sauna, Steam and locker rooms may be found adjacent to the gymnasium and are available, like the gymnasium, gratis to any passenger.

    Many thanks to you for your prompt reply. (not sure this is getting to you, as I can't seem to find the place to 'reply' to your post. Boy am I impaired - can't get spa info, can't find reply.... I'm out of practice, but between now and May will surely check cc boards many more times. Thanks again Stamford! wfhfloyd (NewCanaan)

  4. I am unable to find a thread about the spa 'department' on Sirena. The Oceania brochures indicate that one can purchase a 'day pass' for the spa facilities. Does anyone know the price of this, and indeed, what would be included with this add on. Apparently there is a salt water therapy pool and maybe a private lounging area? A sauna and/or steam room? Thanks in advance. We are sailing 5/20 Miami/Cuba/Miami

  5. I am sure it is posted somewhere in this extensive thread, but can someone give me current information about the least costly way to get from the airport to the cruise port? Thanks!


    We are going to stay at the airport for 2 nites in June, after our alaska vacation/cruise, because we have a very early flight on day 3 homeward bound, and we want to be early to the airport to clear customs etc. I am told by both the Hilton and Hampton Inn front desks that there is a shuttle service, called Vancouver Shuttle & Charter (they have a website if you google their name) which runs a shuttle for $13 per person on a regular basis. Also, both hotels are w/in a 5" walk from the Vancouver SkyTrain, which also has a website. We often take public transportation (being ex New Yorkers, I suppose), and plan on arriving at Canada Place, taking the shuttle to our airport hotel, which will hold our baggage if it's too early to get into our room, and then heading out on the SkyTrain back to downtown, Stanley Park, a stroll along English Beach, GasTown?, maybe China Town and perhaps over to North Vancouver to the suspension bridge (the free one, not the one that costs $30 each!) Maybe too ambitious for 2 days, but we'll see. I am finding loads of ideas and transportation info online. Vancouver looks like a fantastic city, filled with great food and lots of beauty. All the public bus lines, ferries, etc have their maps and routes and fares posted online, so I'm encouraged. I personally wouldn't want a car to have to park and drive in the city with, but maybe that's the NYC in me again! Have fun on your vacation!

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