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Posts posted by AnnieC

  1. 1 hour ago, Harry Peterson said:

    Thinking a little more about the 'UK or not' medical insurance aspects of this, maybe there's no problem with potential airlifts in that in an emergency HM Coastguard would probably provide the necessary helicopter trip to the nearest hospital.


    Unless they bill you for it!

    I thought it was a free (well, included in the tax we all pay) service, along with repatriation within the UK, if required, presumably by ambulance to your home/local hospital. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Josy1953 said:

    We just watched the 1 minute silence to mark the first lockdown.  My sister rang me immediately afterwards to tell me that next Wednesday I will be the first person that she knows who will have had 2 lockdown birthdays.  I never expected to that I would be having a second lockdown birthday now I am hoping that next year I will be able to celebrate properly 

    It's one of my daughter's birthdays today and she was not expecting to have a second in lockdown.😷

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  3. 4 minutes ago, P&O SUE said:

    I didn’t get the email! I would have liked to join but I need to see this Cunard page - intriguing! 
    I used to do surveys for M&S but I got bored , everyone was the same questions! They’d asked if I liked, disliked or no opinion on say a green shirt then ask the same about the same shirt but in white! Then the same about a black shirt and the same one in pink!

    I did those for a while - all I got were children's clothes. My youngest is now 33 and I have no grandchildren, so my opinion would have been of no use to them whatsoever.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Harry Peterson said:

    As I said, neither you nor I yet know all the facts. All we have is a summarised version. I imagine the vaccine will prove perfectly safe, but judgments need to be based on full facts - not just brief summaries, newspaper headlines and sentiment.

    What we do know is that covid itself causes blood clots in a considerably larger number of people than this alleged side effect of the vaccine.

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  5. 2 hours ago, bobstheboy said:

    As more countries suspend use of the AZ vaccine, I thought I would read what the scientists from Oxfotd are saying about the risk of blood clots and numbers reported per 100000 vaccinated. I don't intend repeating facts and figures, suffice to say percentages are very similar to what would be expected in normal times, in people unvaccinated.


    I understand the need for caution but it seems there is overreaction from our Euro cousins, I wonder why ? They have been trashing the AZ vaccine for no good reason for weeks.


    More for us if they don't want it.

    One has to wonder if there have been any blood clots reported after the Pfizer vaccine. If not a single person has had one post-vaccine they've clearly found a cure for clotting as well as preventing covid.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

    We've just had a heavy hail storm here. A miserable day which reflects my mood this week 



    Many of us have had days/weeks like that, Sarah - poor old you; it's horrid. About all I can say is that there is light at the end of the tunnel now. Sorry, can't remember if you've had your jab yet (you don't look old enough to have had it yet, but I know you're in the group that are being done in some areas).


    I would ask if you are doing anything exciting at the weekend, but under the current lockdown rules that might be unhelpful.:classic_wacko:



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  7. 48 minutes ago, Angel57 said:

    Great news that the RAF have vaccinated you both.  That is certainly more unusual and I’m sure the experience is a talking point for you both......

    Gill x

    I wonder if we can request a fireman or two for the next one?🤣

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  8. 59 minutes ago, lincslady said:

    Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


    My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



    I am absolutely delighted for you, lincslady - you've waited long enough.


    Wonderful news.😃

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  9. 1 minute ago, wowzz said:

    Hopefully P&O will insist that everyone has to  be vaccinated, as has Saga. Indeed I hope pubs, restaurants, hotels, cinemas etc also insist on vaccinations. Plus, of course airlines. 


    It seems almost inevitable that some sort of vaccination passport, probably under another name, will be introduced, probably by the government. Whether we will all need a 'passport' simply to go into Tesco or a pub, or it will be reserved for overseas travel, is a long way above my pay scale.


    Without going into old arguments, the rush for the vaccination centres will be a wonder to behold.:classic_blink:

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  10. Just now, jeanlyon said:

    Oh yes. He's magic at toasted sarnies but thats about it!

    Good luck, then, but perhaps better than hospital food?


    Like most men of his generation, my father (born in 1910) could't cook. My mother once had to go into hospital for a week when I was a small child and one of my earliest memories is of having cornflakes, occasionally interspersed with Shredded Wheat for a bit of variety, three times a day for seven long weary days. I haven't touched either since. A toasted sarnie would have seemed a luxury.

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  11. Just now, lincslady said:

    Hello folks  -  just had the phone call from the housebound vaccination team; they are coming tomorrow!!


    I feel sure that the MP's intervention made the difference.


    l will come back after the event, possibly after any side-effects have worn off.  Hope there won't be serious ones, as I do have to care for my husband, and am inclined to allergies.


    Thank you all for your interest.

    Hooray! I am delighted for you and well done on your tenacity. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

    Although these things do receive a lot of media attention, quite often they are only a tiny fraction of the total numbers that are receiving their jabs in a timely manner.........just saying.

    When my daughter, and others on here in group 6, were waiting for their vaccinations whilst seeing people at lower risk in other areas getting theirs, I saw and heard nothing whatsoever in the media.


    I haven't counted, but would guess there were about half a dozen people just on this cruise forum who were in the position of not having their jabs in a timely manner. Just saying.



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  13. 1 hour ago, Beckett said:

    I'll  need it Annie! Their mum and dad are delighted they're going to have a week to themselves! J.x

    I bet they are! I had (have!) 3 daughters and am still trying to erase the memory of them at 12 and (especially) 15.:classic_blink:

    • Haha 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Eddie99 said:

    Dull and a bit misty so far, but we are promised sun and perhaps 12° this afternoon.  No plans, which is pretty much the usual, but we’ll just enjoy getting out without needing to bundle up against rain or extreme cold.


    It feels like the general trend is onwards and upwards, tho’ there’s many a potential slip on the way, the first of which is the schools reopening on Monday.  I do hope it goes well for all concerned

    I know I am feeling more confident of my own welfare, four weeks along from my first jab.  I went to Waitrose and Cook yesterday, which must have been my first time in a shop for ... 3 months or so.  I said to the girl in Cook that I feel like a daffodil - been in the cold and dark all winter but now I’ve sprung back and am stretching my face to the sun 😊


    Oh - my Premium Bonds have yielded £125 this month.  Whoop, Whoop 🎊 


    Enjoy your day everyone

    Well done, but may I have half please? Nothing, nil, not a bean did I win.:classic_sad:


    Congratulations, though (through gritted teeth)😄

  15. 21 minutes ago, Beckett said:

    I was due to sail on QE in June - a 7 day British Isles - and I was already pretty sure I wasn't going but was waiting for them to cancel. Then, at the weekend, my 2 grandaughters said they would love to come with. So, long story short, I've changed it for a July 7 day on Queen Victoria in July to the Fjords when they will have have broken up from school. The point of all this preamble is to tell you I've booked a deluxe inside which is substantially bigger than a standard inside and the same size as a standard balcony. The cost difference was immense should I have opted for a balcony. So pity me with a 15 and 12 year old inside but I'll let you all know what it was like (if it sails). Have a good day everyone. Jane.x

    What a hero you are, Jane. Good luck!:classic_blink:

  16. 2 hours ago, Ardennais said:

    I was going to post something similar having understood now that the single supplement in a double cabin is basically paying the price that a couple would pay., which seems fair to me. Why don’t they have more single cabins I wonder?

    I guess because they single cabins take up more than half the space of a double but are unlikely to generate as much on board revenue? 

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