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Posts posted by Rocknsoul

  1. I'm very interested to see how much it has changed in the last 12 years. On our first cruise 12 years ago, I was really disappointed at the choices we had made for our day in Nassau, and with only a few hours left before boarding, was really longing to swim in the ocean; so we went to a beach. DH wanted to do something different, so he left me there (something he wholeheartedly regrets--he's learned a lot since then:p). When the time came for me to get back to the ship, I realized he had taken the bag with my clothes in it with him. I also had very little cash. Oops!


    So, I walked from the beach at Atlantis to the water taxi and then from the taxi to the ship, in my swimsuit with the towel wrapped around my waist, ALONE. Aside from a few smiles and stares (no street harassment!), I wasn't bothered at all. A few cab drivers asked if I wanted a ride, but they weren't pushy or aggressive in any way.


    Looking back, was that the smartest way to go? No. Does DH feel like a heel every time he thinks of that day? You betcha! (Poor guy, he will never live that down, especially since we were celebrating our 10th anniversary). Would I ever do that again? Uh, no. But I was raised in a really, really big city as a latchkey kid, so it didn't occur to me to be afraid.


    So has Nassau changed so much in the past 12 years? I'll find out in about 6 weeks!:)

  2. I am going on the 7 night western Caribbean cruise on this ship from New Orleans in November. This will be our first RCI cruise and only our second cruise ever. I (41) will be traveling with my wife (44), our children (15 y/o girl and 13 y/o boy), and my mother (68).


    Our ports are Falmouth, Jamaica, George Town, Grand Caymans, and Cozumel. We are scheduled to be at each port for about 8 hours. This will be the first time any of us have been to any of these destinations.


    I would be grateful if anyone can give me any information about this ship or any of the ports. I'm particularly interested in information about safety at these destinations. Jamaica and Cozumel both seem to have somewhat dubious reputations. When we travel we usually like to explore by foot but I'm a bit nervous about doing that in these places.


    I would also appreciate recommendations of shore excursions. The RCI website has what i consider minimal information about them. The girls definitely want to hang out at the beach. My son and I prefer more active excursions, but nothing involving snorkeling or diving. I'm terrified of fish!


    All information is welcome. Thank you in advance for your help.


    You all will love this cruise! When we were in Falmouth, we did venture outside the gates after going to Red Stripe beach. We purchased our ride to the beach right there in the port kiosk. I felt like it was a little pricey just for a ride to the beach, but the beach was beautiful & there was a great scenic walk you can take.


    Afterward, we had heard the jerk chicken was legendary at a place in town, outside the port, so we went. A police officer actually walked us there and back! I wasn't nervous, but I'm from a big city that makes Memphis feel like Disneyland.:p I was grateful for the escort, and the chicken really wasn't all that. Really nothing to see beyond the gates, I wish it were different.


    Grand Cayman has been covered pretty well, we've been to 7 mile beach (ok) and rode jetskis to Stingray City (phenomenal). It is a lovely place, I'd love to buy a condo there someday.


    Cozumel is like a second home, we've been there so many times. If you're afraid of fish, I would recommend Paradise Beach. Fun things to do like kayaks, paddle boards, and water toys, included in a wristband price of about $14. Not many fish at all. Good food! Our kids (teens and grade school) loved it there. The Money Bar is another favorite, there are hammocks you can lie in while those who like to snorkel do their thing. :D


    Have a great cruise! I'd love to hear what you did when you get back!



    We're every bit suburban, safety freaks, and kid focused. If you're like me and live in a neighborhood where you get a citation if your grass hasn't been cut in 2 weeks, the police know you by name, and you really don't know where the key is to your house, then yes, Jamaica is different. I compare it more to going out in Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, or any other city known for crime. Yes, things happen. Yes, I've heard of very bad things, but THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people vacation here daily with no big issues, don't let it keep you on the ship.



    ***Shout out to my Memphis peeps! We'll all have to get together soon and have lunch and share tips and ideas if you're game! Don't forget to watch me on the news tonight at ten! ;-)


    Hey G'town! Loved your description, so true! Kevin & I love meeting other local cruisers. Name the time and the place & we'll be there!


    P.S. Which channel?

  4. Hey! How's everyone's week?


    I cannot see how we are supposed to stay away from nuts... They have helped me on some 'right NOW' moments!!

    Oh you know what I mean..!

    Ok! You be good and stay with it!!


    Hey Jean! :)


    I don't think staying away from nuts is necessary or good, unless someone is counting calories OR has the kind of nut habit that eats a whole can at once. :D I had a bit of a very mild reaction to some peanuts on a Southwest flight last week, I so hope I'm not developing a nut allergy on top of all the other allergies that have found me in the last 2 years! :eek:


    I'm pretty happy with my eating habits, if still not with my size. My doctor and I talked about it, we're both super happy with my blood counts, including my low triglycerides, so that's what I'm focusing on. My running buddy said that as soon as she got through menopause her weight went back to normal, so I'm counting on that. Part of me is sad that it's happening so early, part of me can't wait to get it over with. I still fit in most of my 10's (though they're a little snug), so as long as I don't get any bigger I'll be ok. My height gives me about 20 pounds per size--that's a lot of wiggle room!!


    I'm finding that my usual treats don't tempt me right now, and the thought of eating Halloween candy--even the chocolate ones--makes me sick.


    We had a bit of a cool snap this weekend & early this week, so I did chicken soup and butternut squash soup. Tonight is spaghetti, and I have a plump spaghetti squash ready to go in the kitchen. It's supposed to get back to the 80's by tomorrow, but the nights are cooler. AWESOME.


    ladybugcruiser ~ I'm going to look up that book. Any additional info is a good thing in my life! More and more, the studies are showing that increasing the fat % is the way to go, that too much protein winds up being metabolized by the body in the same way as carbs.


    cerabella ~ lol, I haven't tried the eggplant pizza yet. Too busy traveling, recovering from traveling, and getting ready to travel! It won't be long, though!

  5. Jean ~ I love nuts, but I'm not super disciplined about having them on hand when I want them.


    I like pistachios, almonds, and shelled sunflower seeds (I know those aren't nuts, but they're snacky like that). I used to love macadamia nuts, but ate too many years ago & got sick of them. Never liked walnuts. I love peanut butter in a celery stalk!


    Looking forward to carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds...commercially packaged pumpkin seeds just don't compare and I can't abide them. :eek:


    How about you?

  6. One of the perks of getting one out of the house is focusing more on me.:D I take her Wednesday so the count down is definitely on.


    How I wish I could feel this way!! Mine is leaving Tuesday & I feel like I'm scrambling to hold on to every day because she's been so busy this summer. She's ready to go, except every now & then she thinks how much she'll miss it here. She'll miss the dogs the most!


    The crazy part is she'll only be half an hour away!!:p I'm such a mess!!:o

  7. Found a new recipe from USAT (I'm going to sub pork rinds for the bread crumbs, and I may just use a whole egg instead of whites):


    Eggplant Pizzas



    2 large eggplants, cut into slices

    Panko bread crumbs

    2 egg whites, slightly scrambled

    Marinara sauce

    Fresh Mozzarella cheese

    Fresh Basil, chopped

    Pepper and garlic spice



    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


    Arrange ingredients: plate of sliced eggplant to far right, then shallow bowl of egg whites and shallow bowl of bread crumbs.


    Take one eggplant and place into bowl of egg whites for a second until slightly coated (just one side). Press into bread crumbs and place onto nonstick cooking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray. Continue doing this until all eggplant slices are coated.


    Bake for 20-25 minutes or until breadcrumbs are slightly toasted or eggplant is soft.


    Remove pans and spread a spoonful of sauce on each eggplant and top with a pinch of fresh basil (as much as you want) and then a few pieces of mozzarella (I just broke the cheese into pieces instead of one thick slice on top). Season with your choice of seasonings, such as fresh cracked pepper and garlic powder.


    Bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until cheese is melted.

  8. We've had great cruises on both, and each does some things very well while others could be improved.


    In my experience, on the whole, RCI has prettier ships. Whether the amenities are better to you really depends on what you like to do on the ship. Other than that, your experience could depend a lot on the ship itself & the crew it has on your sailing. Some of our RCI food, service, etc. has been great, some not so much -- the same with our Carnival cruises.


    While I can definitely understand loyalty to a brand, we don't mind trying new things. We took our first Carnival cruise with some trepidation, because all we had heard was how bad Carnival was (mostly from some folks on our RCI cruises:p), but we couldn't pass up the price & the convenience of driving to the port. Although it was one of the oldest & smallest ships in the fleet & cheap as dirt, we had a blast. The ship was clean, the food good, the beds comfortable, and the crew was phenomenal. We felt right at home. Because we love to cruise out of NOLA, we were excited to see NOS there & thrilled when they had a screaming deal. DH loved that ship more than all the others & now prefers RCI, but when the Sunshine had a great deal, we booked it & went & had a fantastic time. DH loved Guy's burgers. We both loved anytime dining.


    If the cost matters to you, like it does to us, it can't hurt to try. If you love it, you've got more options for your future cruises; if you don't, you never have to take a Carnival cruise again. What have you got to lose? :)

  9. This review is so fun! I've followed a chain from Stef's to Windjamming's (really loved them both, BTW!) to this one...I think I may have to read Ayasha's while this is being updated! Seriously, I've been reading all day.:o

    I just wanted to learn a little about the Serenade to prepare for our cruise in December, and now I feel like I've been to the Med.:) Thank you all for the great mini-vacation today!!

    [quote name='NS Girl']Oops can't edit posts from the mobile. It was supposed to say the rain stopped for a bit after the tour. Now that makes a lot more sense.[/QUOTE]

    I'm sorry, when you posted this I laughed my head off. I wondered if your "suffer" was a sophisticated term I just wasn't up on!

    [quote name='kirian']Denise #2 (Aka EmpressofPurple) - Oh my! I can't believe I didn't catch that major mispell.... wait, yes I can, I am the world's WORST proofreader (especially of my own writing):eek: That one, I must say though, was pretty funny....Water Bottom....hahahahaha!!!! :D[/QUOTE]

    This one too! Hilarious!

    Subscribing...can't miss out on the rest of this one. Please tell CM she looks lovely & that I would absolutely adore taking this cruise with my Mom, but she won't leave my Dad alone to go with me. :( Guess I'll have to take my own daughter next year. :)
  10. You mirror my sentiments exactly...perhaps it is because I am in my early 50's...I can look around @ most of my relatives & see they struggle w/ weight...unlike your parents on weight watchers (though it would take much more than loose clothes to get me to eat a doughnut - yuck!!):p


    I had a trip to an oral surgeon recently & he mentioned how great my blood pressure was & I seemed to be fit & whatever I was doing, keep it up...but one question on the form was -' have you gained or lost 10 lbs in the last year' & for the first time in a long time...I had to check yes...(as in gained...) Booo!:(


    LOL on the doughnut--yeah, the only one that really tempts me is the lemon-filled. That and a bavarian cream. But thinking about eating a whole one (or both) makes me queasy.


    I will say that there are days I really wish I could eat as many potatoes, pasta, rice, cake...as I wanted. Oh well. I figure when I'm 80 I'll go there. Maybe 85. :p


    It's good to know I'm not alone! Honestly, many of my friends think I'm a little nuts--they admire my commitment to fitness but have no idea the work it takes for me to stay in shape. Almost my entire family on my Dad's side struggles mightily with obesity. Type 1 Diabetes is rampant on that side. I know that if it weren't for discovering Atkins, I would, without exaggeration, weigh 300 pounds without blinking. So in the midst of my whining about everything happening right now, I do realize it could be a lot worse. I'm just a hair over a normal BMI & although my body fat % is high for me, I know a lot of women would be happy to trade mine for theirs in a second.


    Just being an athlete my whole life, I'm not ready to give it up yet. I want to be the best I can be & avoid injury in the meantime. I also refuse to take hormones, I have a major family history of breast cancer & I'm already having to have biopsies done myself.


    I appreciate all the thoughts, guys. I'll keep you posted on any adjustments & anything that might work.

  11. Thanks for the responses. I've tried many things, believe me. Part of what made the weight come on initially was taking steroids for my asthma. I expected it to come off when I stopped taking them, which led me to the other tests when it didn't. I'm a voracious researcher & will read anything I can get my hands on about what to do. I won't give up, even though sometimes I get frustrated enough to want to.


    How many calories are you consuming? How many carbs? have you list any inches while gaining weight? Are you eating lots of veggies like you should be? The contents and make up of what you eat can have a massive impact on how you lose or don't lose. I found years ago I had to eat 40 carbs and 1800 calories a day (with no exercise) or I would slow down on the loss drastically. Under eating is every bit as bad as over eating.


    In order: the same as I always have, between 1800-2200, which admittedly may not be enough on some days--but I'm definitely satiated & wonder how I could add food without busting a gut; between 20-50 per day, depending on what I eat; no; yes.


    I researched undereating about a year ago. I still have the odd day that I get too busy & forget to eat & suddenly I'm shaky and irritable. I'm really trying to not do that.


    So did any of your weight loss occur during perimenopause? Did you find that you had to do anything differently?


    Rocknsoul- I've been reading a lot about chronic cardio and how it can make you hold on to fat. I've taken my exercise to walking (a lot) and ten minutes on the rower three times a week- period. I was stuck in the mid 180's for six weeks. I mean stuuuuuuuck. I finally gave up the fight, stopped trying to get my carbs into super low levels (I was in ketosis the whole time) and added in sweet potatoes and fruits. Ten pounds flew off in a week. Seriously, try getting the Paleo Coach on Amazon. I've changed my whole way of thinking.


    I do eat sweet potatoes & berries, though not everyday. I hear you about the cardio, I've read the same thing--but there's no other way to train for races than to train for them.:p That's why I'm thinking I need to add more weight lifting. I don't want to stop racing, I really enjoy it.


    As far as the Paleo Coach, about a year & a half ago I read a book by a highly successful coach who follows Paleo, but for distance athletes he recommended carb-loading for races. That was a disaster for me & even before I began taking steroids, I had already gained weight following his advice. I'm finding that racing in ketosis is the best way for me to keep up my stamina. Coming out of ketosis for a race makes me bonk. I'll look into the book you suggested, see if I can find it at a library & see if it says something different. The Art and Science of Low-Carb Living and Performance books have really helped me as far as my races go. They consider 50 grams low enough for an athlete.

  12. Are there any l/c peeps still out there? I have a cruise planned in 30 days & am kinda disappointed I have become so complacent w/ my WOE...I had a few hiccups & it's just hard to reel myself in...but I have been exercising more the past week or so & really watching what I eat... I just don't seem to bounce back like I did when I was a young chick...hmmm...:rolleyes:


    Well, here's to hoping everyone is having a great healthy fun summer!


    Still here & never left the bandwagon, but still watching my weight creep up. I run, bike, swim, even throw P90X in there...Got my thyroid checked & it's fine. Triglyceride count is about as low as it can be; BP great, cholesterol superior. Blood sugar has gone up--duh.


    I can't lower my carbs any more than they already are. I've added fat to no avail. Strips showing ketosis, but no weight coming off. In doing research, it looks like the only explanation is the change coming on...I can't tell for sure because of prior surgeries, but the symptoms are all there. I just figured I had a few more years! So, I'm finding that thermogenic supplementation seems to be the only path--or adding another hour of workouts per day! School starts in 1.5 weeks, so I'll have a little extra time during the day & we'll all be waking up at 5:30 again. It's hard to be motivated to wake up at 5 when the rest of the house is sleeping. I work from home so it's all about discipline right now.


    Our cruise isn't until December, but I have a conference in Singapore the last week of August. I'd really hate to not be able to wear cool clothing with confidence in that hot weather. Although I don't know how much hotter it could be than August in Memphis, right???


    Seago2: 70 pounds, wow!!! How awesome is that! You should submit your story to the Atkins website.


    I have to keep reminding myself that I'm thin where it counts...on the inside. :o I feel like all the work I'm doing is just keeping me from becoming obese. I sure would love to be my best weight, but most of my clothes fit. My knees would appreciate 10 or 20 pounds lighter, and my speed would increase too. The most frustrating part is that my elderly parents have been losing a bunch on weight watchers & they're pretty sedentary. So happy for them, but grrrr. I have to sit every Sunday morning & watch them eat doughnuts with my kids while they show off how loose their clothes are getting.:(

  13. Hi everyone, just checking in. The weight is crawling off, bit by tiny bit. I hit the 180's, which is a miracle. I was 236 when I got off the Carnival Glory after 12 days of stuffing myself last July. When I started Atkins/low carb high fat I was 208 and that was Easter Sunday! So even though it's coming off muuuuuch slower than it would if I was younger than my 51 years, the trajectory is downward and I'll take it!


    20 pounds since Easter Sunday is slow? When I first started Atkins I was 30 years old--my how the years have flown--and I lost 28 pounds in about 3 months.


    That weight is flying off your body! Fantastic!:)

  14. SO a quick update:


    My knee has healed completely without needing a doctor's intervention. YAY!


    We figured out the reason I hurt my knee (the purpose of it, not how :p) is that it turned out I needed a different procedure done in May--had I not gotten the additional insurance for the knee, I would have paid about $2500 for the procedure out-of-pocket. So my "why God? why now?" was answered.


    I finished my first triathlon of the season almost 2 weeks ago, a sprint. It was 51 degrees and raining at the start, water 68 degrees. 51 degrees is very rare here in May. Thankfully, the cold air made the water feel warm.


    It went pretty well for being so behind in training, but I learned a big lesson the hard way regarding ketogenic athletics. When racing using ketones rather than carbs for fuel, it's really important to keep electrolyte levels up. My brain was still asleep that morning & I drank coffee instead of my usual bullion. I suffered for it in the run portion and completely cramped up in both legs, and had to walk the first 1.5 miles. I was so mad at myself--until a young woman of 27 caught me and, in laughing about something on the course, I found out it was her first triathlon and decided to run her in. Since my run time was shot, I slowed my pace so she could keep running to the end. I was really inspired by her and her effort! She said she had a lot of weight to lose, and I told her if she keeps it up it will be no problem--by the time she's my age she'll be winning!


    I somehow managed to come in 10th in my age group, but a lot of racers were scared off by the rain. It turned out to be very nice to race in the chill, except for the cramps and the MUD. I went back to my hotel room afterward to shower & the little bullion cube was sitting on the bed waiting for me. :p Never again will I forget that little cube!!


    We did a 27-mile hilly bike ride on Monday, and our next scheduled tri is July 12th.


    I still haven't lost any weight since being off the steroids, but I have lost 2% body fat and the Singulair seems to be working very well. The kids are out of school, my oldest graduated high school & will attend college on full scholarship, summer is here, and life is good!


    We're booked for a cruise in December. We went thrift-store shopping yesterday & I found a very flattering black velvet dress in a 10 that fit very well. That was encouraging, since I haven't wanted to buy any clothes until I can fit into the ones I have. The cruise gave me an excuse to buy it.


    That's my book for the month! :o How's everyone else doing?

  15. I am starting atkins today. I am large and in my 60s. I need this to work.


    Welcome! There are plenty of long-timers here who have had great success with Atkins to cheer you on.


    Have you ever done Atkins before? Do you have the book? I've found that following Dr. Atkins' advice to the letter has given me the best results, especially when I had to lose after my last two kids were born.


    Keep us posted & definitely keep coming back!

  16. Just want to pop in and say I've had a really successful week "back on board." I've lost more in the last week than I did going vegan for Lent! I know it's all water, etc etc etc but is it? And who cares! My work week has opened wide to include four size 14 suits I couldn't fit into before. Bye byyyye 16s.


    This is the hundredth (millionth?) time I've gone on Atkins, but I want to say that the last time I did it, two years ago, I lost thirty pounds. I stayed in Atkins for about two months and then transitioned to Paleo, the main difference being dropping the cheese and adding occasional sweet potatoes or fruit. I was still low carb but not Atkins level low carb.


    Then I went on a cruise and it all went to hell :D.


    Soooo, what I did last time throughout the Atkins and Paleo, and what I'm doing this time, is eating high fat. For example, right next to me now is coffee blended with cream and coconut oil. Sausage would be better than steak, etc. I've read Gary Taubes and all the rest of them and whether or not fat is somehow magical for weight loss or is simply more satiating and ultimately makes me eat less, it works. It also gives me beautiful skin.


    So I can't imagine starting off on Atkins again and having boiled eggs, tuna, and steak and calling it a day. I'm buttering the steak, cooking the eggs in coconut oil or butter, and eating sausage and Brie, plus the coffee with cream and oil. It's really helping keep the appetite at bay.


    I'll reassess later if I go I to a major stall but this is good for induction and for as long as it works. I can't imagine the calories I'm eating- maybe I'll add them up today and see. Definitely only eating three times a day and the nighttime eating has involved a very small square of 80% dark chocolate and a small handful of almonds. Not good, I know, but up against the ice cream (or tofutti), cupcakes, gummi bears, etc of before it's excellent. I went through a period in January where I ate three packs of treacle toffee, ordered through a British store, per night. For weeks. Come on :mad:.


    Ok, sorry to wax on. Good luck, everybody!


    Don't apologize! This is good stuff for all of us, especially me. I am losing nothing, not even after going off the asthma steroid, and it's driving me crazy. Especially since I'm watching my Mom & Dad drop 25 lbs between the two of them doing Weight Watchers. I know that I won't lose on WW, because of the food I'll naturally gravitate toward, and I know I'll be hungry.


    I also know I need to add more green & more variety, but adding fat sounds like it may be the way to go. Even a fat fast to get things revved up.


    The other issue is that my first triathlon is the 3rd weekend in May, and I have to be in ketosis for at least 2 weeks straight to reap the benefits of ketogenic racing: more energy, better recovery. The good news is that my knee is finally healed! I'm just way behind in my training.


    Fitting into smaller clothes is such a great feeling! Way to go!

  17. chellebells ~ thanks for asking!


    I wish I could say better. :o This winter has been challenging and a little discouraging as I've watched the scale go up...


    The good news is that I'm off the steroid for asthma, we switched to a different medication, and I hope that allows some of the weight to come off--but in the meantime, my knee is a mess and I haven't been able to run. I've also developed an allergy to the pool chemicals and it's been too cold to get on the bike.


    Don't I sound like a Debbie Downer? Waa, waaa, waaaaaa...:p


    Really, though, I have to heal up quickly, my first tri is in the third week of May, and not only does it look like I'll be heavier than last year, I'll also be less prepared for it.:mad:


    BUT...I'm off to Pilates this morning & I'm taking it one day at a time. The good news about my knee is that it's gotten my DH to walk with me, and that's good for him and me. The weather looks like it will stay in the 50's & 60's this week which is warm enough to bike, and I have a Neti pot and nose plugs to keep me out of too much trouble in the pool.


    Hopefully overcoming these challenges will make crossing the finish line that much sweeter this year. Probably way more than you wanted to know, but, like I said, Thanks for asking!:)

  18. In fact feel so much better when doing low carb! Have also been doing Insanity workout with low carb and have managed to lose from 157 to 135 by doing this.! Am at goal weight and have transformed my body shape. Less body fat/ more muscle. I don't lose any other way. Tried the 5 meal nutritional plan when I first started this workout in Sept 2011. Never lost a single pound. Also Sweden is now recommending this WOE officially as the best for overall health! Several others are writing books related to - Grain Brain. The tide is turning! Good luck everyone!


    I had a great time doing Insanity, and I definitely got stronger over the course of doing it, but my body didn't change. My brother has really great results with P90X, so I'll be starting that soon--I just got back to my early morning runs & swims this week after the break, so I'm giving myself some time to adjust before jumping in. I think Monday I'll be ready.


    Those books changed my life & I can't tell you how grateful I am you suggested them! They were just the inspiration I needed to continue to eat the way that's best for me for the rest of my life. :)

  19. Do I play hockey???? HA! I wish! No just big fan but not as much as I used to be. Had half season Stars tickets for years but let them go back about 3-4 seasons ago. My younger daughter played briefly with a rec group to help her soccer skills. I never could skate that well cause of weak ankles but sure wish I could have.


    Thing with ketones is you have to watch out for the kidneys. Ketones r produced from protein metabolism and that stresses the kidneys. Lots and lots of water. I was a dialysis nurse many moons ago and won't ever take my kidneys for granted ever again.


    Ice skating--ha! I was so excited to ice skate on Navigator OTS & was having a merry old time until I tripped on the toe pick & fell flat on my face!:D I was scraped up & bruised but of course the biggest bruise was my ego.:p I made myself get up & keep skating!


    From everything I have read, you are absolutely correct: too much protein definitely stresses the kidneys. The books I mentioned go into that & stress that instead of replacing all the carbs with protein, a large percentage should be replaced with fat. Their studies indicate that it's the protein, not the ketones, that stress the kidneys. I'd love to get your thoughts on their research. In all your spare time. ;)


    I'm being spoiled by my hubby right now. He just scrambled eggs with sausage, tomato, cilantro and cheese---YUM!

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