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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Sandi, I went with the moving van. Cost is about the same. With the pods you have to store things for 10 days minimum and I didn't need that much time. Turns out I will be able to move right in the day after I load up. Things are falling into place.
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is supposed to be cool and overcast today, but that's ok as long as it isn't raining. I went and got more small boxes yesterday as well as a new coffee pot. The old one developed a leak. I also made arrangements for pick up of some bulky items today and got those to the curb. Scavengers reduced the load a bit. All the utilities for both houses have been contacted and we will have lights and water in the new house when we move in. Today's agenda is more of the same. We are definitely in soup and stew season. Soup is wonderful on a blustery autumn or winter day. Today's soup is full of goodness. Arborio rice is a variety of short-grain rice used primarily in the classical preparation of risotto. Named after the area in Italy where it was originally cultivated, today the rice is also grown in the U.S. in states such as California and Texas. Arborio rice is short, fat, and slightly oval-shaped with a pearly white exterior. There are various size designations, of which super fino—the largest grain size—is the one most commonly used in the United States. Arborio rice is high in amylopectin, a starch present in rice. Because it undergoes less milling than ordinary long-grain rice, arborio retains more of its natural starch content. Cooking the rice releases this starch, resulting in a firmer, chewier, and creamier rice compared to other kinds of rice. Arborio rice is a little less than double the cost of regular long-grain white rice. https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-is-arborio-rice-995971 Our first recipe comes from Taste of Home and is full of good vegetables and protein. Rice and beans together make a complete protein, so no need to add meat to the dish. It is a little carb heavy for those watching the carbs. The good news is the beans really aren't all that bad because of the fiber content. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/arborio-rice-and-white-bean-soup/ The next one uses different ingredients, but I'm sure it is equally tasty and satisfying. https://www.vegetariantimes.com/recipes/white-bean-and-arborio-rice-soup/ And this one has a tomato broth. https://dirtygourmet.com/2010/03/29/arborio-rice-and-white-bean-vegetable-soup/ Last, but not least, I want to wish Graham @grapau27 a very happy birthday! Enjoy dinner with your Sarah. Wishing you all a very good day.
  3. And they will be my adopted team. Sigh..... @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm sorry to hear about the bump in the road. Hopefully the fever will clear quickly and the transfer can take place. @smitty34877 Prayers that it is something minor and easily treatable. @Seasick Sailor That does seem like an obsessive amount of running around. Have you asked about consolidating some of that into one location?
  4. Good morning, everyone. My dad absolutely loved mincemeat. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas I made him a mincemeat pie, but not with just any mincemeat. It had to be Cross and Blackwell with Rum and Brandy in it. I also made hot brandy sauce to go over the pie along with some whipped cream. I miss doing that. Today is more packing. I need more smaller boxes so I'll have to go to the UHaul store to get some. I think I have a good handle on it. The kitchen is almost done. The back storage room is done. The bedrooms have the big stuff packed and I only have to empty the closets into the wardrobe boxes next week. Yesterday I made arrangements for all the utilities in the new home and today I'll call about shutting off the utilities in this house. Today's meal sounds yummy. Tacos are very versatile and you can stuff a tortilla with almost anything you want. You can make regular tacos and Greek tacos and today we have Thai tacos. Most of the recipes I found used chicken, but you could use turkey or even a mild white fish. If you are watching carbs, you can find low carb tortillas in the grocery store. I use them regularly. This first recipe uses chicken and has a nice peanut sauce. https://www.cookingclassy.com/thai-chicken-tacos-with-peanut-sauce/ While the first one used flour tortillas, Geoffrey Zakarian from The Food Network uses corn tortillas. I'm thinking they are interchangeable and if you prefer the flour ones, go for it. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/geoffrey-zakarian/thai-style-tacos-8132835 This next recipe uses a pineapple cucumber slaw instead of the regular cabbage one. I think the pineapple slaw pairs well with the peanut sauce (my whole reason for liking these). https://carlsbadcravings.com/thai-chicken-tacos/ This next one goes way off in a different direction. Instead of chicken, it uses ground pork or beef and has a red curry sauce. Remember that curry doesn't have to be hot spicy. https://hot-thai-kitchen.com/thai-taco/ And here's one to satisfy the vegans/vegetarians in the family. https://www.jaroflemons.com/vegan-spicy-thai-tofu-tacos/ Wishing you all a wonderful day! Off to packing!
  5. The notary public they sent out wondered the same thing. She said they do it all the time and couldn't understand what the problem is now. Well, Sue has the wiring instructions and will take them to the bank tomorrow and ask them to wire the money then. All is well. It will work out. Wonderful on both fronts. Keep the good news flowing! I'm sure you are overjoyed.
  6. Closing on my Ohio home is this Friday, October 28th. Closing on the Michigan home is Monday, October 31. My sister has already closed on her house and has the money in hand. The title company refused to wire it to the title company handling the Midland home. I'm so glad you got some encouraging news. Having the feeling back in his legs is a big step forward. Let's pray that forward progress continues at a rapid pace. @Cruzin Terri Hooray for the good news about your hands and inflammation! That must make you breathe easier. What is wrong with the insurance company? I would have my nephew the lawyer write them a letter if it happened to me.
  7. It may be that what isn't packed goes to the curb. I've got the most important stuff and I'm waiting to pack clothing as I may need it. Also, my bedding. The other two beds are stripped and the bedding is packed. Really, what isn't packed is stuff I am still using. @grapau27 Wishing the best outcomes for you tomorrow. We finally got the final figures on the house and all is good. Now, we just have to make arrangements to have money wired to the title agency and we are new homeowners. It is down to the final finish.
  8. Thank you. So far we are all systems go! You are most welcome! Doing the meals is a welcome break from packing.
  9. Good morning, everyone! It is another glorious day here in northeast Ohio. It will be great for doing my laps this morning. I have a hair appointment, thankfully, at 11:00 and the rest of the day will be dedicated to packing. Where did all this stuff come from? I have been throwing things out like mad, but what is left seems to be multiplying. @seagarsmoker Happy 16th anniversary! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you again for letting us know how you are doing. As Jacqui said, don't worry about us, just take care of yourself. You are going through a stressful time and whether we hear from you or not, we are keeping you close to our hearts. But do feel free to lean on us. That is what we are here for. Chicken stuffed cubanelle peppers sound good to me! I think they'd make a fine dinner. Found mainly in Puerto Rican, Cuban and Dominican cuisine, the Cubanelle pepper, also called Cuban pepper, is a sweet, mild capsicum that's great for making sauces, adding to pizza, stuffing, and eating raw. Commonly found in supermarkets, these six-inch peppers are worth getting to know, as they're a delicious, vibrant, and inexpensive way to add flavors to all kinds of dishes. Cubanelle peppers are six to eight inches in size, with a slight curling at the end of the tail. They're typically sold when bright green, but mature peppers come in shades of yellow, orange, and red as well. They grow in late July to September, depending the growing region. Most are imported to the United States from the Dominican Republic. With origins in South and Central America, the hearty Cubanelle pepper is a traditional ingredient in sofrito, a tomato, pepper, and garlic base used in all sorts of recipes. Cubanelles are also popular in Italian food, a direct consequence of Spanish and Portuguese explorers bringing it further into Europe. In Sicily, Cubanelle peppers are stuffed with pine nuts, bread and seasonings, and baked. Another popular dish is the classic Italian sausage sandwich, topped with sauteed Cubanelle peppers. Cubanelle peppers have a mellow honey-mixed-with-pepper flavor with a low heat. They're not spicy, but they're not quiet as mild as regular sweet peppers. The flesh of the Cubanelle is thinner than a bell pepper or poblano and is more similar to an Anaheim. Raw Cubanelle pepper has a pleasing snap and tender texture, due to its lower water content. If ground chicken isn't your thing, there are many different stuffings for any type of pepper you choose. Here are some ideas: https://www.thespruceeats.com/best-stuffed-pepper-recipes-4175596 This first recipe is a very easy and quick one. I think I would want some cheese on this one. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/chicken-stuffed-cubanelle-peppers/ This one looks quite nice. Spoon some of that nice tomato sauce on top of the pepper and enjoy! https://tiaclara.com/stuffed-cubanelle-peppers-recipe/ This one is nice and cheesy. You can substitute bell peppers, poblano peppers, or mild banana peppers for the cubanelle pepper if you wish. https://30seconds.com/food/tip/25472/Easy-Stuffed-Peppers-Recipe-The-Best-Cheesy-Chicken-Stuffed-Cubanelle-Peppers Here's to adventuresome eating! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  10. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the updates. It sounds like there is a long road to go down, but hopefully it will have a good outcome. Hugs and warm thoughts across the miles.
  11. Gotta love it. Did you ever get your own drink coupons? According to the website 3,4, and 5 star Mariners are supposed to get them. I didn't get one which is ok. I did get tiles though. My steward gave me four of them.
  12. It used to be 3 star and above, but according to the HAL website, it is now 4 star and above. I didn't get invited to any reception on the Nieuw Statendam.
  13. Thanks, Sandi. I have made a honey mustard salmon before and a salmon dish that calls for spinach, blistered tomatoes, and heavy cream. Mmmmm. The work will all be worth it when the move is completed. I can take my time unpacking. Thank you so much! I just hope a cat doesn't jump out of one of these boxes. That would mean I stole it from someone! @Seasick Sailor
  14. Good morning, everyone. Another busy day in store for me. I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned today. That will give me time to get established with a new dentist up in Midland. And then I continue packing. I think that will never end. @Quartzsite Cruiser Hoping all goes well today and that your DH has a rapid recovery this time. Dijon Chicken is an easy and versatile dish to make. You can play with the seasonings, substituting tarragon for the thyme, and substituting different types of mustards. Grainy dijon works as well as the creamy smooth dijon. This is a great dish for weekday meals that you need to get done quickly. It is also low carb for those of us watching carbs. It would go well over riced cauliflower or mashed cauliflower. https://www.spendwithpennies.com/dijon-chicken-breasts/ This one pounds the chicken breasts until they are a uniform thickness. This helps achieve a uniform doneness when cooking. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/dijon_chicken/ This one uses chicken thighs and includes spinach, bacon, and parmesan. That is a nice twist on the recipe! https://cafedelites.com/creamy-dijon-chicken/ This next one is a sheet pan version and uses some maple syrup in the recipe. The chicken is roasted with vegetables making it a wonderfully healthy meal. And decadent as well. https://cafedelites.com/creamy-dijon-chicken/ This last one is quite different as it coats the chicken in a parmesan/breadcrumb mixture and then bakes it. https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/parmesan-dijon-chicken/3688dc3f-8cdf-45a0-8650-70df55985be8 Now, a public service announcement of sorts. I have to go to Midland next weekend for the closing on the house. That means I will be without internet access on Saturday and Sunday and unable to post the Meal of the Day. Also, I will be without internet November 4th and 5th. Those are the days I am moving and will be too busy to post anyways. Tina is going on a much deserved cruise as is Jacqui, so the Meal of the Day will be on hiatus those four days. I'm sure we'll survive. There is always pizza. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  15. Thanks for sharing the picture, Michelle @ciabelle. It is a great shot!
  16. Good morning, everyone! It is nice to be posting from the comforts of home. I'm going to do my laps and then get packing in earnest. I think I can make a big dent in what is left to pack. The kitchen is the hardest because I am still using a lot of that stuff! I think I'll have to pare down operations there and rely more on microwave meals perhaps. I want to thank Tina @0106 for the wonderful job she did on the Meal of the Day while I was gone. It was nice to be able to kick back, relax, and disengage from the world a bit. The best part was no political ads on TV. But, that will soon be over and we'll have a respite for a bit. I think I like what is done in other places where campaigning is restricted to 6 weeks before the election. Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  17. Home safely and as much as I enjoyed the cruise, it feels good. I'm concentrating on laundry today because tomorrow starts the marathon packing.
  18. Good morning! I’m sitting at the FLL airport waiting for my flight. Disembarkation was a breeze. It will be good to get home, but I sure have a busy two weeks ahead! Two weeks from today we unload the moving truck into our new home.
  19. I am sorry to hear of your DH’s troubles. I know you had hopes for a quick and easy recovery. I hope they can get him on track.
  20. @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday! I know I have probably missed some and I apologize. I’ll get back on track when I get home. @StLouisCruisers my condolences on the sudden loss of your friend. @HAL Sailerwhat a wonderful visit for your DH and his sister. It was a beautiful day in Boston today. Two sea days up next.
  21. @richwmn what a mess! Carolyn thought you might have to Uber home from Ft. Lauderdale. Today was a very successful day! @Cruising-alongmanaged to get her haircut, I replenished my supply of allergy meds, we had coffee and cannoli for lunch, toured Paul Revere’s house, and bought cheesy souvenir t-shirts.
  22. Portland weather leaves a bit to be desired, especially after such a spectacular day yesterday in Saint John. My hip did not like the dampness when I was walking around. So, I stopped for lunch to rest it. When Sue and I are in Portland we usually stop in Gilbert’s Chowder House for lobster. It did not disappoint. I am now in the Crow’s Nest drinking an Irish Coffee for the medicinal value. Warming me right up after the damp cold.
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